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Bothering Beena!
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i first saw sailor moon on tv!
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Evangelion and Inu-Yasha. oh and i luv the ff series!
gain weight! oh too skinny
luv drawing, going online, and being weird!
i can twist my hands 360 degrees
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Thursday, March 24, 2005
Today is a good day!
Wow! I got a lot of things done today! Well, not really. But I got a new mallpaper up! Like it? I also submitted it to the Otaku! I got bored and started to do a wallpaper. So yea! Thats all I gotz to say for now! Peace!
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I like someone! I've failed myself!! I tried to stay neutral this year until high school. This time he's one of us!! Yea go anime freaks! Last time, the person I liked, I dont know why I like him! I still dont. Eh. I nicknamed him Waffles.... Don't ask. The dude i like now; his fave anime is Trigun. He also likes Yu-Gi-Oh!! w00t! Dunno why some ppl dont like Yu-Gi-Oh! Honestly, I mean come on!
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Monday, March 14, 2005
w00t! w00t!! I got the Neon Genesis Evangelion Theme song with the words, not just as a MIDI!!! Boo yah! ^_^ I'm Happy! Next time it'll be "Simple and Clean" by Utada Hikaru for Kingdom Hearts! (ofcourse, once I find it! X-P)
Oh yea! I'm so happy! Ppl are actually downloading my wallpaper! Maybe I'll make another one! ^_^
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too much taurine equals madness!!!!
Taurine is a substance that keeps you up all night. That is why it was a bad idea to let my friends drink it (except Sandy cuz she doesnt go insane unlike some ppl!!!) Lisa drank almost half a bottle of a 16 oz can of Full Throttle. (Its Red Bull only bigger and has more taurine!!!!) That was such a BAD BAD BAD idea!!! Now Ashley will kill me if Lisa drinks anymore so yea. Lisa was going insane!! She could've killed Ashley! Ashley was eating half a cookie and threw the wrapper on the ground. Lisa picks it up and tries to stuf it down Ashley's shirt!! Ash threw it on the floor again only this time Lisa picks it up and tries to stuff it down Ashley's throat!!!
-_-;;;; <~~~ me the whole time with a bit of this ~~~~> O_o;

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Monday, March 7, 2005
Did sumthing i haven't done in a while!!
I took quizzes! I haven't done so in such a while!!! I completely forgot 'bout them!
 You like the sweet, shy type.
What kind of guy are you most attracted to? (CUTE anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a shy maid. You do your job and so you get good tips or raise. You are kind sweet and well shy. ^_^
What kind of maid would you be???? (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
?? Which Alcoholic Drink Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
??Which colour of Death is yours?? brought to you by Quizilla
 The Goddess of Ice and Hope. You are a creative wonder. Always calm and collected, you hold the awe of many people and you are exceptionally logical. You are an inspirational beauty.
Which gorgeous goddess are you? For girls! (breath taking pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
 Raver Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Give me a hug!!!!
 congratulations. you are the kiss my ass happy bunny. You don't care about anyone or anything. You must be so proud
which happy bunny are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are GOTHIC! Sometimes you might feel like you just want to escape! sometimes u feel like there might be no point living! Alot of people get this feeling. Most times youd like to be on your own and away from people. You would be cold towards others, its probably because you just cant trust anyone. Maybe you should loosen up a bit and find som1 you can trust.
Thanx please rate
Are you GOTHIC, PREP, PUNK,UNIQUE (girls only) brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, March 3, 2005
I'm so happy I submitted my first wallpaper. It's very crappy and simple but I tried and I'll get better. Like with my artwork. Which, by the way, I submitted more of. Well, I got nuthin else to post about for today. (my life is soo boring) So I'm out! Luv lottz! <3
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Wednesday, March 2, 2005
I had one freaky day today! Well, more weird than freaky but w/e! During algebra, Lisa was staring at Mrs. Nasello without realizing it. Well, Sandy noticed and asked "Do you find Mrs. Nasello sexy?" O_o Told ya freaky and weird! Well, Mrs. Nasello is not old but getting there! Well, also today after chorus practice today, me and Beena were talking and fooling around and we also kept trowing a ube bread at each other! It was hilarious! We ended up ditching the bread near the door. Oh! Natalie, Matt's girlfriend, is getting a poster signed by Jesse McCartney from Rosa! I'm soooo envious! I have no idea why Rosa would give it to her. NO offense to Natalie though. Its just that I would NEVER give that away! I remember when I use to watch him on the soap opera, (yes, soap opera!) All My Children! Now that he left the show, they corrupted his character! Oh well, as long as Summerland is on, I'm good! Oh and check out Beena's first fan art! Hahahaha, none of my friends have scanners, so they depend on me for scanning! I also did Ashtrre43's scanning! Well, enough useless babbling! On to get a queso de bola sandwich!
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Sunday, February 27, 2005
So friggin bored again!
I started reading Shaman King and Naruto. Its not bad, in fact I like it. I kinda read it out of order cuz Sandy first gave me the 7th issue of Shonen Jump and then the 4th so there is this gap of things I dont know.
Andy is pissed at me. He thinks I'm not his friend. Well, I'm not anymore! He brought upon himself to bring up that he offended Natalie! Sorry, but he is such an idiot sometimes! Please disregard the little note below unless in fact u are the fucknut Andy!
Andy, you are so friggin fucked up! Maybe you push everyone away cuz you dont fuckin like yourself!! You're so negative to almost everyone! You had absolutely NO RIGHT to tell Natalie would prefer the action figure over her! Matt isnt even close to being your friend, so you had no right to talk about him! So keep your nose out of other people's buisness!
Sorry if yoou read that but I am just so friggin pissed at him!
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Monday, February 21, 2005
Dearly beloved, are you listening?
Japanese barbecue is the best food ever! We went out yesterday to celebrate me mum's birthday, so we decided to eat somewhere new. So we went to eat at Kampai, a Japanese barbecue restaurant. Every entree came with a shrimp flambe appetizer, salad, veggies, rice (fried or steamed), miso soup (which is the best). Plus they cook it in front of you so hehe. I haven't been to a place like that in a while. Salmon terryaki combination with teppan scallops tasted so good... Great! Now I'm hungry! Well I'm out!
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
Stupid SATs!!!!
Ya know, the SATs are evil? Half the words I was like huh? Its also evil cuz u arent even suppose take it till ur junior year in high school? I'm not even in high school, so hmph! Sorry, Im just SO ANGRY!!! I missed Yugioh today just for that damn test! Now I missed 2 weeks worth! T_T Thats just not right! Plus I missed it on Friday after school cuz my mom and I went to go pick up my sis from the bus station and go eat out! So I got home about 6pm so GRRR! You know I'm angry at the world too much? Its very cruel and evil to me.....
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