junkoba kaiba
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Time Posting - 6:40 PM
…Wow. I haven’t been able to post for like a week now… blaaaah. School stinks >.<
*Cough*. Ummm anyways. This week is the last week of the quarter so we have lots of tests and projects so that’s why I haven’t really been on… I have only one more project and on more test left (both for biology). The test is tomorrow and the next day and the project’s also due Thursday… I’ve barley even started the project and it’s a bunch of research on a random topic… and …we’re only allowed one freaking internet source!!!!!! (Of five sources.) Gah! …that means I am going to be spending a lot of time in the library tomorrow. T.T Uh-huh-guh. Also the night before the last I was really sad while I was trying to get to sleep… I think it was partly from stress from the end of the quarter but almost completely because I still don’t like being in this new school… when I have time I’d like to write down everything I don’t like about it and stuff… but I don’t want to bore people and make them think I’m all sad and depressed and trying to make my new school sound so bad and everything… Umm. Yea.
On a couple of happier notes:
1. Because the quarter ends this week we get Friday (and I think also Monday) off. Huzzah for getting two days off from that awful place! *dances*.
2. ZOMGFTA finally (ha ha) got chapter 55 of Hagaren translated!
3. Conqueror of Shambala comes out on DVD tomorrow!
…Though I’ve already found out two characters who die and the ending of the movie… >.< I freaking hate spoilers. Especially when they are not marked… the first one was about the freaking manga …NOT the movie! …and it seemed like the person just wanted to slip in one of the characters who died because they didn’t like the movie they thought it would be fine to spoil it for others who might like it!! …Then the second one was a fanfic and I hadn’t realized the story had spoiled any of the movie until I read the authors note… …and then finally I was on a random webpage and it said spoilers for the end of the series …and me being the idiot that I am figured it was just for the show not the movie… but of course not. X.X …okay I’m done ranting…
…Umm yea. That’s really it for now (…actually I don’t think it is but I’ve lost my train of thought and need to start homework…) sooo…
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Time Posting – 12:57
Hola. We had a short day today so I’m already back from school. Yay. Umm. Not much else to say. I’ve only owned a Facebook for… maybe four days?, and I’m already, like, completely addicted to it.^^;; Wow. I seriously have absolutely nothing else to say…
I changed themes on my site two days ago… and as YamiLover noticed I accidentally switched the background to orange and didn’t notice it until I got on yesterday …woops.^^
…Also if anyone knows how to make the background on your site stop repeating I would really love to know!
…I brought Lord of the Flies in to read today in class… the people in my new school all had to read it last year too and almost all of them… hated it! How can you hate Lord of the Flies?!?! Everyone at my school loved it!
…Heh I wrote in all bolds in my last post… fun.
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Monday, January 9, 2006
Time Posting – 5:10PM
Hello everyone. It feels like it’s been forever since I last posted. *Tear tear*. Well anyways on Friday I had a track meet after school… it lasted until past 10 @.@. Anyways when we got back to the school there was a fight durring the basketball game and police had to come… it was interesting and it clogged all the traffic getting out of the school. I didn’t really do anything on Saturday except I made my first pic using Photoshop!

It’s really simple and easy to make but I am still proud!:)
…Well it’s now 6:40 because I went up to eat then copied a lot of the stuff from the upstairs computer here so I ought to go get started on my homework now… >.< Today geese pooped on us durring track. ‘Twas interesting.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2006
Time Posting – 4:49
Blah. I wish it could still be vacation. I think I might walk down to the library in a bit. …Agg but I’m really tired because I had track today… and I didn’t run at all during the holidays. So anyways I haven’t talked anything about Christmas or Blue Knob or anything so I guess I will now. I got Photoshop for Christmas! *Squees* I am incredibly happy about that… I was actually there when my dad bought it, we were at Costco and I was like ‘“I want Photoshop!”’ *Picks up Photoshop and hands it to dad* “Buy me Photoshop!”’ …and that’s how I got Photoshop! (Thought it was one of my presents.) I also got Under Armor… it looks incredibly awesome and makes you look and feel fast and warm! …aaaaand I also got the Art of Fullmetal Alchemist book! *Squees again*. Of course I got some more stuff too but those where my favorites… plus I got a PS2 from my aunts and uncles along with the second FMA game. And my godfather gave me a Bleach wallscroll! And I got sick on Christmas Eve… with a soar throat, fever, and stuffed up nose. I always seem to get sick right after I get out of school… >.< Hah hah. Anyways. I tried snowboarding more than skiing when we went up to Blue Knob and it was fun but it really hurt…
So yea. That’s really all I have to say. I finished making a page with all the fanlistings I’m a member of… You can go see it here!
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Sunday, January 1, 2006
Happy New Year!
