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Friday, March 4, 2005

Wow I haven’t been on since forever. I had violin both yesterday and the day before which didn’t allow me to get on the computer. We started Spring Sports on Tuesday (well we choose on Tuesday started on Wednesday) and I’m now doing track. Joanna abandoned us, and Lauren Coleman after like one day opted out because she has no time to do homework because of dance. So yea our track team is tiny as usual *sighs*. Oh and Robert Asmar, Bobby Engarman, and Reggie Newsome are all in track *sighs*. My dad’s surprise party is today so yea… everyone is rushed and gah.
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Tuesday, March 1, 2005

Time Posting-19: 33
Music- nada… no sound on the computer
Yay! My first day back in school since forever!!! Seriouslly I’ve been out for 11 days (but I was actually only sick for two of those days) and that’s more days then the number of days left until spring break (10). We had a delay today, which was nice cause I got to sleep till like nine or ten… that was nice. I’m happy ‘cause I don’t have to take the math test tomorrow. I still have to take the Spanish test and I’m going to make up the History test I missed though. The National Spanish Exam is on Thursday and Friday and we were filling out the sheets in class today. Profe Gray was telling us what to put down and if people had questions about what to put down she’d answer them. There were a few people who had questions about what they should put down for the years studying Spanish in Elementary School. Must people did 1-2 years, which didn’t qualify for the harder grading thing but some people had questions. Like Courtney has been taking Spanish in the summer for 10 years …but that didn’t count and I think Sam had a question about what to put down, but Profe said she should put down 1-2 years also. And I told her how in 1st through 3rd grade I had been in Spanish Emergence (half the day in Spanish half in English with learning Science and Math in Spanish) and I said last year I had asked Senor McNear and he said just go with 1-2 years so that’s what I should probably go with but she said no put down 3-6 years (wait… I think that’s the next one)… (So HAH! In your face Senor McNear!!!). Ehem… sorry. Anyways I’m very happy I get to do the harder one!! One other kid in my class (Alex) is also doing it (…well he does like speak Spanish at home so yea…) and my friend Lauren is also so that’s very cool! I’m happy that I actually get to this year!! Anyways… uh I got my history topic today… I’m doing birth of the Internet! Yay! *Is happy. * Wow I started that at like 7:30 and it’s already 8:00 anyways….
Time Posting-20: 06
Mood- hungry (still)
Music- none
Wow my little brother just broke a violin string.

Time Posting-22: 01
Mood-cold… mm for ice cream!
Music- none
Yum. We had tacos for dinner! And my dad made real Mexican style beans and they were really good! …Except he accidentally dumped almost all of the cayenne pepper in the tacos thinking it was chili pepper. Despite all the cayenne pepper I didn’t find it all that spicy. Yea… anyways I suppose I should maybe study for either Spanish or History… well I don’t wanna so I guess I won’t.

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Monday, February 28, 2005

Wow I haven’t been on for a while. My mom keeps changing my password and it’s really evil and I’m never gonna get a chance to download episode 26 of Full Moon before Nebs TV shows ep27 (can’t now because I’m on my brother’s file). Wow… yea. We had another now school day, which means I haven’t been in school since two Thursdays ago… isn’t that awesome? Yea… we walked down to the library, video store, Safeway, and Roy Rogers today. I’m so sad I have already worn out my library’s manga selection. There was seriously like nothing there that I hadn’t read besides a few DB/Z/GT junk. So I ended up coming back with a few random shojo manga. Oh and you know what’s really sad? On Saturday I had to baby-sit for a friend’s family while they went out to dinner with my parents and my mom said they should be back around 11 and of course they just had to get back at 11:30 like just as soon as Fullmetal Alchemist started!!!! *Is mad. * And we got back at like exactly 12 o’clock. I think my parents planned that… *glares*. So now I’m gonna have to wake up at 12:30 on Thursday to be able to watch last Saturday’s episode! *Is sad. *
Time Posting-20: 47
Music- Naruto junk…
Oh yea and I forgot to mention my brother’s Samurai sword came today… it was there when we got back from our happy little walk down to the shopping center… it smells bad.

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Saturday, February 26, 2005

   odd IM from admnAOL...
Time Posting-11: 39
Music- Kesenai tsumi
I’ve been meaning to post this for a while… anyways
A few days ago I randomly got an IM from some admnAOL… (Some numbers went there) or something to that affect. Ergh. So long ago… now I can’t really remember what they said to me. Something about my account being ...like… warned or something wrong with my buddy profile and I had broken a new rule of AIM or something. They like copied the text from my buddy profile to show me what it said. They said I had sworn in it or something. I think they meant cursing sworn so I told them they must be wrong ‘cause I would never swear and they kept saying I had. Then I said something and they said lol then we both said goodbye. Oh yea! And the person said I would be sent an email in like 72 hours about it. When they finished talking to me I changed my SN’s email because I had just started using that email as my main one and I didn’t want that person to be sending me emails on my main address. I don’t think it was a real AIM person. Why would they have a conversation with as normal person on AIM? I never got an email from AIM and I just can’t really picture and AIM person saying lol to me. And also I’ve gotten IMs from the AIM staff people. When the AOLsystem whatever IMs to say that your account has been signed on somewhere else or whatever they say. But if you IM them back they don’t respond and their SNs are AOLsystem… not admnAOL… So that’s why I changed my email after getting that IM I didn’t want it to turn out whoever it was who IMed me got my email. …Then again there is the tiny possibility that it was a real AIM person…

