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Canada, but we will just call it the Mushroom Kingdom.
Member Since
White Mage
Real Name
Being openly gay... does that count? o.O Oh, and becoming a Sage, at the "Nsider" its the official Nintendo site. :)
Anime Fan Since
For a while I guess.
Favorite Anime
Does mario count? If not, then just a few things here and there, but I like Sonic too.
To live life to the fullest! And to get fit, two things that will take time, but I can handle.
Video games, lots of video games, and I guess helping people out. Its fun.
Keyboard (piano), yeah, not the one you type on! And um, playing mario games. :D
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Saturday, March 19, 2005
Going out today
hey every one! ^^ I hope you are all doing great today! :) I know I am. and later today I am going out shopping, yay, it should be fun. there is something I have been trying to buy for like weeks and today I am finally going to get it. Woo hoo! XD but yeah, I admit I like shopping, or at least just haning in the mall. but what do you guys think of shopping? well peach out every one! =P
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Friday, March 18, 2005
Happy the day after ST. patricks day
lol, hello. For some reason I forgot to wish every one a happy st. patricks day, so this is a little late. :P so why not make it a day on its own? lol, silly thing I know, but hey, Happy the-day-after-st particks day! XD
but enough of my sillyness, something horrible happened to me today. >.> <.< >.> a very very old friend called me today, and I really don't like him, he is so rude and annoying. and he wanted me to come to his brithday party, >.< he lives in a small town quite a drive from where I am, and he wants me to stay there for 3 days! O_O and now I have to call him back with my answer. >.> I am so saying no. but still, I wish he would leave me alone. there are not very many people that I don't like, and hs is one of the rare few. =/
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Thursday, March 17, 2005
My day. :)
hello, today has been pretty usual. Nothing important. But its nice being back here at myotaku. ^^ I came to this site waaaay back when, when it used to be called "" and it was a little site, and had a little forum board. that was my first site I ever stayed at. but then it all changed. >.> then I came back to theotaku about a year ago, and then left again about the time PMs bacame avalible. then I came back again! XD so hopefully I stay this time right? well yeah. Just so you know, back at, in the old days. =P I went by the name Plume. and I was the 5th user to reach the rank of "no life" lol, adam sure had some funny ranks there. ^^ and that was the last one. I miss the old days, but I guess the site has changed for the good. though I kind of liked it better before. :( oh well. Its nice to be back again. :D
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Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Ever heard of Nsider?
Hey every one! ^^ now that I am back, why not talk? :) but yeah, have any of you heard of the nintendo forum boards, they are called the Nsider. its a great site, and the offcial north american site! well if you have heard of it, or if you subscribe to the nintendo power magazine, then you might know what a "sage" is. its a special rank at the site, showing that you are a upstanding member, and comunity leader. just a good example. ^^ well, I am one of those. its great being one, and in the next issue of NP that comes out, I will be in it for becoming a sage. Go me! woo. but any way, If you like nintendo I urge you to go the the Nsider its a great fun site! here is the link: Nsider
and you can just look me up there is you need a friend, I am Peach_Toadstool there. :D so yeah, I hope to see some of you there. :)
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I am back! long time no see. ^^
Hi every one here. ^^ I am back for good I hope. ^^ my best buddy Glacial Drake made me come back, so I hope a lot of my friends are still here. =D things are quite different for me if you read my intro. ;) and yes, annother gay guy here on the site. XD So I hope I get a good "welcome back" from you guys. until then, I'll talk to you later. peach out.
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Thursday, August 5, 2004
Yes, Its about my site again....
I hate talking about my site here sometimes. I bet you are all tired of hereing me babble on about my site but there is something I have to say.
Right now I am looking for some staff members. This is like the only place I can go to get people becuase I trust almost all of you! But if you do want to be a staff member you will have to swing by the site alot about once every two days. Becuase you will have to keep an eye on whats happening and you have to keep order on the boards you moderate. So would any one like to become a mod for my site? Please tell me if you do. So just have a look at my site here
And I was wondering, I heard about this "Gaia" site and I don't know the address for it. Does anyone knpw the address for the "Gaia" Site?
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Wednesday, August 4, 2004
I Am Back!!!!!
Hi guys! Sorry I haven't been here for so long! U_U I really missed you guys but I have taken a brake from MyO. But now I think I can stay for a while! ^_^ Hope there are no hard feelings from any of you guys. But any way, I have had an ok day, And my hair is brown again >_< I got my hair cut and they took off all my beutiful blond even when I said to leave some in! That really sucked. Also, every one I know has left the city for 2 weeks. what is the chance of that? well my bad luck is all i need for something like that to happen. >_< So I am here all by my self for 2 weeks. darn. But I have all you guys so I'm good! ~_^
Now about my site. I dont know how long it has been since you have seen it but I have Upgraded to V2 and have a semi-different name, Peaches Place Gaming Board, And I have over 50 members! and am now on google! YAY! Also the board is getting sorta popular! So give me a visit a here and I'll talk to you all later!
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Thursday, July 22, 2004
I Have Lots Of News!
whew! I haven't been here for a while! and what great timeing i have! They just installed the new Myotaku PM system! its sooo cool! I freaked when i saw it! ^_^
Also, Yesterday i saw my dad! i havent seen him in 3 years. I also saw my new little brother who is 1 year old and his name is charles! he is so cute! but my dad is kinda wierd right now becuase he divorced my mum when i was like 6 and he just recently leaft his girlfrind helena who is the most nicest person in the whole world! she is so thoughtful! and my dad and her have had 2 kids together! my little sisters Aaron and Beverly. so then my dad met some one else and his new girlfriend comited suicide 6 months after they got engaged! so my dad threw his wonderful life away to mary some one else and she died! now my dad is kinda "not all there" if you know what i mean. and its kinda sad really. Si i just saw him yeaterday and helena and my siblings and had a good time.
Also, My site that was upgraded to V2 is really great! have a look if you havent already! thigs are really coming along with Peaches Place!
Lastly, My real web site finally has a Guest Book! So go sign my guest book its empty!
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Peaches Place V2!
YAY! i'm upgrading my forum boards to Version 2! my board will slightly be more of a gaming board! and lost of new changes are going to be made and it will all be done by friday! ^_^ here i give you a quick glance at the new awsome banner! ^_^ what do you think?

I cant wait to get my new and improved board up and running! the boards are still going right now tho dont worry! so i'll let you all know when i'm fineshed! ^_^
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Saturday, July 17, 2004
Hi, For some strange reason I have 1 less guest book signing. wierd. I hope no one deleted there signing! I wonder who it was... Or maybe Adam Updated the Otaku and now when you sign your own GB it does not get counted. Thoes are the only reasons i can think of. Has this happened to any one else? anyway, only a couple more days of voting left on my site (look at post below) the poll locks on the 23rd. So hurry and vote on rank names!
Now, I have another problem. The website that I created a while ago now, well I need to think of something for my site to be about! all it does right now is link to my boards and blog and has an "about me" page! what else should i do?
oh and i almost forgot... Dont forget to vist my site! ^_^
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