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myOtaku.com: junkoba kaiba

Friday, February 25, 2005

Wow I woke up really late today. Anyways I’ve already said this but no school days are kinnda ruined when you’ve got your two brothers running around… add your brothers friend and *pokes them*. We went down to the library yesterday and my mom gave me a bag to carry all my books in! …It was from Books A Million. You know what’s odd? Tamora Pierce’s books are all in the children’s section except the Song Of The Lioness series… while looking for the fourth Immortals book I asked the –Wow Zach is an idiot he just let Mocha out trying to throw my little brother, Matthew, out. Anyways so I asked the information dude and he said that if the main character is older it might be in the young adult section or if it deals with more ‘adult material’. *Thinks back to the chapter ‘Womanhood’ from the first Alanna book.*

Time Posting-13: 54
Mood-very bored and tired because of EVIL Mocha
Music-Fullmetal Alchemist OST –mostly Brothers *must figure out wat language that is! *
Okay I’ve decided from now on that instead of adding a bunch of new posts everyday I am going to try and just edit my first post… but maybe if the two posts are completely different… I dunno. Anyways Andrew, Matthew, and Zach all went down to the RECenter to sled and I followed with Mocha. –And she was acting so friginn evil! *Breaths* uggh …so tired now! Well anyways I posted a request for a banner on the art request section of OB I hope I get a nice banner and people don’t think my post is stupid or anything. (I hate being self-conscious.) Ah well. *Sings Melissa. * I’ve had an idea for a drawing hit me… actually a few. Even though I can’t draw I’ll try and draw them… I’m gonna use the same characters for them… maybe I’ll draw character designs too! Oh! And I have a new Full Moon episode to watch! *Is happy. *

Time Posting-14: 15
Mood-bored… just plain bored… so friginn bored
Music-Melissa from FMA OST
Okay I am sooooo friginn bored I want someone to talk to or something to do… *Bangs head. * Sooo bored… *dies* oh yay! Carrie just signed on IM! Maybe I can talk to her! But I’m still bored… and want more people to talk to *hint hint*. Oh yea you know what I just found out? The FMA OST artist’s name is one letter of from a really old RPG character of mine… how scary is that? O.o

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