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Neo City
Member Since
Senior in high school.....done
Real Name
Uh..just call me Ben
Neo City is a success.
Anime Fan Since
'96 My first anime was probably Ninja Scroll
Favorite Anime
Samurai Champloo
Video game producer
Fighting bad guys and/or people who piss me off and sleep
Killing people in under 3 seconds
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, May 24, 2004
School is ALMOST OUT!!!!
Thursday is our last day. I am happy as EVER!!!
Malkav and Terra Zero better watch out because I am KICKING TOTAL ASS Thursday!!!

He's looking at you!!!
I am about to get a little deeper into the Neo City timeline but I am out of time.
Until next time!!!
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Friday, May 21, 2004
Chapter One Finale
I have played Guilty Gear X2 against Terra Zero and WON!!!!
Anyway, here's the season finale of Neo City!
Neo City
Chapter One:Origins
Final Insert: Kreed's Ordeal
"What is mine to all of yours?
Strike down all who have done no wrong?
What can you a world of nothingness,
In a world that has done no wrong.
That is a perfect world for us....a ninja who has done nothing."
The call from Kreed must have been important. It wasn't much to do at the time that the call came. I went to the GeyuZero Hideout to see what was going on. I saw Kreed with Fiyuki by his side outside of the Hideout and into the crooked streets and neon lights of Neo City.
"What do you need?" I said with a boring monotone to my voice like I didnt care what was going on.
"Juno, there is something going on in Neo City." Kreed said.
"What is it?"
"There has been news coming around that many of the people have been seeing many unusual figures around the new office building that they put on the east side of town. These figures must be from the UnderWorld Clan."
"You got any proof?"
"Many of the figures looked like ghosts of the Nikaji Wars." Fiyuki interfered.
"Those figures must be weird. How could they come back from the wars?"
"Fiyuki never told me about these wars. Do you anything about the wars, Juno?"
"Only fairy tales."
"Please tell me about them. Fiyuki never gave me any more info than she already knows."
Fiyuki punches Kreed in the stomach. Guess its for spiting out too much info that he can handle so I couldn't help but laugh. Fiyuki couldn't stand it either. She couldn't hold it in. She had to laugh with me.
"Sorry, I couldnt help it. I had to do it." She now began to pull one of Kreeds fingers.
"Cant you get on with what you were going to say to me. I dont have all night." I wanted to get this over with. The sooner, the better.
"Tell me about the story please?" Kreed said.
"All right. This is the only story that the old man told me so bear with me okay? Here goes:
"At a time that people could live in peace, these wars were very crucial for Neo City to ever gain the peace that it has right now. These wars were fought over 60 years ago. Neo City was one of the cities that had to fight to gain independence from the rest of Kilana(the world that Neo City is on.) Back then Kilana was one world and every colony was a part of one huge colony. In the year AOFS(After Operation FireStarter) 35, the city known as Julte wanted to break away from the Kilana itself and began to wage war on the Kilana Colony. Many other colonies joined the war in which started the Nikaji Wars. Neo City stayed neutral until Julte invaded Neo City. It then sided with Kilana to destroy the Republic of Julte. The war lasted for 50 years and ended with the victory of Kilana. The next ten years were used for reconstructive purposes. During reconstruction the years changed into the XX era. To make sure that there is finally peace in the colony, they enforced the OpticalWill laws. Ever since then there has never been another outbreak in the system of Kilana..."
"Heres a little added info: KarutaMaru was known as the only survivor of the Julte and has created the UnderWorld Clan. He resurfaced in 7XX, two years after I was born. The OpticalWill was bent out of shape for Kilana to enforce it."
"I dont believe it." Kreed was now filled with more information than I could dish at him.
"The reason that you called me here"
"Yeah that. Listen Juno, these figures have been circling around that office building. We gotta check it out."
Jupo interfered:
"There is something else in there, Juno. Do you think that its another element?"
"Still element hunting huh?" Fiyuki asked.
"Are you still coming with me and Kreed?"
Kreed was already ahead of us when Jupo and Fiyuki stopped talking so I rushed after him with Jupo and Fiyuki.
This ought to be good
End of Insert
End of Chapter
The next chapter of Neo City will be called Trials.
There are some secrets that must come out of the bag...
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Monday, May 3, 2004
Once Again....
My friends, I have once again have no entrance to this site but I will be back momentarily.
Do not fret.
Do not cry.
:Looks at mother: I CAN'T STAND THIS MOTHER!!
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Friday, April 30, 2004
If you wanted to see me....
The real man behind the shadow domain..
The KuraSune..
The Neo City Inserts..
The changing of themes every other day..
Well..then..HERE I AM!!!

