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Monday, March 28, 2005

Wah! It’s my last day of Spring Break *tear tear*. And I only have one more episode of Full Moon wo Sagashite to watch until Nebstv gets more! -Oh wait! They’ve got another episode up! *Dances around happily* and I got a friend hooked on FMwS too! *Parties*.
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Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Easter!
Time posting- 20:27
Music- none
Mood- Tengo cansado

Hola everyone and happy Easter!!! I don’t feel like writing a really long summary of my day so I’ll make it quick! Yay!^^ I woke up and my Nono and Nona were already at our house. I had to get my church clothes on then we had our Easter breakfast with hard-boiled eggs, salami, croissants and some other fancy bread, and Nutella (obviously on the breads). Then on the way to church I saw a bold eagle, yay. Then we went to my Grandma’s and when we were on our way to my Aunt’s Andrew realized he had left his cell phone at Grandma’s. Then we got to my Aunt and Uncle’s and everyone was there and uh… we had linner and watched the Incredible (or us kids…). Then they had an Easter egg hunt for the little kids and I ended up carrying my cousin Laura around while she looked for eggs (because she’s two and needed assistants and since Caroline, her sister, broke her leg [and we don’t really trust Jack, her brother, and Walter and Charlie, her other brothers, were too small…] I ended up being the one to carry her …and I didn’t have shoes on so me feet ended up getting cold. Then we left and went back to my grandma’s to find Andrew’s cell phone and it took forever but we found it! Yay! And know we are back home.

Hmm... I saw this on Burning Demon's site and though I'd add it...
Warning: Read Carfully!!
state police warning for online: please read this very carefully...then send it out to all the people you kno. something like this is nothing to be takin casually. if a person with the screen name of monkeyman935 contacts you, do not reply. do not talk to this person. do not answer his/her instant messages or e-mail. whoever this person may be,he/she is a suspect for murder in for the death of 56 women(so far)contacted through the internet. please send this to all the women on ur buddy list and ask them to pass this on!!!!!!!!!!!!!send it to boys to so they will contact girls.

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Saturday, March 26, 2005

Today we went to a crew meet thing for my brother and it was cold. The meet was at Georgetown, which meant we had to drive into DC bleh. x.x So yea… crew looks like fun. I really have nothing to say. I uh… finished the third volume of Othello? Yea that’s all that’s happened today besides the cold crew thing. But seriously it’s so friggin cold the cherry blossoms aren’t even in bloom yet and it’s already the end of March! …Okay so it wasn’t really all that cold but it would be nice to get some spring weather…
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Friday, March 25, 2005

So anyways I never updated today when I woke up. So yea. My other cousin Jack was over and he just sent me an invite to get a gmail account. So yay. I’m annoyed though cause he made me make mine a uniform one (or whatever it’s called) so now it’s just my name and I want one with a more interesting name. Oh well *shrugs*. I also got an account on I think bravenet which will allow me to make my own website… I suppose that’s cool… but what will I do with it? Oh well. I had a very boring day today except I got to go to Books A Million and I bought the first volume of Prince of Tennis, Saiyuki, and Kare Kano, and the third volume of Othello (which I didn’t even know was out yet... but I’m not complaining! ^^). So yea. Then we went to church for some random Good Friday thing then came back and I did the email and website thing and know my cousin is gone and I’m here with nothing to do. I wish I hadn’t left my new mangas in my mom’s car…
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Thursday, March 24, 2005

New OB username: Gin
Yay I finally changed my username on OtakuBoards! I was so happy. I’ve been trying to come up with a good username for so long cause I totally hate the JunkobaKaiba one. Finally after many random ideas for usernames I liked for a day max I came to Gin. I’m very happy with my new user name… or at least as happy as I could be with any user name. ^^ Anyways I had many random other username ideas such as Ginny, Jess Jess, Gin-Jon, Lime Green (no clue where that came from but it was the best I could think), ect. So really I think Gin was the best choice… I’m gonna need a new banner and avatar now…
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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

   Time Posting- 12:28
Mood- bored
Music- none
Ow Mocha stepped on my eye… (Yes it is possible.) And now it hurts. Apparently my cousin is coming over to spend the night today… why am I never told these things? >:| Anyways I haven’t had breakfast yet… my mom said she’d go buy some nutella when she went and dropped off my brother’s friend from Crew and she forgot… wah.:o Ah well. I think I had a dream were I was in class and realized there was an assignment over Spring Break I didn’t do …but then it was okay because we just read in class and I found a Wolf’s Rain manga on the random book shelve that appeared there. So yea… that was odd. And then I woke up and my brother and his friend came back from Crew then my mom said she’d get me my nutella and didn’t. So yea… my older brother’s eating my M&M’s wah. (Can you guess by this post that my day is rather boring?) So I think I’ll go read more Naruto manga…

