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Saturday, May 7, 2005

   I sounded somewhat depressed in that last post… I was really only in a bad mood… *mutters* Stupid …full moon …or Aunty Flow… whatever you chose to call it… Well anyways… *sings* it’s almost time for another FMA episode to come on! It’s almost time for… I haven’t been able to get on all day because the Internet was blaeh-ish, my mom was on, or my little brother was on. So I played Heroes of Might and Magic on the laptop with no Internet all day. We used to play that all the time. Only about two minutes till Fullmetal Alchemist comes on… so goodbye anyone who’s actually bothering to read this!^________^
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Friday, May 6, 2005

   Time Posting- 10:53 PM
Mood- REALLY angry and sad… at the dumb Tivo
Music- none
I changed my theme the other day. It’s very happy …Ed looking at his hands. The Internet has been screwy lately and I’ve only been able to get on late at night. So that really sucks. I totally hate Tivo now. On Saturday I tried Tivo-ing the episode of Fullmetal Alchemist because my mom didn’t want me to stay up late. My dad and brother were watching the history channel when it was on and then watched SNL. My Tivo, being stupid dumb and deserving to be thrown out the window and dropped onto a highway were it can be run over by the fast traffic, recorded that instead. So last night before I went to bed I set it to record both the 12:30 and 3:30 episode of FMA (the same as last Saturday). And my Tivo being the stupid thrown out the window worthy thing that it is didn’t record that either. I got two recordings of blank screen. I am really mad at the stupid Tivo. I herd it was a really good episode and that a major plot thing is reviled in it and everyone says it’s not the same if you read about it first and now what happens. I’m so mad at the stupid Tivo I’ve missed the last showing of episode 25 because of it and now I’ll have to wait until it comes out on DVD (goodness knows how long that will be.) and if I don’t read the episode summary and spoil the episode for me I’ll either be totally lost in tomorrow nights episode or else have to not watch it and wait until it too is on DVD and get behind in all the episodes and ugh. I really, really, really don’t want to read it and spoil it for me. Ergh I’m so mad. And other than that today was just plain a lousy day. I don’t feel like posting more… I’d much rather go scream at the Tivo. So yay happy my stupid post is done. The few (if any) people who bother reading this hope you had fun….

…Blerdy now the Internet died a gain literally to seconds before I went to post this dumb thing. Who know when I’ll finally get this thing posted…
OK since I have time now… I’ll go read the episode guide I suppose… I don’t really see what the big thing is so far this episode is seeming pretty …bleh –Oh my No they can’t be serious no!!!!! That’s so sad!!! He roxed sox!!! No!!!!! ;________; NOOO!!!! They can’t be serious!! NO! That’s so sad!!!! NO!!! And there’s the fact that I had to freakin’ miss the stupid episode. And miss that and it really wont be the same now that I’ve read it… I HATE MY STUPID TIVO!!!!!!!!!
The stupid internet’s fixed now… that took forever its 11:14 now… *sighs* I hate Tivo and really wish I could have seen that episode.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2005

   Yay fun theatre junk!
Woo! I haven’t been on for the longest time. I finished Tricksters Queen, which means I’ve finished not only all of the Aly series but all of Tamora Pierce’s Tortall books! *Is sad*. But I’ve decided to restart the Alanna series because I remember barley anything from the Song of the Lioness Quartet. ^^;; So yea. Today the 8th grade went on a field trip to Folger Theatre. It was a lot of fun they interacted with the audience! ^^ Paige and Reggie got to try on clothes from when Shakespeare lived. Then they did other stuff… but the most fun part was when they acted out a scene from (I think) Macbeth erm… So there were four theatre people there… two guys and two girls. The two guys were hiding behind trees on down stage right, and then one of the girls came in behind them and she says she’s a friend so they don’t kill her! ^^ Then they’re talking about the sun rising and someone they have to kill then they here the hooves of the horse and the other lady comes in down stage left and she sends someone away then the first girl runs off and the two guys kill the other girl then one guy blows out the lantern then the first girl comes back and says something about the light going out and something bad and the two guys are like opps and darn it. Then that’s the end. They called a few people counting me up to be trees and Gweny got to be the person the second lady sent of the stage. They acted out three versions of the play. The first was a Western and we were all cacti except Christian who was tumble weed (he rolled bye during the fight scene), the second was Kung Fu and everyone but I played Bonzai trees. I got to be a Cherry Blossom, I wore one of those flower branch things that goes around your head… it had pink flowers and I got to drop one flower on the dead body of the second lady. And when that version ended I got the head thing stuck in my hair x.x. Then the last version was an opera. We got to be singing trees and wore the masks that cover your eyes and nose and sang during the fight scene. Much more happened today and all the days that I haven’t posted but I’m too lazy to right more. ^_____^
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Sunday, May 1, 2005

