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myOtaku.com: junkoba kaiba

Friday, November 12, 2004

   *blink blink*
Ahhh so much has happened since I last got on. Which I think was Wednesday, or possibly even Tuesday. I got locked out of the computer sometime between then and now.
On Tuesday we spent our sports period putting on a talent show me, Lauren, and Margaret (all of the 8th graders since Louise wasn't at school) did the statue skit!:-D. so yea.
On Wednesday we had a half-day so I went to Springfield Mall and I went to Suncoast I got the November issue of Newtype USA (which actually came with the DVD unlike when you go to Borders...) one of the Naruto Mangas (is ecstatic) and the first Comic Party Manga... (I'm so happy I got that I've been wanting it for a while... some people were talking about it on otakuboards and I wanted to see it too... I took the cheep way out and bought the manga stead of the Anime:)).
So anyways Thursday was the end of the trimester and we had our advisory party we had taquitos the Twister game and a strobe light!!! After that for soccer we had another party!:D
Now it is Friday and we have the day off so I’ve finally gotten on the computer (I spent the first half of the day watching the DVD that came with Newtype USA reading Naruto and my Newtype USA magazine), which brings me to the next thing I have to say. I was reading one article in Newtype USA and they were talking about this one club and I'm like 'that would be so much fun to join but it's probably no were close buy... not even in this state.' but then as I was reading more and more they mentioned that they had done stuff at past conventions like the Katsucon and Necokon and I'm looking at that and I'm like 'hey I only just missed going to the Necokon 7 last week and I’m planning to go to the Katsucon 11 in February’ then they mention the club is gonna be at the Anime-Mid Atlantic and I’m like ‘that’s the convention nearby in July! OMG! They’re in my state!!!!’ now I so wanna go there!!!! So yea…

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