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myOtaku.com: junkoba kaiba

Wednesday, May 4, 2005

   Yay fun theatre junk!
Woo! I haven’t been on for the longest time. I finished Tricksters Queen, which means I’ve finished not only all of the Aly series but all of Tamora Pierce’s Tortall books! *Is sad*. But I’ve decided to restart the Alanna series because I remember barley anything from the Song of the Lioness Quartet. ^^;; So yea. Today the 8th grade went on a field trip to Folger Theatre. It was a lot of fun they interacted with the audience! ^^ Paige and Reggie got to try on clothes from when Shakespeare lived. Then they did other stuff… but the most fun part was when they acted out a scene from (I think) Macbeth erm… So there were four theatre people there… two guys and two girls. The two guys were hiding behind trees on down stage right, and then one of the girls came in behind them and she says she’s a friend so they don’t kill her! ^^ Then they’re talking about the sun rising and someone they have to kill then they here the hooves of the horse and the other lady comes in down stage left and she sends someone away then the first girl runs off and the two guys kill the other girl then one guy blows out the lantern then the first girl comes back and says something about the light going out and something bad and the two guys are like opps and darn it. Then that’s the end. They called a few people counting me up to be trees and Gweny got to be the person the second lady sent of the stage. They acted out three versions of the play. The first was a Western and we were all cacti except Christian who was tumble weed (he rolled bye during the fight scene), the second was Kung Fu and everyone but I played Bonzai trees. I got to be a Cherry Blossom, I wore one of those flower branch things that goes around your head… it had pink flowers and I got to drop one flower on the dead body of the second lady. And when that version ended I got the head thing stuck in my hair x.x. Then the last version was an opera. We got to be singing trees and wore the masks that cover your eyes and nose and sang during the fight scene. Much more happened today and all the days that I haven’t posted but I’m too lazy to right more. ^_____^
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