Bleh I haven’t been on in so long. So much school work… then when I don’t have any my moms on all day. Friday was Natalia’s B-day party and we went mini golfing then I had to baby sit for some friends of my little brother… fun. Then on Saturday not much happened I finished all my homework for the first time before late Sunday night though! I didn’t stay up to watch Fullmetal Alchemist because I had Tivo recording it and guess what… it didn’t. It ended up recording thirty minutes of the history channel and SNL. Very mad at that. I’ve actually had some time to read Trickster’s Choice lately… I only have about a chapter or two left which I might finish today …but I’d rather catch up on lost computer time.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Well I haven’t been on since… Sunday? Wow I didn’t realize it’s been that long. Monday I just didn’t feel like posting… no clue why. Then Tuesday I had no time. I had a track meet and it was really long. I don’t think I got home till seven. Then I had a lot of trouble with the science homework and didn’t finish till past ten. I didn’t even have time for a shower and we had our Lord of the Flies English test today and I barley got to study. So yea. Not fun. I didn’t even have time for a shower (and we had a track meet yesterday). I have to make this short because it’s already nine and I need a shower. Hmm… what else? We have the second half of the English test tomorrow, a math test Friday, …Family Life is rather interesting. The SCA announced today in morning meeting that girls can finally wear dressy pants on chapel days. …Only it’s a little late since it’s now the spring and too hot to wear pants (the whole reason we wanted pants was because skirts got cold in the winter). I really have to go now. To the few people on myotaku who I actually now and visit the sites of and to the fewer people who actually come and read this I’m really sorry I didn’t visit your guys’ sites yesterday!
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Sunday, April 24, 2005

Well I just finished Lord of the Flies. I so guessed the ending. Anyways I finally got the email from Cameron. The link is this. If your one of the few people who visits my site and actually bothers to read this I think you should click it because it’s quite funny. Anyways I also finished Tricksters Choice yesterday. I barley did anything but read on Saturday. Wah to finished books so sad. But I still have The Opal Deception to read. And yea. There’s a DirecTV person over and now we have high definition TV! (I didn’t know we didn’t have high definition before…) but now the guide is different. Bleh. I had to baby sit last night. The younger girl can be kinnda annoying and she kept bugging me when me and the older of the two girls were playing Jenga (you’d think Microsoft word would now this) and trying to watch Rave Master. Yea. And since we now have Tivo my mom wouldn’t let me stay up and watch Fullmetal Alchemist. So I watched it after church today. And took forever for my dad and I to get the sound working.
Church today was really bleh. The service to me seemed really long and boring and there was no food at EYC and no adult so a bunch of the kids misbehaved and acted annoying then we tried to go find food. Yea. During coffee hour I realized I had forgotten to pick up my ponytail holder and Zach had it… it took me awhile to get it back. Then I took Andrew’s glasses so he tried to take my ponytail holder and tried to hurt my arm. So I stepped on his foot… wearing high heels actually paid off for once!