Me in the flesh...Me in the bone.
Its ME...ME...ME!!!!
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Thursday, April 29, 2004
All of you asked for it....
The Next Insert of Neo City
Introducing a good friend of mine called Terra Zero as Kreed and Sindalla as Fiyuki.
And here it is...
Neo City
Chapter One:Origins
Insert 5: Purification of the Earth
As all of you should know from the last insert, I must go through a ritual every time I get a new element. Once the element is purified I can use it to kick some ass. Jutango Shrine is where the ritual is held. Also it is the place where I was known as the new descendant of the KuraSune Clan.
During my battle with Huta Kin, I wonder how he could have found my elements. What gifted people that can find my element when they are already a part of my body. The Earth element will be a good addition to my already 2 elements. With all that happened at the site, I don't want to deal with any more ninjas today.
"Oh damn, I really don't want to go through this. Again.E
"Don't worry, Juno. It'll be over as soon as you know it!"Esaid Jopokitena.
"But Jopo, I.."
"We're at the shrine. Make sure you keep a straight face with Turakimaru."
At the shrine I saw Turakimaru sipping sake.
The room was empty and coldE.I had to do it even though I didn't want to.
"I know you don't want to go through this."said Turakimaru.
"How many times do I have to tell you that digging into people's minds is very rude?" He got quiet. I should've never screamed at him but I had to get the point across.
"Give me your element. Come with me."E
He led me into the same room I had to fight him in only it was much darker than I thought it was.
I saw the same 8 rotating spheres and in the middle I saw a huge bonfire. This so-called ritual is done in 2 steps:
1)The user that has the element has to walk up to the spheres and color code the sphere with the element. Here's the color scheme:
Darkness(Shadow Power)-Purple
2)This is the part that I hate. Transfer some of the energy from the element to the user. It usually stings but the earth element didn't hurt as much as the Beam element did. It is an Ujiku Element which is one of the 4 of the 8 that are too unstable for the user to withstand. Fire, Darkness, and Ultima are the other 3.
After this ritual is over I have to rest to let the new element get used to a new host for its powers. After the rest I got a call from the one they call Kreed, a member of the GeyuZero Clan, another clan who was very fond of our same mission.
"Hey, Juno. I heard you found another element."E
"Yeah, I did. I got to get it to settle in my body. Its going to take another 4 hours."E
"Damn. 4 hours ain't going to cut it for me."E
"I guess not. I'm just used to it now."E
"Anyway, when you've finished with your beauty rest, contact me."
"Will do."E
I forgot to mention, Kreed is a sixteen year old who is headstrong and doesn't like to mess up. He's one of the people that will not quit until he gets it right. He also has a fourteen year old girlfriend named Fiyuki who is a kunoichi(female shinobi). Whatever he wanted me to do after rest must be really important.
"I feel like using it tonightE
End of Insert
Next Insert
Chapter One: Origins
Final Insert: Kreed's Ordeal
Any modifications needed let me know because this is something I've forgot to mention:
This story is based on the needs of my friends and others on my otaku.
Thanks for your help.
The REAL man behind this realm will be revealed in exactly 24 hours(hopefully.)
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Juno Cell is BACK!!!!
Yes, my triumphant return is here and I am ready to make you come back here.
Yes, I am here and back in the flesh.
Yes, I am ready to give you Neo City inserts.
Yes, I am ready to give you what you need!!!!!
First, we're going to change the theme(once again) to something else.
Any suggestions?
Azure Sky,R.I.P
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Friday, March 19, 2004
Its that time again....
Hey folks and its time to review another ninja.
Sometimes I come across samurais and samurais are good. As a matter of fact I was just playing Capcom vs. SNK 2001:Mark of the Millenium and I just ran across another one. Feast your eyes on Haohmaru!

