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myOtaku.com: junkoba kaiba

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Easter!
Time posting- 20:27
Music- none
Mood- Tengo cansado

Hola everyone and happy Easter!!! I don’t feel like writing a really long summary of my day so I’ll make it quick! Yay!^^ I woke up and my Nono and Nona were already at our house. I had to get my church clothes on then we had our Easter breakfast with hard-boiled eggs, salami, croissants and some other fancy bread, and Nutella (obviously on the breads). Then on the way to church I saw a bold eagle, yay. Then we went to my Grandma’s and when we were on our way to my Aunt’s Andrew realized he had left his cell phone at Grandma’s. Then we got to my Aunt and Uncle’s and everyone was there and uh… we had linner and watched the Incredible (or us kids…). Then they had an Easter egg hunt for the little kids and I ended up carrying my cousin Laura around while she looked for eggs (because she’s two and needed assistants and since Caroline, her sister, broke her leg [and we don’t really trust Jack, her brother, and Walter and Charlie, her other brothers, were too small…] I ended up being the one to carry her …and I didn’t have shoes on so me feet ended up getting cold. Then we left and went back to my grandma’s to find Andrew’s cell phone and it took forever but we found it! Yay! And know we are back home.

Hmm... I saw this on Burning Demon's site and though I'd add it...
Warning: Read Carfully!!
state police warning for online: please read this very carefully...then send it out to all the people you kno. something like this is nothing to be takin casually. if a person with the screen name of monkeyman935 contacts you, do not reply. do not talk to this person. do not answer his/her instant messages or e-mail. whoever this person may be,he/she is a suspect for murder in for the death of 56 women(so far)contacted through the internet. please send this to all the women on ur buddy list and ask them to pass this on!!!!!!!!!!!!!send it to boys to so they will contact girls.

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