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Friday, February 18, 2005
So many gone....
So many people went to Washington D.C. it makes me sad I didnt go! I never go on these trips. *sigh* I made Lisa G. bring my stuff bunny there. um...yea. so my bunny (her name is Bunbun ^.~) will see the world!! -_-' <~my friends ashley and Beena.
I completely changed my layout to Green Day, very different from my normal layouts. Green Day is awesome though! Today we watched the grammys during chorus cuz our teacher or someone taped it. We kept rewinding the oh so hot Green Day performance. I could watch it all day. It really depresses me that some people have never heard of Green Day or even Slipknot! They are so missing out....
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Friday, February 11, 2005
I feel yucky.....
I stayed home today with a cold so I feel yucky, but there is an upside! I got more than 12hrs sleep so that was a change. I'm just so bored. I changed my background to Hotaru from Sailor moon. It kinda reminds me of me. She represents death and revolution. So she is me plus we have pretty much the same haircut and we're asian! (Go AZNs!) Well, I also put up a music video so yay! I luv linkin park! My fave song from them is Breaking the Habit so I put that up. So yay. Im off to being bored again!
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Tuesday, February 8, 2005
Heureux de Mardi Gras!!!!!!
Heureux de Mardi Gras!!!!! Today was a good day for me! Not in a while since I had one. We got food today in two classes! Ice cream in the morning for first period for pop tab collection thing and a Mardi Gras celebration in French during ninth!!!! Hurrah!!
I gots a questtion!!! Does no one else out there find homosexuals hot??? Someone asked me if I think homos are hot. I do!! Is that so bad? I mean, guys think lesbians are hot! Does this not go for the other sex? My theory is that gays are hot and thats why they are attracted to each other! I mean not all gays are hot but most of them are! Does no one else out there agree?
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Friday, February 4, 2005
Hello more pix from yesterday! ^^
Yay!!! I've succeeded in finding a program on my comp that downsizes the pix! (I SO have no life)So I uploaded pix from yesterday that I didn't post. So hahahahaha (pointless laughing....)

That is Matt staring atr me when I took the picture. And yes, this is the nasty, perverted Matt that we all know and love to make fun of.

Another pic of him only with his happy AND sad face. -_-' I have such weird friends.
I'll the rest later... Yu-Gi-Oh! is on!!!! Hurrah!!!
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Thursday, February 3, 2005
My friends at school!
I took the cam to school today! The teachers don't even notice that I'm taking pix, so its all good. LOL. I got pictures of some of my friends! I got Ashley's pix (Ashtree43!!) ButI didn't see Beenz too much so I wasn't able to snap one T_T.

That's Sandy! She's used to be an otaku, but not anymore. *tear tear*

It's kinda big, but whatever! That's my somewwhat friend Andy. Middle is Ashley!!! So that would also be Ashtree43. The right is Deanna!
Well, I need to learn of a new free image hosts that let me resize cuz this is evil!
I'm out! (til tomorrow! hehehe.)
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005
Need sleep...looking horrible
I really need to get sleep during this week. I'm looking worse everyday. Oh and i uploaded a pic of me i took about half an hour ago with my dad's cam tho im not suppose to (shhh...don't tell!) Oh here;s some more pix... I got bored so y not upload? Maybe if I get a picture of me and all my friends one day, you'll see what we look like.

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Yay!!! I finaly fond a good free image host! I'm so happy! I gotta upload some pictures! See! There's me on the right looking drunk! (my hair isn't usually curly! It was a special occasion!) I gotta downsize it next time though. Eh, it 12am. I'll figure how to use the html thing on it tomorrow (or later hehe)

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Thursday, January 27, 2005
Lol! I got married!!!!
Yep 13 y/o and married! Lol, not really. Hehe. I got a fake marriage online to an ANIME CHARACTER?!? I got bored as usual so I thought why the hell not? I'm so happy....and angry there's no rock on my finger -_-' Maybe I'll marry more people.....
Certificate of Marriage
This is to certify that Julsiegirl + Jonouchi Katsuya were married on the 28th day of January 2005
~~~~~~ MYFC ~~~~~~ |  |
Certificate of Marriage
This is to certify that Julsiegirl + Yuhi were married on the 28th day of January 2005
~~~~~~ MYFC ~~~~~~ |  |
Certificate of Marriage
This is to certify that Julsiegirl + InuYasha were married on the 28th day of January 2005
~~~~~~ MYFC ~~~~~~ |  |
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Sunday, January 23, 2005
Whats so important about yesterday?
I was out last night at my cousin's cotillion, so I was out running around yesterday! Was there ssomething important about yesterday? People kept on emailing me! ....Ashley...Beena...and Sandy! Is there something so important? Oh well, while you guys were being bored, I got free food and COFFEE!!!! Mwahahaha! I got like a 5 course meal! It was so good! mmmmm....chicken Vesuvio....
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Friday, January 14, 2005
So what if I haven't posted lately!
Well nothing obviously happened since the last time I posted. Although, I went to go to the high school for choosing electives! It was hard to choose! Let's see... there was fashion construction, graphic imaging, treble choir, beginning strings, etc.! I ended up with choosing French 2 and Art 1 but now I'm skeptical about Art 1! I'm thinking of switching it to either one of my alternatives (guitar 1 and japanese 1) If I take Japanese, which is my 1st alternative, I would have to juggle 2 languages! If I take Guitar 1, it'll be hard for me to practice at home with my parents asleep during daytime (they're vampires! hahaha, i wish...)plus if i play too loud and my parents are out drinking blood, my sister might be home and she's always on my case about the stupidest things! I hate this so much!!! The world is so cruel to me!!!
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