Hello everyone! We just got back from Blue Knob. We went up the day after Christmas and... yea. It was fun I tried snowboarding again and I'm actually getting pretty good! But I'm so soar from it... and I think I did something to my left arm... Not much else to say... I hopw everyone had a great holiday and I don't want to go back to school... I got Photobucket for Christmas.:) I just joined a whole freaking lot of fanlistings and now am trying to put up buttons for all of them!:)
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Thursday, December 22, 2005
Time Posting – 4:30
…I’m typing this up now but it looks like the Internet is dead …so I’ll post this when it comes back on.:) Anyways… we had track earlier today (like at 2:15, right after school) so it ended earlier than usual, but when we went to go get our bags out of the weight room but when we got there we saw that our bags had been rifled through and some people’s stuff had been stolen. We noticed that some peoples clothes were out across the floor and before I herd other people saying there bags had been gone through I looked down at my bag and noticed that the front pocket had been zipped up differently than how I had closed it. So I opened it up to look through it when I herd everyone say that their stuff had been gone through and some people were missing things and I noticed that I didn’t see my cell phone so I was like, “Hay does anyone see a cell phone on the floor or anything? I think mine might have been stolen” then I searched through the rest of my bag’s pockets to make sure it wasn’t moved and looked through the front pocket again to make sure I hadn’t missed it at first. So yea then I was like, “Yea my cell phone’s been stolen.” Then I kept looking through my front pocket and was like, “Oh no! My pack of gum’s been stolen too! …and that was my last one!” And one of the guys was like, “wait, so your cell phone gets stolen and you’re more worried about your gum?” so some of the people suggested that I call my phone to see if I could find where it was or to see if the people who had stolen it would pick up and I was like, “Yea… I don’t know my cell phone’s number so…” But I ended up borrowing one boys phone and calling my home phone, getting my cell phone’s number then trying to call it. But, as I thought, no one picked up. Anyways then we waited outside the weight room for the coach to come then we told her what happened and what everyone lost and then she talked to a couple of boys from track who aren’t part of distants and were in the weight room for some of the time that we were running to see if they knew anything about what happened. They said there were three guys from another local public high school, I think Mount Vernon, who came into the weight room and talked to some of the people in the weight room and they stayed in after the people from track left the room… so we think it was probably those three people. A couple other things got stolen… I lost some chap stick, and one girl lost her lip-gloss and three dollars, another guy lost twenty bucks, one girl lost a present of hers, …one girl (possibly the same one …I can’t remember) lost a piece of candy, and I think one other person might have lost their cell phone too. We then talked to like a security person from the school and told him all we knew about what happened and then we stayed for a while longer until everyone left. The problem is that today is the last day of school before the break so they wont be able to do anything about it until we get back from vacation. After we talked to the security officer and told him what was stolen the girl who got her lip-gloss and three bucks stolen, her names Kat, was talking to me (she’s another one of the slow distance runners and she’s nice) and said that the funny thing is that she had had her money in her bag that she kept her tampons in… XD. Then we talked about other stories about stuff getting stolen (her and her two brothers had the back seat of their car stolen…). Then we went home. I’m going to call the cell phone people to ask them to cancel my service (or whatever it is) and then we have to go to violin. Hopefully the Internet should be back by then and I can post.:)
Time Posting – 9:09
…Woooow it’s late. But we just got back from violin and fixed the Internet (the people who cleaned our house I think tripped a breaker where the Internet is plugged in…) so now I’m posting this!^^
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Time Posting- 5:34 It feels like I haven’t been on for forever!I always mean to post over the weekend but I’ve ended up having long track meats on Saturday then church, going random places, and homework on Sunday so I never get to.Then on Monday night I don’t remember what happened but –oh yea I had a biology test.Last night I had to study for a history test I had today and a health test I was supposed to take today, you see I wont be able to take it tomorrow so I was going to take it after school today, but the teacher had already left… and she says we have to take it before the break.When am I going to be able to do that?Tomorrow there’s an in school concert thing and people in the concert will be missing our first period to practice and our next period (which for some reason my new school calls third period) to actually play the concert.Health class is first period so I won’t be able to take the test then… agg.But anyways so my period after the concert is orchestra… then I have lunch then my short period (which is biology) so I’m going to be in orchestra almost all day tomorrow. ^^ And um… then we finally have break!-They keep us in so long.Not fun :3.Today we had team pictures in track.Funness.
Two days ago when I was studying for biology something that my mom and little brother were talking about sent me off into a ‘how much I dislike my new school and miss SSSAS’ thing.Sadness.Not funness.…I really hope that I can’t start liking my new school… soon.I mean I know there’s going to be some time I look back at when I first entered ninth grade and think ‘How could I ever dislike WestPo?’ …but right now it seems like that’s going to be a very long time… if ever.And I’m pretty positive that I’m never going to like it more than St. Stephens & St. Agnes… but I really hope I can end up being wrong about that too. …Enough talking about me being sad^^.Today in lunch one of the people who I sit close to (you see I kind of sit with a couple people but I don’t really know so I sit like on the outside and don’t really talk to them much but they try to be nice to me) during lunch gave me a candy cane… mmm candy. I think it was pretty much just because she was giving them to all her friends and she thought it would be rude to not give me any… but it was still nice.:)And after our history test today we had this logic puzzle where there were theses two statements followed by another sentence that we were supposed to say whether it’s true or false… for example:
All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates is mortal.