Background if you please:
Name: Haohmaru
Weapon: Katana
Weapon's name: Meitou Fugudoku
Nationality: Japan
Birthdate: September 5, 1763
Blood Type: A
Story: Haohmaru's mentor was Nicotine who also trained Genjuro Kibagami. One day Nicotine made Genjuro and Haohmaru fight to see who wins a magic scroll that increases your fighting skill. Genjuro won this fight, but was extremely brutal and almost killed Haohmaru. Nicotine gave the scroll to Haohmaru and expelled Genjuro from his Temple. With this Haohmaru became an even more skilled fighter than he was. One day as Haohmaru was searching for a fight he found a village with all the people in it dead. Haohmaru than found the last person alive in that village. It was Shizumaru as a baby. After that he trained Shizumaru to fight and also searched for the demon that had killed so many in that village.
My opinion:A man with few words but many actions. As you all should know he's from Samurai Showdown.
He uses fire based attacks and has a move called King of Supreme Jugdement which could get anybody K.O.ed.
Samurai Rank:B Average
Not bad for a samurai!
Have a good spring break everybody!!!
Destin,Florida here I come!!!!!
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Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Oh yeah baby!!!!

Which Guilty Gear X character are you?
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Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Sadness has struken me...
As many of you don't know a few of my good friends of the otaku have been cut off by the school online security. Sucks,doesn't it?
But one of my good friends named Terra Zero(you might know him)was hurt the most. You see he had a girlfriend named Sindalla(you might know her too)who loved him very much. A good friend should never leave another. It is very sad and he really doesn't have a computer. :tear in his eye: I can't see this happen again....As a final resort I want everyone to go to his site.
Its not much but just try. TZ has been through alot and Sindalla has too but its not much I can do but I can do this:
Sadness has strucken me....
Once in your love
now gone
to wish that I could see you again
Lost in this world
that has given me a blow
that I cannot withstand
Much of a love as pure as yours
can keep me live and one
But since such tragedy has come
over me and no one else
how can I come to you when you are so close
yet so far away
In a world full of strangers
Can I count on you?
But no....I cannot
I thought I knew you but it is not to be
what it was meant to be
As I take my final bow
I wonder
What has killed me so
Love Tragedy Forgiveness no
Sadness has strucken me.....
-Juno Cell

Terra Zero-Sindalla-Juno Cell
Best of friends....forever
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Friday, March 12, 2004
I'M BACK!!!!!
I'm back and I'm in full effect baby! Neo City is Coming back soon and the chapter finale is coming soon and it should really get your heart beating. OOOOOOOHHHHH!
Thats old stuff.
I'm here with XenoSaga Ep.One from the man himself:Terra Zero and Rise to Honor and let me tell you:THEY BOTH KICK ASS!!!!
The Shadow Domain is going to make a few changes including this:
Every week I will be giving you a ninja(or wannabe)that will enter into the SD family and this week's ninja is :drum roll:

Here is a little background from the man from the Guilty Gear Series:
Chipp is an orphan, growing up in the midst of a crowded and polluted city ridden with crime and filth. Who his parents are is now known, and there's little to remember about his childhood other than he had to learn to fight to survive. At a very early age, he got involved in gangs and with that he also got involved with narcotics and the selling of them. However, Chipp became so addicted to drugs that he consumed what he was supposed to sell and as a result was sentenced to be killed by his suppliers, a local Yakuza. being only 16 and not wanting to die, Chipp fled for his life, but was nearly overcome... However, thanks to a passing ninja by the name of Tsuyoshi Ryu, Chipp was saved not only from certain death by the Yakuza, but also from his addiction. Tsuyoshi took Chipp under his wing, and through tough love and discipline, cleaned up his life and taught him the ways of the Shinobi.
Life was good for a long while, until one day the Yakuza had once again found Chipp and his now master Tsuyoshi, and sent an assassin to kill them both. The assassin however missed Chipp by a scant length of time, but succeeded in dealing Tsuyoshi fatal damage that did end up killing him. Overcome with rage, Chipp set out to enact revenge... To seek out the yakuza and those who killed his master, he joined various tournaments, each with the intent of finding out information about, locating, and destroying every last one of them.
My Opinion:This man is a True Ninja!
Drug addiction was the first thing that was original in his story. Overcoming anything;that is what a real ninja is all about. If you played Guilty Gear before,you should know what this maniac can do. This man is strong,yet not defensive worthy. It all depends on his speed in which makes him first in speed and dead last in defense. His attacks are swift yet vulnerable. His Instant Kill,Delta End is a good move but takes time to pull off.
Ninja Rank:A+
You can also help me find another ninja to review on. Comment and tell me which one to do a review on!
Until next time...
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