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Monday, January 26, 2004
Boring to boredom
This is really boring and school is boring. I'm glad i didn't go on friday because i heard that Wing and Terra Zero and all of my friends that i hang out with almost got in trouble that day.
Fighting this war is actually getting boring but i can't sleep on it but i feel like doing it now.
Now i am going to sleep and i might give a strider life insert by the end of this week. I got a big job this weekend and i hope no one takes it away from me.....
P.S. Before i go to sleep make sure u vote for the music below and don't call it gay!!! Its the best i can find.
And make sure u zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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Saturday, January 24, 2004
Please Vote!
Please vote for the best song to be on this site.
Here are a few choices:
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Thursday, January 22, 2004
My 500th visit!!!!!
I interrupt my life(once again)to give u a very important announcement:
I've just had my 500th visit.
That is all.
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This i cannot stand
This is the SECOND time that somebody tried to F**k up my site and i know who it is......Kamui Shiro.
Kamui Shiro(Pervert Extrodinaire)is starting to piss me off! This will be our next target but we won't kill him, we will humiliate him and i know how.
Leave a comment and i'll come to your site.
Until then go to his site and piss him off.....BADLY!!!!
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Wednesday, January 21, 2004
This is a last chance to join us. Wing has gotten a little bit stronger. What the hell am i saying he's UNBELIEVABLE!!!! We have to regroup and find a new plan. Broken Blade don't be late!! I'm not trying to be hard but it would have been a little bit better if u were there to see our asses handed to ourselves. Our 1st battle was a stalemate because Wing was a little bit preoccupied to control his evil self. We'll be ready next week. I'll make sure that i'll contact all of u again.
P.S. I just got a Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth. Now my deck will be close to completion......
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Saturday, January 17, 2004
OUCH!!!!! That must've hurt!!!!
How much more brutal can she get!!
Poor Kenshin.

This picture will really make u think about this question:How the hell can the man take that much hurt from a woman that has a kendo stick and don't say anything!!?
I don't know. Maybe u do.
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Not much goin on,eh?
Sindalla's is really beating me up trying to figure out a good ending for her story. I won't give up!!!
Many questions are haunting and puzzleing about this new evil and this so called "new evil" is really getting on my nerves!!
My strider life hasn't been going so well and it is really tiring.
Oh yeah and i'm out of school monday which is good. More sleep.
This is a good quote:
"A man's journey and a man's destiny are 2 different things. At least one of them doesn't take u all of your life to accomplish"-Juno Cell
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Friday, January 16, 2004
The stage is ready
It is time. I would like to thank AniFreak,Azure Sky,Ezzel,and Broken Blade and his mercaneries for joining me in this cause to rid the world of Capricious Tyrant!!!
P.S. I just had my 400th visit!!!!
P.S.S. Viscious 2 leave a comment on this and tell me if E.V.I.L is joining the fight.(Its just a acronym. it doesn't mean anything.)
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Thursday, January 15, 2004
Nice quizzes
This are good quizzes......
 Dark magician. You love the dark because of it's beauty and just the life that no-one else sees. Mysterious, calm, quiet... But that doesn't mean you're not friendly!
Please rate ^^
What kind of dark person are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Free, bold, badass. You are somewhat a loner, but care about people anyways. You seem rude and arrogant to other people, but there is more to you than there seems.
Which Guilty Gear Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Its time for war(once again)
U know what time it is. Its time for war people and i need your help. Terra Zero and Broken Blade if u come to this site leave a comment on this post and tell me if your going to help or not. If u want to join the Kurasune leave a comment please.
We will thwart the twisted plans of the Capricious Tyrant!!!! Join me to protect the world and as soon as u know it we will be victorious!!!!!
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