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Friday, April 22, 2005

Hmm. So today in school was pretty fun. …ok so it rocked. It was a dress down day so I wore jeans and an old World Cup T-Shirt (The France one). As soon as I got to advisory (mine is in the library) Miss Paterson showed me the Opal Deception (4th Artemis Fowl book) that had just come in. She said since I was the first to ask for it I could read it first. Since I actually got to school early for once I had time before morning advisory and haunted down Charlotte and Natalia to show them (Katie was sick today). They were both really envious and couldn’t believe I had already gotten it. Before B period I ran into Lauren and showed it to her and she freaked out too. Anyways during morning advisory Cameron had an email he had printed out about how many students from different schools it takes to screw in a light bulb. The email is hilarious. I got 20 cents from a friend and photocopied it. Both of us showed a bunch of friends and already a ton of the 8th grade have seen it. Here’s the email:


EPISCOPAL: Six – one varsity athlete to change it and five of his friends to help him with his geometry homework

BCC: Three – one to screw it in and two to sculpt the old one into a bong

SIDWELL: Twenty – a committee composed of students from every possible ethnic group to screw it in unison

WOODBERRY: Twelve – six to hike to the nearest village to buy a new one, one to screw it in, and five to plow the fields and feed the oxen while the other seven are occupied

HOLTON: Four – one to find out how many calories the light bulb has, one to make sure all the calories will be burned by screwing it in, one to screw it in, and one to run fifteen miles just in case.

BULLIS: They’re still working on it

LANDON: 202 – One to steal a bulb from someone else, one to start rumors about who the thief was, and two hundred to have an unsupervised party

ST. STEPHENS/ST. AGNES: 301 – One to screw it in and three hundred to be really lame

GEORGETOWN PREP: Two – one to screw it in and one to buy an inflatable sheep so they can party all night long

POTOMAC: One – but he tries to do it like the guys at St. Albans

WHITMAN: Seven – one to screw it in and six to talk about how chill it is

GEORGETOWN DAY: Five – One to screw it in, one to unscrew it, and three to try to smoke it

VISITATION: Four – one to change it and three to pick out the perfect Patagonia outfit for the occasion

GONZAGA: Ten – a female teacher to change it, eight students to look up her skirt while she does it, and a priest so they can go confess there the next Sunday

ST. ALBANS: Two – One to screw it in perfectly, and another to manage to do a better job

NCS: They don’t care about the light bulb; they’re just following the guys from St. Albans

MARET (female): See NCS

MARET (male): Five – one to change the light bulb while the other four get drunk in his basement and birch about Maret girls and St. Albans girls

THOMAS JEFFERSON: Three hundred and one – one to change the light bulb and the other three hundred to go to UVA

MADEIRA: 354 – One to change the light bulb to prove she can do it better that any guy, one to say her light bulb is more expensive, a committee to design a t-shirt commemorating the event and the rest just because need something to screw

STONE RIDGE: 1,000 – 50 to have a bake sale to raise money, 300 to vote on who should change the bulb. One to do the job. 200 to analyze and say how it could be changed next time. 5 to get the scoop on all the SR updates. 100 to design Stone Ridge Light Bulb day ribbons and dominate the radio during the event. 100 to announce it at and assembly to pump up the spirit, 20 to rebel and have a light bulb smashing party 30 to make a save the light bulb group. And then the rest to participate in accessorize your kilt w/ light bulb stuff day.

Wew. That was a lot of typing. Sadly you’d half to live in our area and go to a private school here to really get the email. Oh well. It still is funny. But our school’s one sucks (the SSSAS one). One to screw it in and three hundred to be really lame? How boring. Kelly came up with a better one. One lacrosse player to screw it in and the rest of the school to worship her. The author person was most likely from St. Albans because they’re the only ones who aren’t made fun of.
Anyways back to my day. Um… yea stuff happened… and I got Tivo! Yay!
Too bad no one actually visits my site to read this… *shrugs*.