All rabbits are fast runners. Some horses are fast runners. Therefore, some horses are rabbits.
The first one is obviously true and the second false… but there where a couple on the back page (which was harder) that me and a couple other people sitting near by me got into an argument over with one boy including this one:
If Carl stole the money, then Carl is guilty of a felony. Carl did not steal the money. Therefore, Carl is not a felon.
He said it was true but we all said it was false, Carl could have murdered someone and he’d still have committed a felony, yet not stolen any money.That means there’s the possibility that it’s false but he said that he could have not done any other crime, making it true.But when there’s the possibility that something is false (EVEN if there’s the possibility it could be true) then it’s false.He refused to listen to us after every single person said it was a false and gave a reason why… including the teacher.It was actually somewhat funny to listen too.
Eeh.I feel like I’ve talked for too long so I’ll stop now.
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Friday, December 16, 2005
Time Posting – 4:20
I think track ended early today… yay. Anyways we had a two-hour delay so that was good. And I have to be at school by 6:30 tomorrow for the bus to whatever school our meet is at. …I usually wake up by 6:30. x.x Other than that nothing is going on. If I were still at SSSAS today would be the last day of school… but my new one goes till next Thursday. Isn’t that evil?! We don’t even get a full two weeks off!
And again if you’d like to see the site with my journal on my trip to Italy and my homecoming pics you can go here. And any help with my site would be appreciated (you can look at my last post if you are interested in helping me and want to know what I need help in^^).
Oh and we got our PSAT scores today… I’m better than 79% of sophomores in Math –heh. I am t3h suck at math^^;; I also got 79% for reading comprehension, but that’s because I was sick while taking that section and missed more than half the time I had to take it so I didn’t finish… and I got 97% for writing. Yay I feel smart… especially since that’s compared to people a grade level ahead of me.
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
Time Posting – 12:58
Yay! I can actually get on for once! I haven’t posted since Friday. I got grounded over the weekend for wasting all of Friday (which was a snow day) not doing any homework. Then on Monday I had to type up an essay for History and Tuesday I had both Track and an Orchestra rehearsal. Yesterday I didn’t go to track so that I’d have time to start my homework before my orchestra concert… but I spent most of the time changing my sites theme. School closed two hours early today because of the snow. So now I have a lot of time to do nothing. Not much happened while I was gone except Kelly’s Christmas party was incredibly fun. We made ginger bread houses in group during the party and I took my groups house home. …I haven’t eaten any of it but Mocha really likes it^^;; (she ate Katie’s snowman! *tear*). Not much else to say… my new school still sucks and that’s really it. Oh and also yesterday I spent a lot of time uploading the pics from SSSAS homecoming on to my freewebs site. If anyone wants the link again they can go here. And again the site also has what I wrote on my trip to Italy. I think I’ll go watch some more of Bleach now… and I’d really like it if anyone could tell me how to get rid of the colour in the main part of the page on myO site… you know the part where your posts go and where the little intro part to my site is… not the part with my personal info and stuff. I think I knew how at one point but I’ve forgotten. And if anyone knows how to make an animated icon without using any fancy paint system like Photoshop I’d love to know how! (…but then I don’t think many people read this… sooo).
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Friday, December 9, 2005
Time Posting – 9:06AM
Yay! Snow day! I got lucky because I was up REALLY late (like till one) working on a lab report and an essay for history. And I didn’t even completely finish the history paper. I don’t think I ever would have been able to wake up at six for school.^^;; Anyways. I haven’t been on since Monday. School and all this work really sucks. T.T I can’t wait for the Christmas Holidays so I can have a break from school! …But apparently public schools like to keep you in forever –I think our vacation is like a whole week shorter than at SSSAS. I have a track meet tomorrow and I’m running the 1000. But the problem is we were supposed to get our uniforms yesterday but I was at a dentist appointment so I figured I’d get mine today… except there’s no school today. So I don’t know what I’m going to do about that. On Saturday there was supposed to be a dance at SSSAS that I was going to go to, but Lauren says they canceled it because no one could come because of schoolwork. But on Sunday Kelly is throwing a Christmas party for all of us like she does every year –except this time we’re making gingerbread houses instead of just cookies! :D But I need to think of a gift to bring for the gift exchange (the gifts are supposed to be around 20$) so I’m really open to suggestions!^^;;
And last time I posted I said I thought I’d be able to visit people’s sites but I was wrong. I’m sorry.
I’m off to go try and make a more Christmassy theme for my site!
EDIT: If you want to read about my trip to Italy you can go here
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