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Wednesday, February 11, 2004
Insert #2
Before i begin, I was wondering of a new theme for my site. Kenshin is great but i think its time for somthing else.....
Anyways,i'm open for suggestions and enjoy this next insert!
Neo City
Chapter One:Origins
Insert Two:The New Descendant
There wasn't much to see. Many people praying. I was walking through their sanctuary although i felt like a intruder on sacred ground which made me feel a little uneasy. I was standing behind Turakimaru with the sword and sheathe at hand. He was a tall man in his early thirties but his face was like an old monk and his heart was kind like a seven year old.
"This way,young man," he said proudly.
He led me into a dark room that looked like it was used for battling. There was nothing there but a rack used for swords. All rusty and worn out. He turned around and began to look serious.
"What is your name?" Turakimaru said.
"J-Juno," I said,even though i was still cold from outside.
"And where did u get that sword from?"
"From my father."
"Your father was in Malok City?"
"How do you know?"
"Because i gave him that sword! I was looking for someone to take it. Your father was a great ninja. He met all of the requirements to become a true descendant of the KuraSune Clan!!!! Until....he died on the battlefield. It was his last day on duty. He didn't give you that letter...I did!"
I was in a sure state of shock for about 2 seconds when those words came out of his mouth.
"But....why?" I didn't know what else to say.
"All will be answered.....when we fight!!!" Prepare yourself!"
"What am i supposed to do!?"
Battle Scene:Juno vs. Turakimaru
He came towards me like a ferocious animal on the prowl. I held up my sword like it was my last resort. Then it began to talk to me again:
"Jump left and hit his shoulder."
I jumped left and the sleeve of my shirt was cut in half! It seems that he showed a knife under his sleeve. He started to slow down after a few taunts. That is when i made my move. He jumped over my head and started flipping. Turakimaru got behind my back and was starting to kick my back. Then i made a 360 degree turn and slashed his shoulder and that is when the curved blade came back. Then the sword began to tell me what it was:
KuraSune Wave Scar(Curved): 1st level of the scar. Takes spirit energy of user and is very useful for close range.
Spirit Energy:15%(varies)
After the battle was over,he filled me in on everything and this is what he said:
"The KuraSune is a clan of ninjas sworn in to defend the Earth and Neo City. A strong evil has covered the city and their minions has run this land off course. You are the only chance and u have passed the test to call yourself a descendant. There will be vigorous training and it will be all worth it....
And it was all worth it. After that day my life would never be the same......
Then the sword:
"We got company at the consturction site. Seems like Huta Kin found another shard. U better get there before it's too late!!!"
I'm already there!!!!!!
End of Insert
Title is TBA for now.
Send comments on suggestions.
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Monday, February 9, 2004
I'm in trouble...
I am in big trouble and u don't want to know what for....Cheating! My mother has cut me off of the computer and the phone for 2 weeks!!!!
Learned lesson...
I had to do it....for my grade.
Now to the story.
Each time i do an insert they are color coded for specific events:
Teal is for present time,no fight.
Dark Red is for flashbacks,no fight.
Dark Blue is for present time fight.
Purple is for flashback fight.
and Green is for description of technique and/or weapons.
This is very useful to you and to me as well. Next insert coming tommorow:
Chapter One:Origins
Insert Two:The New Descendant
I might be on punishment but i still have a source.......and that is school!!
And Wing and Terra Zero....i do give u props for my popularity even though i didn't tell u but Wing u were out of school for a week. Don't worry.
I got u covered.
Also,i'd like to take a second to all of the people who lost a page on this site:
Wind Master now HK:deletion
Kamui Shiro now Arcon:giving out links to X rated sites on his page.
That is all....
See ya later.
Comments (4) |
Friday, February 6, 2004
My 800th visit
I've just had my 800th visit.
Getting closer and closer.....
Check out my story,terra zero's and azure sky's.
Their stories are good too.
Only 200 away!!!!
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Insert #1
Neo City
Chapter One:Origins
Insert One:Reconstruction of Lost
"Hey,Juno,"said a voice,"wake up." "U won't believe what just happened!"
"What," i said.
"U just got another detention."
As u can hear from this conversation,I'm still in school and i love to daydream. Even though it gets me detention every other day. Class is going well. If only i can keep my eyes open. Its basically the long hours i have to bear to keep this city from falling apart.
KuraSune or not.....a job's a job.
But i remember.....6 years ago.
I was 10 at the time it happened.....my father was supposed to leave the city to go to war in a far away land called Malok City. He never came back but 4 years later he gave me and my mother the last letter he wrote. It came with a sword. My father told me to protect my mother with it. He also said that it had special powers. But he was uncertain what they were.
