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Friday, January 14, 2005
So what if I haven't posted lately!
Well nothing obviously happened since the last time I posted. Although, I went to go to the high school for choosing electives! It was hard to choose! Let's see... there was fashion construction, graphic imaging, treble choir, beginning strings, etc.! I ended up with choosing French 2 and Art 1 but now I'm skeptical about Art 1! I'm thinking of switching it to either one of my alternatives (guitar 1 and japanese 1) If I take Japanese, which is my 1st alternative, I would have to juggle 2 languages! If I take Guitar 1, it'll be hard for me to practice at home with my parents asleep during daytime (they're vampires! hahaha, i wish...)plus if i play too loud and my parents are out drinking blood, my sister might be home and she's always on my case about the stupidest things! I hate this so much!!! The world is so cruel to me!!!
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Friday, January 7, 2005
Okay, so i didn't post again yesterday, but whatever. Well, im just being bored again. Yet again, my life is stuck in a rut cuz nothing is happening again! One day im just going to go insane!
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Thursday, January 6, 2005
breaking the rules! hahahaha
I'm at school! Eh i avent been posting so i logged in so hi! more laterz! Stupid lisa is now singing!
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Thursday, December 30, 2004
Damn them!
I feel so angry cuz someone found out my password on my game account online for the Runescape thingy! I got all the way the to a level 24 and almost finished all the missions but they stole my friggin account!!!! Damn them!!! I never even gave out my password! I hate them! NYARRRRRRRR!!!!!
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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
so much to do...NOT!
I'm so bored!!!! I've drawn so much over break, but I haven't scanned any yet cuz im lazy and sometimes I just can't stand the stupid scanner! ::intensely glares at it:: I have like 8-10 of them so I'll do that one day. I'm so mad cuz I REALLY wanted the new Kingdom Hearts game but its only on Gameboy Advanced and I don't want to spend my money on it cuz I also want to buy some new anime at Borders. Oh whatever, TTYL!
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Monday, December 27, 2004
Im back!
I've been gone so long. I haven't been online cuz ive doing stuff ( real specific eh?) I got loads of money Christmas! Yay!!! I bought the Inu-yasha: the secret of the cursed mask game! I've been glued to it. RPG games are fun but so much talking! Oh well. Well i'll comment on ur sites as soon as possible! Happy Holidays!!
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
Quizzies are fun!!!!
 Well you are the one can see how soft Seto Kaiba can be. You can see his true soul and amotions. You are always there to make him feel loved.
Whose angel are you? Marik's, Bakura's or Seto's? brought to you by Quizilla
 YOU'RE OBSESSED! you have it all, cards, games, videos, DVD's, even pictures on your walls! If I were you I'd ease up a little... NOT!
Are you Obsessed with Yu-Gi-Oh? brought to you by Quizilla
So true!
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
I finally reached 100 visits! Although my hugs thingy hasnt worked lately but oh well! I'm so happy! Maybe I'l draw a piccie for the oh so special occasion! Btw, is there anyone out there who does not know who jay-z is? If there is, do u know who is beyonce? If you do how do you not know jay-z? They are going out? Y do most of my friends know beyonce but have no clue who jay-z is? We all mostly like Linkin Park yet they still dont know who he is? Well, im out!
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Thursday, December 9, 2004
Sry about the title! Durin science we were in the computer lab and looked my sn up on google and she wouldn't belive its me, Julie! Well, tonight was the night i performed the play for my parents. I can't belive my dad was DANCING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my friggin' God! Très effrayant! Ainsi embarassing! He doesn't even know how any of our songs go and he tries to wing it and sing it! Hey, that rhymes! Btw, Madhuri, its me Julie!
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Tuesday, December 7, 2004
Paranoia everywhere in my mind!
The Tokyopop manga contest is starting again! Is anyone ouut there gonna enter? Me and Beena are! So is Ashley but she's on her own she says. I'm gonna have to do all the computerized stuff! -_-+
I hate being good with computers!
So the play starts tomorrow, and I don't fully know the cast song! So that's bad! I'm glad we have one more practice but I'm so pissed that it is in the morning! That means I have to walk again! When we had practice this mornin' I had to walk in the pouring, heavy rains! My feet got so soaked and cold! Damn it! YAAAAARRRRGH! Sry! (drinking hot coffee)
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