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myOtaku.com: junkoba kaiba

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Time Posting- 12:40
Mood- tired
Hmm… haven’t posted in awhile. I didn’t think I’d get to post this weekend because of my history paper… but. Ergh my throat is really bugging me not fun x.x. There’s like gunk in the back of my throat that I can’t get out then also part of my throat is dry and sore. Bleh. Maybe it means I’m getting sick and’ll be able to miss school Monday and have more time for my history paper! Anyways lets see… Friday was fun. For Enrichment period (since they took away clubs >.<) we had spring-cleaning of our advisories and lockers… they gave us trash bags (black Glad™ stretchy bags). Our advisory didn’t have much to clean out us being in the library and all… so to pass the time we decided to have sack races using the two trash bags we got. That was fun… but Cameron tripped me (and I still beat Sally). Then one of them got a hole in it so Sally decided to turn the bag into a pair of pants… then Jessie and I started using the other as a kite (then Jessie took it from me x.x). Then Sally (still in her trash-bag-pants) had Taylor give her a piggy back ride …and of coarse were in the library which is the first thing you see when you come in the main hall and look strait…
Yea… I started that at 12 something or another but then I had to work on my history paper… it’s now 4:46 and I’m almost done (I have my stupid closing paragraph left) but it’s too short. Bleh.
Anyways as I was saying quite a few hours ago… our advisory (the library) is right by the teacher’s lounge… and of coarse Miss Metheany (sp?) (The big evil dean of the 6th grade and some big job lady) had to be walking by when we were being… our advisory. She came in and started yelling at us for roughhousing and …bleh. ‘Twas rather frightening yet funny… Then in sports Track played quick ball… that was fun. One time when it was Cameron’s turn to kick the ball he feel over it… that was funny. Then when I was running to 2nd base I ended up slamming into Gabriel and knocked him over… when I looked back when I got to third base he was curled up on the ground *laugh*.
Then yesterday was Stephanie’s party… I don’t have time to sum it up now but it was just fun and funny… and everyone was scarred that there was a raper guy out back…. That was odd… and took away from my sleep time.
My throat is really bugging me. It’s like there’s gunk in it and it’s also soar at the same time. I’ve been drinking lots of fluids today and I even tried a losenger (sp?) and nothings worked…

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