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myOtaku.com: junkoba kaiba

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Yay!Yesterday I completely forgot that there’s a new chapter of the Fullmetal Alchemist manga out.Unfortunately the site I download them from always has a password and each month the people change the password and it’s hint and I can’t guess the hint this time.If anyone wants to help me out it says:

Hint for this month's password:
The current password is the name of the main character (NOT the dub name) of my most favorite anime EVER which was recently brutally mutilated by 4Kids and GRRRR STUPID 4KIDS!!!!!! >O
The password is always in lower-case letters.

Good luck! <3 

Yea.Anyways.I think I’ll just read it off of the MSN groups site and just wait till next month when the next chapter comes out to guess that password and download two chapters at a time.Anyways here is where I’ll say again that the ending to Fullmetal Alchemist (this time I’m talking about the anime not the manga) was incredibly good and I really can’t wait till I’m able to download the movie.Adrian was right if you’ve seen the end they’re really is a lot you can give away (wow that sounds dumb.Duh you can give stuff away if you’ve seen the whole thing.)But it’s because the plot changes a lot at the end.And you know when I first saw the first half of Fullmetal Alchemist I thought it was really good… but the end is like even better than the beginning!!Yesterday on IM I talked to one of my friends non-stop about Fullmetal Alchemist and about how great it is and everything… of course she’s never seen it and so had no clue what I was talking about.^^Funness.Ok I’m going to go try and download chapter 50 of FMA once more and if that doesn’t work I’m just gonna go read it off the MSN group.

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