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Friday, February 25, 2005

Wow I woke up really late today. Anyways I’ve already said this but no school days are kinnda ruined when you’ve got your two brothers running around… add your brothers friend and *pokes them*. We went down to the library yesterday and my mom gave me a bag to carry all my books in! …It was from Books A Million. You know what’s odd? Tamora Pierce’s books are all in the children’s section except the Song Of The Lioness series… while looking for the fourth Immortals book I asked the –Wow Zach is an idiot he just let Mocha out trying to throw my little brother, Matthew, out. Anyways so I asked the information dude and he said that if the main character is older it might be in the young adult section or if it deals with more ‘adult material’. *Thinks back to the chapter ‘Womanhood’ from the first Alanna book.*

Time Posting-13: 54
Mood-very bored and tired because of EVIL Mocha
Music-Fullmetal Alchemist OST –mostly Brothers *must figure out wat language that is! *
Okay I’ve decided from now on that instead of adding a bunch of new posts everyday I am going to try and just edit my first post… but maybe if the two posts are completely different… I dunno. Anyways Andrew, Matthew, and Zach all went down to the RECenter to sled and I followed with Mocha. –And she was acting so friginn evil! *Breaths* uggh …so tired now! Well anyways I posted a request for a banner on the art request section of OB I hope I get a nice banner and people don’t think my post is stupid or anything. (I hate being self-conscious.) Ah well. *Sings Melissa. * I’ve had an idea for a drawing hit me… actually a few. Even though I can’t draw I’ll try and draw them… I’m gonna use the same characters for them… maybe I’ll draw character designs too! Oh! And I have a new Full Moon episode to watch! *Is happy. *

Time Posting-14: 15
Mood-bored… just plain bored… so friginn bored
Music-Melissa from FMA OST
Okay I am sooooo friginn bored I want someone to talk to or something to do… *Bangs head. * Sooo bored… *dies* oh yay! Carrie just signed on IM! Maybe I can talk to her! But I’m still bored… and want more people to talk to *hint hint*. Oh yea you know what I just found out? The FMA OST artist’s name is one letter of from a really old RPG character of mine… how scary is that? O.o

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Thursday, February 24, 2005

Stole this from BurningDemon's myO site:
Time Posting-22: 16
Mood-bored yet happy and somewhat spazzy

Anywhos to the post:
I’m bored… very, very bored. My dad just came up stairs and I started bugging him about Bit Torrent again… heh. I doubt he’ll ever let me download it. *Makes face*. My brother’s friend is over… he’s staying the weekend because his family is up in New York. And they keep pocking there heads threw the blinds to see if it’s still snowing. Well even if Fairfax County Public Schools do have school tomorrow it doesn’t affect me because the SSSAS middle and lower school don’t have school since it’s the end of the trimester. (My brother is in West Potomac, a public high school, and his friend is in the upper school at SSSAS, which goes by quarters instead of trimesters,) so if FCPS does have school I can laugh at them! *Laughs*. Yea… I want it to be 12:30 so I can watch tonight’s Fullmetal Alchemist episode (missed it Saturday b/c of being at Blue Knob).

Added latter…>>
Yay! I went and posted comments on a few people’s myO posts …what fun. I feel so loved that people have been posting comments on my posts lately so I just had to return the favor!! I’m now gonna try and post comments on everyone else’s comments too!!

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Er… yay happiness is fun! Anyways yay! No school again today because of SNOW!!! And it’s still coming down and looks really prettyful!! And now (since Friday isn’t a school day) I have no school all this week! Te he! But know Charlotte is gonna laugh at me ‘cause in an email from yesterday of hers I replied saying I didn’t think we would get school off today because of snow. So… yea. No school days aren’t as much friend when you have both your brothers stuck at home with you too *pokes brothers*. Oh well. I get to spend another day glued to the computer! Yay! And no homework for me. Oh and I’m happy ‘cause I got another GB signing in myO plus in myO people have been commenting on my posts! So I feel special and loved! *Grins*
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Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I stole this quiz from my friend Lauren's site:
er... it wont work... so everyone who's at all intrested must go to my xanga site at:

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   My brother just came home from school. One of his friends came to ‘cause they’re going to crew together. He made his friend try some hot sauce we have. And it’s really spicy hot sauce. It came with a warning on it… they’re currently in the kitchen coughing.^^ Wah my mom will be home soon and she’s gonna bring a bunch of homework for me… fun.
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   Oh yay! This is my last day before going back to school!! Yay tomorrow and I’m no longer contagious! Isn’t that happy? I think it’s happy! Happy happy happy! *Coughs* erm… yea.
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