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myOtaku.com: junkoba kaiba

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Well I just finished Lord of the Flies. I so guessed the ending. Anyways I finally got the email from Cameron. The link is this. If your one of the few people who visits my site and actually bothers to read this I think you should click it because it’s quite funny. Anyways I also finished Tricksters Choice yesterday. I barley did anything but read on Saturday. Wah to finished books so sad. But I still have The Opal Deception to read. And yea. There’s a DirecTV person over and now we have high definition TV! (I didn’t know we didn’t have high definition before…) but now the guide is different. Bleh. I had to baby sit last night. The younger girl can be kinnda annoying and she kept bugging me when me and the older of the two girls were playing Jenga (you’d think Microsoft word would now this) and trying to watch Rave Master. Yea. And since we now have Tivo my mom wouldn’t let me stay up and watch Fullmetal Alchemist. So I watched it after church today. And took forever for my dad and I to get the sound working.
Church today was really bleh. The service to me seemed really long and boring and there was no food at EYC and no adult so a bunch of the kids misbehaved and acted annoying then we tried to go find food. Yea. During coffee hour I realized I had forgotten to pick up my ponytail holder and Zach had it… it took me awhile to get it back. Then I took Andrew’s glasses so he tried to take my ponytail holder and tried to hurt my arm. So I stepped on his foot… wearing high heels actually paid off for once!

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