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Thursday, April 21, 2005

Oh yay! I got another two guest book signing and a person PMed me!! I feel loved! ^^ Anyways um… yea stuff happened… I just can’t remember what. Oh! I remember today in chapel Lauren (Coleman) was sitting on my left, Chris was on my right, and Eric was on his right. Lauren had a song sheet, I had a prayer book, Chris had a song sheet, and Eric had a prayer book. Lauren’s didn’t have anything on the backs of the sheets so we were missing half the songs. The first song was on the back of the first page (It was Here I Am Lord …which Carrie deemed a Seto song) so we couldn’t sing. Chris didn’t want to sing so he handed me his… then took my prayer book. When we had to read the psalm I took Eric’s so when he went to get his he didn’t have one (though he didn’t need one since he was right next to Chris who had one). So then Chris handed him mine and so took his song sheet back… then I switched his with Lauren’s so the two of us would have on with all the pages. Yes. So fascinating. For the last hymn (the on they sing when the people are recessing) we sang Lord I Lift Your Name on High… toward the very end I was messing around in my high-healed shoes (they aren’t large heals though I hate heals) and I slipped and somewhat fell. That was funny. So yes… lovely chapel today, neh? In lunch we had some dude from the upper school talk to us about classes in the upper school instead of having recess (why do us people who aren’t going to the upper school have to listen to these things?) and yea. The whole time he was talking Sydney was playing with the cream cheese on her bagel and every time I looked at her I’d start to laugh. Then my books started to slip off my lap and –dang my good reflexes- I had to try and stop them… and I made the loudest slapping noise when I did. Yea. I looked over at Daniel and he was telling me I should be ashamed, which also made me have to try hard not to laugh. Then I looked at Stephanie… and the look she gave me also made me want to laugh. Why did everyone want me to crack up in the middle of his lecture thing??? Oh well. I really should be working on English and not typing this… So I will end this now. Oh yea I made an AIM expression of Ed that I’m very proud of! You can view it here
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Hmm. So I got bored and decided to make my self a happy button thing yesterday. Here it is:
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
But of coarse I don’t have any nice image things like Photoshop so it’s not very nice. Though I like the background. I started another one with a different image of Meroko but never finished it… oh well.
I got to miss most of school yesterday because of being sick but I went in during F period so I could turn in my history paper. I felt pretty much better when I woke up again today …but know my throat is somewhat soar again. Oh well. I got my first issue of Anime Insider today… though I still would’ve preferred to subscribe to Newtype USA. So yea. I don’t feel like posting more.

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Sunday, April 17, 2005

Time Posting- 12:40
Mood- tired
Hmm… haven’t posted in awhile. I didn’t think I’d get to post this weekend because of my history paper… but. Ergh my throat is really bugging me not fun x.x. There’s like gunk in the back of my throat that I can’t get out then also part of my throat is dry and sore. Bleh. Maybe it means I’m getting sick and’ll be able to miss school Monday and have more time for my history paper! Anyways lets see… Friday was fun. For Enrichment period (since they took away clubs >.<) we had spring-cleaning of our advisories and lockers… they gave us trash bags (black Glad™ stretchy bags). Our advisory didn’t have much to clean out us being in the library and all… so to pass the time we decided to have sack races using the two trash bags we got. That was fun… but Cameron tripped me (and I still beat Sally). Then one of them got a hole in it so Sally decided to turn the bag into a pair of pants… then Jessie and I started using the other as a kite (then Jessie took it from me x.x). Then Sally (still in her trash-bag-pants) had Taylor give her a piggy back ride …and of coarse were in the library which is the first thing you see when you come in the main hall and look strait…
Yea… I started that at 12 something or another but then I had to work on my history paper… it’s now 4:46 and I’m almost done (I have my stupid closing paragraph left) but it’s too short. Bleh.
Anyways as I was saying quite a few hours ago… our advisory (the library) is right by the teacher’s lounge… and of coarse Miss Metheany (sp?) (The big evil dean of the 6th grade and some big job lady) had to be walking by when we were being… our advisory. She came in and started yelling at us for roughhousing and …bleh. ‘Twas rather frightening yet funny… Then in sports Track played quick ball… that was fun. One time when it was Cameron’s turn to kick the ball he feel over it… that was funny. Then when I was running to 2nd base I ended up slamming into Gabriel and knocked him over… when I looked back when I got to third base he was curled up on the ground *laugh*.
Then yesterday was Stephanie’s party… I don’t have time to sum it up now but it was just fun and funny… and everyone was scarred that there was a raper guy out back…. That was odd… and took away from my sleep time.
My throat is really bugging me. It’s like there’s gunk in it and it’s also soar at the same time. I’ve been drinking lots of fluids today and I even tried a losenger (sp?) and nothings worked…

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