It came just in time.....
Seven months later an army of unknown force invaded this city. That night was a bloody night and a bloody full moon to match:
The killing.....
The burning of houses.....
The screams of dying people.....
It furiates me!!!!!
Then my mother.....killed by such madness.
That figure......the voice......the evil.
The one who is responsible of all of this killing:
I saw him standing on top of a skyscraper with the full moon under his face. He was a man that had a face that i will never forget. He had eyes that could pierce a man's heart and drive him insane.
A ninja with the ultimate black heart.....
Until....the sword began to pulsate in unison with my heart and glowed a glorious blue. It had a voice that said:
"Go to Kinoto Shrine and look for Turakimaru. First swing your sword at the building in front of you and you will find true power within the sword."
Not knowing where that was from,i did it anyway. I held the sword with both hands due to its heaviness and swung it. A fierce wind began to blow and it let a curved blade with a blue aura around it and it cut the building in half!!!!
I knew that i should have done it but....such power could not have come from this sword. Filled with questions that needed answers, i ran to the shrine and found a tall man praying at the footsteps.
"A-are you Turakimaru?" I said, trembling in fear.
"Yes I am," the man said. "How can i help you?"
"I have a sword that can talk."
The man laughed,then got serious. "Let me examine that sword that u claim that talks. Come inside and we will talk about this."
"T-thank you!"
End of Insert
Make sure u comment on this story.
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Wednesday, February 4, 2004
This is an idea.....
Terra Zero has given me an inspiration to do this. I will be making a manga series called Neo City:A Ninjas Journey. It will be 7 chapters long. Anyone that comes here please read this and give me a comment and if u do read it,thanx. This is a short intro to the chronicle. Enjoy!!!
Neo City
Chapter Zero:Prolougue
"This is a city that is a real pain in the ass. A city that is run over by such fiends. A city that is called Neo City. A place where evil rules everywhere. But i'm getting a little to into the story. Here's a little history lesson:
This once was a peaceful city in the year 19XX. Then an evil has spreaded this land and it had a name:Kurutamaru. He declared war on Neo City and wanted the resources of this land and wanted to rule this city.
An ultimate clan of ninjas have laid dormant in this city and were awakened when they heard the cries of the city. They were under a leader of amazing power and this power was only held by the members of this clan:
The KuraSune Clan!!
Karutamaru didn't stand a chance against the clan and has been defeated. But the leader was very weak after the fight. He separated his power into 8 shards of power and spread it around Neo City after he died in case a true leader found them all;good or evil....
Karutamaru had a son. His evil desire was to resurrect his father so that that evil can spread the city again....
And thats where i come in. My name is Juno Itsuki,a true descendant of the KuraSune and i have plans for the shards my self. I want to protect this city and i'll be damned to see some half twit get the power for himself.
And thus begins.....
Neo City:A Ninja's Journey
Nice huh?
Make sure u play my music when u read this.
Next Insert:
Chapter One:Origins
Insert One:Reconstruction
Coming in a few days!!!!!!
See ya later!
Comments (7) |
Monday, February 2, 2004
My 700th visit!!
I interrupt my life to give u an announcement: I've just had my 700th visit!!
That is all..
The super bowl was good and what made it better was that the patriots won!!!! Oh and the halftime show was awesome!!!!
Leave a comment and vote for my music on my site!! Thanx.
I'm ranked #91!!!!
I'm getting good,hell yeah!!!
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Thursday, January 29, 2004
Lets go!
Now is the time to be serious!! Wing you and me will getting this over with now!!! This is the final showdown and i have faith that i will be successful!! Capricious Tyrant has been defeated by the hands of Wing. I will not suffer that same fate. I will win!!!
Broken Blade,Azure Sky be ready to fight him if i do not succeed. Azure Sky if i do not win this final fight u are the new leader of the Kurasune. I will make my recovery take a while.
Azure,lead my,oh,your men to victory over Wing!!
You must....
Be ready....
He will come to u....
Wing its just u and me now and winner take all!!!!
The final standoff.....

and FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!
This is it!
No turning back.....
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Tuesday, January 27, 2004
This is very funny!!

I might be withdrawing from the war really soon but that doesn't mean that i will just quit. It just gotten really boring...
Going to Golden Ddz Rpg website now.....
Sleep is necessary. Must sleep.......
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My 600th visit
I interrupt my life(once again)to give u this message:
I've just had my 600th visit!!
That is all.
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Monday, January 26, 2004
Why the hell did i do this??

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