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myOtaku.com: junkoba kaiba

Monday, September 26, 2005

  Time Posting – 2:46
Hmm. I think I guessed today wouldn’t be the best of days at school before I left (but then no school day this year has been all that great…). Maybe it was because I thought I left without my key (though thankfully I didn’t), or because I went to bed crying last night (but I’m sure your all sick of hearing me complain about switching schools… I’m so pathetic. Most people switch schools at least once and I’m making such a big deal…), or possibly ‘cause I ended up not feeling good after breakfast (you see I can’t stand breakfast and I had a croissant with nutella [chocolate hazelnut spread] for breakfast… I don’t like much sweet stuff and they’re the one thing I can’t stand the most for breakfast) so that left me kind of feeling sick… And then I realized we had to run the mile today in PE and I had chocolate for breakfast. Well whatever it was after I had left for school I realized I needed to look through the newspapers for history but today’s the day we get rid of our last week of newspapers… so much for that.
Anyways so we ran the mile in PE and I got 7:24… which I guess is okay but I diffidently could have done better. I didn’t push my self all that hard and I started sprinting to early, which messed me up. But oh well. And then of course while waiting for the last few people to finish running I threw up. That’s never happened to me before… I mean I’ve never thrown up because of running. And it wasn’t because I was pushing my self to much or running too long –I’ve run double that and been just fine and run a lot harder and been fine. I think it was because of what I ate. And also I didn’t keep walking after finishing running, just went and sat down. Mr. Wolfe always made us walk after we finished… woops. And I felt pretty pathetic because everyone could see me (they were sitting in the bleachers and I had just gone down to tell the coach I didn’t feel good). Ugh. And you know how disgusting you feel after throwing up. X.X The coach sent one girl who was hurt so couldn’t run with me to go to the bathroom. *Sarcastically* I bet she loved that. Anyways, then we had a fire drill during English (which is the next period), my ears were still pounding from throwing up (you know how they do that where like the inside of your ear hurts?). …Gosh I hate that noise of the fire alarm. And I was so cold all day –especially in orchestra. And I was really tired to. And I realized I forgot my planner so I couldn’t write down any homework. Ugh. Not fun day. X.X I’ll be so glad when the school year is over.
Later today I’ve got to go to Shotokon. I’ve been to two classes so far. I didn’t even want to sign up because I’ve just started a new school and everything and didn’t want to have anything more to deal with. And of course I got signed up in a mixed age class so the only people my age are a weird guy who I don’t really like and a girl who hasn’t come to any of the classes yet then a bunch of little kids. Hopefully my mom’s going to let me quit but I think she wants me to pay the 200+ dollars it cost (even though I diffidently remember her saying if it was too much for me she’d let me quit the class… that’s the only way she even got me to consider joining even though I never agreed to join and ended up any ways).

I’m so sorry I must’ve bored you guys with such a long post… especially since I wasn’t able to visit your guys’ sites yesterday. We had to go visit my grandmother’s then I had a bunch of homework to do. I promise I will try my hardest to visit at least everyone who’s posted today’s sites! Thanks anyone who’s actually bothered to read all of this!^^ Your guys’ comments really help me when I’m feeling bad! ^_^

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