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Jess... I hate meh name. x.x
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made it through middle school... now all I have to worry about is high school and collage!
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| junkoba kaiba
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Monday, July 18, 2005
I don’t have much to say. I barley got to read the book. After buying it after church yesterday we had to go to spring field and shop, eat, and visit my Grandmother. So I could only read in the car. When we got home I started to read then my mom yelled at me to clean junk up and when I finally started reading again some little kids that I baby-sit for and a bunch of their friends came over and I had to watch them. After diner they finally left and I got my book out but my parents came in and had us watch a movie. Then all I could do was go to bed. I wanted to read in bed but then my mom came in and started to freak out about how messy my room was then said I couldn’t read because I had to get up early for crew. Ugh. I'm only just barley past page 300. T.T
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Sunday, July 17, 2005
Wooh! I finally got Half Blood Prince… which means I probably wont be on all day!^^ But that means I’m going to have to start it while I’m half way through Angels & Demons. Blagh. My older brother and I walked down to Books A Million today after church because it was incredibly hot out side, the churches air conditioning had broken, we didn’t want to wait forever for our parents to finish talking, and we both wanted the new Harry Potter book (my dad never let me preorder it and he wouldn’t take me to get it yesterday). I also bought two volumes of Furuba which reminds me …I just got a letter back from my friend, Lauren, who’s at camp and she said another girl there’s gotten her interested in Fruits Basket! Yay! …But I just don’t get how I, who have know her since forth grade, can’t get her interested in any anime or manga while some random girl from camp, who she’s know for two weeks tops, can. X.X Grrness. Ah well I’m off to read HBP!
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
I’m back from HEP. We got home at three in the morning. Ugh. If I write every thing from the trip it’ll take to long. Ah well. I don’t feel like writing much so I’ll talk about the trip later. My dad’s being evil. He wouldn’t let me pre-order Half Blood Prince and now he wont let me go buy a copy from the bookstore. Isn’t that just evil? …While we were at HEP Nonno taught Andrew (my older brother), Jack (my cousin), and me how to curse in Italian!^^ We learned how to say Da** what a jacka** you are. It’s accidenti que somaro que se. *Laugh*
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Monday, July 11, 2005
I’m making this quick because I have to go pack. In about an hour/hour and a half my older brother, my dad, and I are going to HEP (Highland Education Project). Were gonna be there till Saturday! Agg! And the car ride is around eight hours long! At HEP we do junk like building/fixing houses for people… last year (and I believe it’s what will be doing again this year) we made decks for people whose houses flooded in a large flood last year and now live in trailers. Fun. Except I think there are bed bugs >:P. But yea… I believe we get to go whitewater rafting this year! (They did that two years ago –the year before I started coming). So yea …it’s in West Virginia… how can it take eight hours to get to WV…a state that’s right next to us (in fact before the Civil War it was part of us) and yet take around four hours to get to Pennsylvania?!?!
Oh well. I have The Rivers of Zadda (the new Pendragon book), The Opal Deception (new Artemis Fowl book), Angels & Demons, and Deception Point to read while there. Yea, I’m eating cookies right …HIT cookies. They are incredibly good!
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
We had to wake up rally early for the swim meet today because the pool we were swimming at was an hour away. Not fun. Then we went to Costco …for a long time. A very long time. I fell asleep on the ride home and here I am now. I thought the sound was fixed on the upstairs computer but it turns out it wasn’t. *Makes face*. Oh well.
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Friday, July 8, 2005
It’s 7:05 in the morning. Yea. There’s no crew today because of a tropical storm. …My mom woke me up in time to go to crew to tell me that. My gosh am I tired. Yesterday my computer was completely dead. It wouldn’t turn on so I tried checking all the plugs by it (and there are a lot), flipping the switch on the little plug thing it’s in (you know those things with lots of plugs that plug into the plugs in your wall?), and a bunch of other junk but it still wouldn’t work. Finally when I got back from bowling (at around ten) my mom had it working. >.< So yea. Yesterday I went to crew, got home, did nothing, went to the bank, went to Barnes & Noble, came home, went to swim team practice, went bowling with our pool and Waynewood, and came home and slept. My oh so eventful day. I had an in-store credit to use at Barnes & Noble fore $28. Yay! I bought the first Full Moon manga. So happy it was there. I had completely forgot it was coming to the US. I’ve known that for a while but it’s never been in a bookstore when I’m looking for it and finally it was! Yay! …That meant I also got a free Shojo Beat sneak peak book… and I bought another Viz book and got a Viz sneak peak book too! Two free books! Yay!
…wow that turned out long. I still want a nice layout for my site.
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
You put the lime in the coconut...
Blergh I don’t feel like posting anything but I haven’t posted in awhile. I finally got to see episode 25 of FMA in English… If I say anything more about it I’ll go on forever and ever and bore anyone reading this to death. Yea. I wish my site had a pretty layout.
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
Blergh, going to Blue Knob for the weekend and wont be back till after Tuesday. I don’t get the point of going to a ski resort in the summer.
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Friday, July 1, 2005
You know what I hate?When people call the newspaper comics funnies.It really annoys me.Anyways my Internet died (again) yesterday.I just ate pancakes and they were good because they had chocolate chips in them… except I ate them with birch syrup instead of maple syrup so it wasn’t as good.Crews been fun… I just finished my first week of the camp!My boat’s awesome.We’re on the Digilio, which is an awesome name (well of coarse!It’s Italian!).Everyone’s very fun our coaches are cool… the girl coach wants to give us quizzes on classic rock after practices with candy prizes and all three coaches want us to all bring brownies and other backed foods (except one of the guy coaches says no sugar in the cookies)… and the guy coach who wont let us have sugar in our cookies keeps saying stuff like we did a handsome job getting the launch boat out of the water or docking the crew boat.Yes.Fun-ness.
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Time Posting- 10:26AM
Mood- Hungry
I'm being lazy and not checking my spelling for this post by not use MW. I got back from Crew... awhile ago. We get to actually go out on the water tomorrow!(sp?) Yay. I'm going to go see War of the Worlds with Sydney today... I have no clue how she talked me into this... this is the second scary movie she's dragged me along to recently. Since it's opening day for it the line is going to be incredibly long... why couldn't we wait a day or two?
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