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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Wow I’m so bored (as usual). I’ve barley been able to get on the computer at all today because my mom was on the main upstairs computer writing a paper for school and the laptop’s Internet died. But now my mom’s at school so I can get on! I already lost the CD case to Japan For Sale… isn’t that sad? x.x Oh well. I’ve been reading Naruto the whole time since I got on …I’m soo frigin bored! Wow I really have nothing to say… except that I’m hungry.
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Monday, March 21, 2005

Wow I haven’t posted in awhile. But nothing has happened because we’ve been on Easter Vacation. Yesterday we went to my Nono and Nona’s and our cousins came by two. They came an hour or two after us and before they got their Nona had us cut down some of the dead trees in front of their house… the one tree my little brother managed to cut down all by him self was a live dogwood that wasn’t meant to be cut down. He was so proud before he learned it wasn’t supposed to be cut down. When our cousins got there we watched Mulan (which was on on Disney) and then all of us kids (except Caroline because she has a broken leg) went out side in the back yard and had a mock war. We made swords and spears and lances out of tree limbs from the cut down trees in the front yard. And when we got home my mom had picked up my Japan For Sale CD!!!! *Is very happy. *
…I wonder what my hair would look like at ear length….

Yet again I typed that up a long time ago but the internet was being screwy again and wouldn’t log me into my Otaku. We walked down to Roy Rogers for lunch then went to the video store. At first we didn’t see any good movies so my brother picked Envy because it looked all right and the people said Mondays are two for one so we looked through the store and I found Castle in the Sky and Millennium Actress (I think that’s right). We ended up picking Castle in the Sky and while we were checking out the TV had an interview with some person talking about Kiki’s Delivery Service and then as we left Castle in the Sky started!
I *heart* my Japan For Sale CD!!!

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Saturday, March 19, 2005

So anyways I typed my last post a long time ago but I only just got it up because my otaku was being spazzy and kept logging me out. I just went down to the library and it’s very sad because I’ve already worn out their manga selection. When I went today seriously the only books they had were tons and tons and tons of DB/Z/GT and tons of volumes of Peach Girl. *Sighs*. So yea… *tear tear*. My older brother is moving to the room downstairs which leaves my other brother with a lot more room in his bedroom… but I still have my tiny bedroom which like a forth of everyone else I know’s bedroom… it’s seriously just a square with a tiny closet… *grumbles* maybe I should switch bedrooms with my little brother. Anyways I’m thinking I might change my otaku sight to an Othello theme but there don’t seem to be too too many Othello pics on Google… and if I don’t add manga or anime in my search and just type Othello I end up with a lot of pics of some play or something… I think there was a play written by Shakespeare called Othello. *Must go check in our big book of Shakespearean plays*.

EDIT- Othello Theme:
Yay. I got the Othello theme up. I originally had where the black and pink were switched but I decided my site looked better with black background and pink text than vice-versa. Yes the color theme is black and pink. I had thought that the cover of the first volume was black and pink not black and white which is why I made the colors black and pink. But it still does go well even though the ribbon in the picture is read not pink… but I don’t think black and red would look as nice. So yea that’s me talking about my new theme for my Otaku and now I am done.

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   More About Camping... and Napoloen Dynamite
I really need to change myO theme because my Birthday is over… oh well *shrugs*. I never bothered to post yesterday because it was a very boring day… I read The Land of the Blindfolded (vol 1) which was very good, but after that I had nothing to do. There wasn’t much happening on OtakuBoards and no one seemed to be on AIM. But my Japan For Sale CD came in at Barnes and Noble so I might get to go get it today. That’s very happy.
Anyways two days ago when I posted about our camping trip I forgot to mention the last part of the day. Taking down that tent was very eventful. Sydney took down the tent before we had swept it out and while we were still trying to take down the cover thing. Other than that the taking down of the tent was rather uneventful (yet still fun) and not nearly as hard as putting it up since we didn’t need to get the stake things to stay in gravel. Yet again we finished taking down our tent before the boys even started and then we got two carts and put all our bags on them and took a group picture. When we were taking the carts down to the bus to unload I think Natalia and Sydney got one cart and Joanna, Lauren, and I got the other. Ours went over a ditch and one of the back wheels feel off… that was funny. Then we went on a last hike before we left and we stopped to talk about our experiences in the wild even though it wasn’t all that nature like since there were planes all ways passing over our heads (and as Andrew said that another plane passed over head). And I took a piece of a stick to bring back as a souvenir.
Anyways yesterday we watched Napoleon Dynamite. It was interesting, really dumb, but we had a fun time discussing it afterwards (that what Sally said ‘stupid to watch but fun to talk about’). I liked Napoleon’s dance in when Pedro shaved his head… I want that wig.

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