junkoba kaiba
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Monday, December 13, 2004
today be my ¾ Birthday!!!
I’m bored so I’m posting more… when I saw that I got another comment on my post on Sunday I seriously spazzed out... I feel so looooooved! I just changed my site to look Christmas-y after that last post! And I added a Quiz! *jumps up and down happily* my mum wants to show me a project she just brought home! *runs off* ...theres an advertisment for custom printed M&M's ...cooooooooooooool! And we get to decorate the tree!!!!!!!!! oh yea! And today is my ¾ Birthday!!! Isn't that great?
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Let see… stuff happened today in school… we got our math tests back, I seriously thought I’d get a 50… I was counting on like a C at best (and I’ve never gotten a C and don’t need to start now) but I got an 82!!!! OMG! I was so happy! I asked Sam to look at my paper and tell me how badly I did and she’s like ‘you did well! You got the same grade as me’. So yea… I know and 82 is a –B which is really bad and uuuuuuuugh but still… fitness was really cold today… Monday is game day so we split up into 6 teams and had three games of ultimate football going at the same time and each team played three games. We would’ve played ultimate Frisbee but it was too windy so we played with footballs instead. And… yea… I went into extended day today and got everything but math done because I lent Lauren my book and calculator and had to wait forever to use them… and me Lauren and Sally played a three person game of Chili during break… which I won! And a few of us played keep away during the break before that one and my team won even though we only had three players while the others had four… we had a Spanish test today! What fun! And… *trails of because she has been distracted by the fiber-optic Christmas tree’s lights* ooooooooooooo… shiiiiiny!
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Sunday, December 12, 2004
OMG! I feel so special! Another person added me as their friend, I got more entries in my guest book, and people commented on one of my posts! *Jumps up and down in joy* plus I don’t have to go to swimming today!^^ …anyways a lady passed out today in church and they had to call the rescue people and they brought a stretcher… but she’s okay so that’s good! And uh… before that happened the Jr. EYC went shopping for people from the angel tree and left me behind… so I was stuck making snacks for the kids in the Christmas pageant… then me and my big brother walked around old town for 30 minuets until the church service started. So yea… we had a big family birthday party for Andrew (my big brother), Caroline (my cousin), and Nona (obviously my grandmother). For awhile Andrew, Jack, Caroline, and I were on the downstairs computer and Andrew got on Diablo II and was posting in the little chatty place and it was really funny because he was saying all sorts of funny stupid stuff and one guy got really pissed at him …and that guy had a funny name… poky… *laughs* and Andrew started asking if any one had a bs-ammy… *laughs* so yea… doesn’t life just rox your sox off?
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Saturday, December 11, 2004
When was the last time I got on?
Wow last time I got on was Tuesday! On Wednesday we had the band and orchestra concert... Thursday was just a normal chapel day and Friday had the chorus concert... Wednesday was a pizza sale so yay!^^ Thursday was torture… we had an English test, Religion quiz (for those of us in religion) and a science quiz… we graded the religion tests in class and it was out of 20 points and you could get 2 points extra credit… I got 22/20 –that’s 110%! The English test I think I did okay in… our class was C period -right after chapel and chapel went late so we got shorter time then everyone else… the English teacher ended up taking my test away in mid-sentence… but she gave us 10minutes extra time on Friday. Friday normal algebra had a math test and I know I totally failed that… I forget the formula for the last problem! …I came out of the room and just started crying (I had started wanting to while talking to Mrs. Johnson but held off until I got out side) and my friend Stephanie had to comfort me and make me feel better… which is really odd ‘cause I’m always the really cheery person and must likely to help comfort one of my friends when they are sad… so yea… we only have one week of school left and I get my braces of on Wednesday!
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Tuesday, December 7, 2004
Wew! I haven't posted in soooo long... our subs were due Monday and we've been testing them since they were due... Everyone gets two tries without getting points taken off but each time after that you get... I think 5 points off... anyways my sub didn't work Monday:( so I took it home to work on some more and tested it today... annnnnnd... MY SUB WORKED!!!!!! I was sooooo very happy! My friend Lauren and I did the touch wood scratch stay spin around three times and say 'may the lord and saints preserve us' and it worked! lol (it’s stolen from Master and Commander which is such an awesome movie). Mr. Davis was telling us that we should sacrifice 7 bowls of water to Poseidon and 7 sheaves of wool to Athena… I think Lauren should do that tonight since her sub didn’t work (she tried for her first time today) oooh! And the just played the Snoopy Christmas song on 97.1!!!! *is happy* at Christmas time that channel rox my sox cause starting a week before thanksgiving to Christmas day they only play Christmas songs!!! I got the December issue of Newtype USA on Sunday… along with the Mist of Avalon DVD… my friend Kelly was in A Christmas Carol… The Little Theater of Alexandria always does a Christmas play this time of year and Kelly is always in it and invites us to see it then to her house to make cookies and Sundays… we also have a Christmas party with a gift exchange but we combined them into one this year… I brought the Mists of Avalon as my gift and Sam got it! And I got a grab bag with cards poker chips looooooots of chocolate a massager thing some sort of cream (that I probably can’t use ‘cause it’s got sulfur^^) portable Chinese checkers and these really cute postcards…. Awesome! I got a grab bag!:-D… So yea, we took pictures and had fun and my fav character at Kelly’s play was boy Scrooge^^. OMG Stephanie said the person who wrote the play Just So Stories is coming to see us perform it *dies* and me and Stephanie (the elephant children) have to block our duet (the elephant child’s song) *dies again*
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Saturday, December 4, 2004
Erg I have been like so bored today… my sub is due Monday… in class on Friday Mr. Davis and Mr. Wolfe showed us some of the subs they made ….so yea that was fun Mr. Wolfe’s boys class came in with us so we could all watch together… in fitness we ran relays… my lane (3) came in second…. So yea go us! Cameron was in my lane and came right before me (so like he would run up and tag my hand since we didn’t have batons to pass then I would run) and I would always start running a bit early like your supposed to and he’d always yell at me asking me what I was doing and I’d be like your supposed to! And… yea I finished the first Immortals book today and I couldn’t go to the nearest library because by the time anyone could take me it was closed and the only one opened on Sundays is the big one and the only Tamora Pierce books they have are all the ones I have all ready read… were making a PowerPoint thing in religion class… about different Parables …me and Alex get to do The Prodigal Son… we had a battle between Charlotte and Taylor (who were also a group) because all of us were in the same drama class last year and for our chapel play (each 7th grade class always does a chapel production) we did the prodigal son… and in each class only one group do each proverb now I must go eat Chinese!
