junkoba kaiba
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
lack of sleep?
Wow last night I was convinced it was Thursday. I totally freaked out. It was quite funny. Then when I looked at my calendar it said it was Wednesday and I had to go into my parents’ room and ask what day it was (this was at past 12 at night). I think it was caused by lack of sleep. Today we wrapped a huge box for my older brother. Then I sat on the rocking horse going ‘neigh’ for five minutest. We went out to Wendy’s then we were gonna go to Barnes and Nobles to return a book but it was raining really, really, really hard. So we went to Michael’s instead.
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
As usual I am very bored
I just made Ramen for lunch… yuuuuuuum. My mom is having left over Tai food but I finished mine so I don’t have any Tai to eat… Oh well! Ramen is good too! My day has been pretty boring so far I’ve spent the whole time IMing Lauren and Carrie and posting on otakuboards… oh and quizilla wont work.
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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Finished MT and more boring-ness
Wah! I finished MegaTokyo (or at least the part that’s written) so now I have nothing to do… I can’t believe it took me so long to finish he thing! I’ve been reading from I think Sunday… (But then I haven’t been on the computer all that time –in fact I was gone for quite a while yesterday) …and at the same time I am surprised that I could finish 649 pages s quickly… odd neh?
Ugh… now we have to go shopping again *makes face* I really don’t want to but… *sighs* but on the bright side I’m getting new ski boots (and possibly skis) today!! That’s very happy!!! I’ve outgrown my boots and I’ve been needing new skis for quite a while. Now if only I could get my dad to understand I need new ski pants to *sighs* oh well. Maybe I can get my mom a present today… and since I’ve finished MT I can focus on the drawing I have to do for art. (We are doing an imitation picture in art class –and I got to draw manga style!- but it took me for ever to pic a picture to imitate so I asked the art teacher if I could work on the picture of break… I’ve done like nothing for it.^^) *sighs* so there is my *fascinating* day!
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only 207 more days... w00t!
Eeeeeh! I am ecstatic!!! JK Rowling announced when Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince comes out today!!!!! July 16th!!! Yea!!! Only 207 days left!!! w00t!!! Yesterday she announced she was done though we’ve none for a little while because of her change the thing on her front-page… anywhos… yay! Happy!!! Only 207 days!!
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Monday, December 20, 2004
Wah! No one wants to hug me!
Anyways we went to Ski Chaluet (or it was called something like that) we spent so long in there and only got new boots for my little brother... but they are bringing over some boots from another of there stores for me tomorrow. We also looked into getting new skis for my mom, my little brother, and me. I got a happyful map with a bunch of ski resorts in VA, WVA, MD, and PA. Then we went Christmas shopping. We went to Target and got nothing there then went to Barnes & Nobles. I know have a present for everyone but my mom (she’s been with me every time I've gone). Oh yea! And I know I'm getting Othello:-D. I spent almost all my time at the bookstore reading it till she called me over to look at some books for Andrew... she was asking me and Matthew about getting him a Learn Italian book. And while in that area we looked into Japanese books for me (learning Kanji, dictionaries, ect.). That’s when she asked me about a present for my little brother she just goes 'look' so I looked at the basket and saw Othello and I'm like 'good job at hiding my present mom'. And of course she got really mad... she was trying to show me a thing about origami for Matthew because he's out of paper and she just thought get a book with more origami...
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cute little kindergarteners
Agg… when I woke up this morning the snow didn’t look nearly as pretty as last night… anywhos!
We had a great time at Ramsay Elementary. The kids were soooo cute! Our group went to three different class rooms and I read ‘The Snowman’ each time… we also had enough cookies to give some to every class!
So yea now I have the rest of the day free… I think I’m gonna go walk down to the library…
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
IT'S SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG! It’s snowing!!! We just got back from confirmation Mary Lib was leaving when it started and she came running in to tell us it was snowing. We had been eating dinner when there was this huge clap of thunder and we were all like ‘Whoa’ when Mary Lib told us me, Andrew, and Zack all ran out to see …and because Andrew still has to go to school tomorrow he tied to insist that it was sticking… Of course it’s right after I get out of school that it actually snows. *Roles eyes* I think it’s starting to stick now… but for it really to stick the temperature will have to drop a bit lower, when me and my Aunt got in the car it was only 37° F (about 2 or 3° C). Ugh… now I have o go to swimming *makes face*.
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yay! quizzes!
wee fun I just took this happyful quiz and I've seen others posting these so why not?
The Priestess.
What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
OMG FMA's episode last night was soooooooo sad!!! I probably allready said that inmy last post but still! *tear* those poor peoples! waaaaah!
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so tired
Ugh I'm so tired... I was already tired yesterday and I stayed up to watch FMA (though I missed the first ten minutest grrr!) and then I had to wake up earlier today then I usually wake up on Sundays. Were going to the nine o’clock service at church today (soooooooo early!) And my mom and both brothers already left because my little brother has to be there early for the pageant and my older brother is playing guitar… that leaves me my dad and my dog home waiting for it to be nine o’clock (well actually Mocha probably isn’t because that would mean she’d be locked up in her crate) *falls asleep on computer board*
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
As Death-T2 said yes my day was pretty durn boring... we had vioiln today... we have it on Thursday not Saturday!!! urgh not fair! well like right after I got back my mom draged me out to go shopping ...uuuuuuuugh! and then when we got back she finally decided she was sick of not having Christmas lights up and tried to make me help her... I helped my dad with prepering dinner (it was warmer!)
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