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Wednesday, December 1, 2004
only 79 more days till the Katsucon!
*Looks down at her last post* wow I was a bit harsh down there! ...Guess I must've been grumpy from being so over tired... O.o We got to go into the weight room for fitness today! Well all the boys (since there are so few of them) and all the 8th grade girls. (When we left the sevvie girls were being made do TV watchers^^) ...I got to lead stretches today! (Along with my friend Natalia) and that’s really all that happened in school today… oh yea in drama we practiced the dancing part to the first song in Just So Stories …which happens to be called Just So!^^
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Fiber Optic Christmas Trees
Our Christmas tree came in today… it’s so kool ‘cause it’s fiber optic… plus it’s not a real tree so it’s good for the environment. Today in fitness we ran for 10minutets again… I hate when we do that because it’s not like we’re running a certain distance so we know how well to pace our selves… and yea… I was on the very end of my fifth lap when we ran out of time... I only had 100meters left x.x …I felt that was pretty bad but I was actually one of the people who ran the furthest so yea… ah well. A mile is four laps so judging by when I finished my fourth lap I had run for a bit over 8 minutes (I had about 50meters left to go when they yelled 8 minutes). I suppose my time would have been faster if we had been running a mile and not just ten minutes because I would have been able to pace my self better and also when I get about 200 meters from the end I start to sprint so… yea…
Anyways after we finished the 10 minutes we told two of the coaches how far we had gone so they could record our distances then got a letter from the third coach. Most of us figured it was something just talking about how we need to bring sweats and how unless we are wearing sweats our close have to be saints athletic clothes… so yea about the proper attire… but instead it was talking about how the head of our school had found a bullet on a windowsill and then he must’ve made an announcement because then another bullet was brought to him and they figured out who it was… My friends Lauren, Charlotte, I were talking about it while we walked to the busses and rode to the middle school (though I go to the lower school… my bus stops by the middle school first so they ride on that one with me) and we think that I might’ve been some sevvie boys… Lauren said that there might be a few boys from the 8th grade some people would suspect but it probably wasn’t them… I suppose she’s kinnda right about the 8th grade thing but I don’t think any of them actually would actually bring a bullet to school… but as Lauren pointed out we never had anything like that happen when we were in 6th grade (first grade of the middle school and only grade sevvies weren’t there) but when they came last year there was vandalism and some people were drawing swastikas on places in the building such as the stair well by the arts/history wing of the school and Spanish room that also takes you down to what (when we were in 6th grade) was a 6th grade hallway and has the bookstore in it and takes you up to the gym… but the point is stuff like this started happening when they first came to the middle school… and were practically positive no one in our grade would do it… and the 6th graders? They’re so young… so new… well I doubt they would’ve.
Also I’d like to rant about some of the ‘popular’ sevvie girls who are all in fitness *dies* but it’s already past 10:30 and I haven’t had much sleep lately so next time I get on… I will rant! …or I could try now.
Ugh… they are so annoying for example today after the two warm up laps and stretches and before the ten minute run we were doing a bit of those running excersies like butt kicks and high knees and our coach told us he’d count down from ten then we would all need to get into equal lines and all of them just stayed in like this big mass behind the first two lines causing them to have about 15 people while the last only had 5 …so we had to run an extra lap… and when we ran the warm up today I started in the way back so had to run ahead of a lot of people to get in front and a group of them had made like a solid line from lanes 1 threw 6 so no one could get bye… (but I still managed to!:-D) …ok done!
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Sunday, November 28, 2004
Happy Belated Tofu Turkey day (you know its better than normal turkey)
Agg my sub for science got crushed! That really sucks!!! And the subs are due the 6th! *Faints* well it's working there is just the tiny little problem that it got crushed... my dad took me to the library today and I got uh....
Neon Genesis Evangelion volume 5
Oh! My Goddess volume 3
Spirited Away part 5
Castle in the Sky part 4
We’re watching A Christmas Carol on uh that TV station…. Yea… anyways I think my mom just said she hopes Tiny Tim dies… that would be mean. We went up to our ski house in Pennsylvania on Friday and stayed over night and stuff happened. I’m pretty tired now… I didn’t like our dinner that much… wah we have to go back to school tomorrow… but Christmas break is in 3 weeks! And is …only for two weeks?! …it seems like our Christmas breaks are getting shorter and shorter each year…
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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Ah... Yesterday we had the Thanksgiving service at the upper school. We ended up spending more time waiting for everyone to get there than the service its self took. So yesterday was the last day of school and we have no school today. I'm really annoyed because there was a sandwich making thing at the upper school from 9-10 today for Martha's Table but I slept in too late to go. And I was really hoping I could go... In fitness yesterday we played 'capture the stuff' again... our team was outnumbered like two to one and yet we still somehow managed to win. Then our main coach made us do a pyramid of 7 pushups and sit ups ....and the grass was soooooo wet!
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