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Junpei Masaki
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Every where you wanna be.
Member Since
Medioker Anime/ Manga Artist
Real Name
Junpei Masaki
My life is a whole achivement. If your on the other side of the looking glass.
Anime Fan Since
All of my past lives and birth of this one.
Favorite Anime
I've seen so many that I really don't have one.
To be a Manga and Anime creator. Oh and Meet CLAMP or Ayumi Hamasaki
Drawing pictures and Comics, reading manga and watching anime, also eating Japanese food exspecialy tempura or curry or anything good, shoping,making friends(sounding cool while saying those)
Drawing, Marshall arts, fighting,and people skills. Also charm, good looks and i speak some japanese and just being so d*** kool. (lol)
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Sunday, August 15, 2004
Very impotant!!!!!!!!!!!!! REALLY!
I am htinking of closing this account and openning a new one. I have a problem with this one so I have to. I will add you all to my buddy list ok. I will also let you know my new user name. It wil still be Junpei masaki most likely. well see ya. If you think I should not do this then please leave me a post. well see ya around k.
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Tuesday, August 3, 2004
Junpei Masaki IS BACK BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!
What's up. Im back and I'm live. I just got back to New Mexico today! The plane ride was ok with the exception of some turbulance.
(did i spell that right? hehe) Well now that I'm back I can get some work done. Anme gurl I will be getting to your backgroud. Sorry it's been so long but I'm trying to get the pics and I just moved so things have been kinda crazy. To all the ladies I just wanna say love ya and stay kool. To all the guys stay kool. And all you Otakus keep on lovin ANIME!!! (Yeah I know I really do love exclaimitory marks)
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Saturday, July 24, 2004
This is made by C.E.L.L! Are you a true Otaku???
1. You MUST know what anime and Otaku is. (Duh)
2. You own at least 10 Manga.
3. You own 3 or more posters or wall scrolls.
4. You need at least 3 anime accessory, watch, chain, wrist band, etc.
5. You know the titles of at least 100 Anime, Manga, or Anime related games.
6. You draw anime or manga.
7. You have your own anime/manga characters.
8. You know the names of at least 10 anime artists or groups.
9. You know what J-pop/J-rock/J-rap is.
10. You know the names of 4 J-pop etc. artist.
11. Your favorite curse words are damn, shit, bitch and hell.
12. You find yourself calling people an igit.
13. You have at least had your own anime convention.
14. You know and use the word Baka in everyday vocabulary.
15. You get an unusual high off of talking to someone other than your self about anything Anime related.
16. You know at least 10 Asian movies.
17. Most of your friends are Otaku.
18. You love to tell anyone who will listen about how much Anime has improved your life.
19. You daydream about anime all day. You even wish some super hot character would wisp you away to some unknown anime land and fall madly in love with you. (hey it could happen)
20. You think out loud and often regret it.
21. You wish a giant sweat mark would fall down your face.
22. You wish you could kick anybody’s roba and look cool while doing it.
23. You know what Pocky, Yan-Yan, and Ramen are.
24. Ramen is a large part of your diet.
25. You’re learning, know or want to learn Japanese.
26. You always spell Otaku, Anime and Manga with a capital O, A, and M.
27. You hate it when people say japanimation or Japanese anime.(Anime is already Japanese and it means Japanese animation so just say Anime)
28. You tend to yell and scream a lot for no apparent reason.
29. You wish you were an Anime character.
30. You want to move to Japan if you haven’t already.
31. You stay up to watch Anime on school /work nights. (If parents allow it)
32. You walk up to beautiful women and say will you bear my child.
33. Or you ask some handsome man may I bare your child.
34. You sign up for every Anime web site you see.
35. You have your own web site. (Big Otakus have those.)
36. Anime is your life and you would die with out it.
37. You often ask yourself “If I didn’t love anime what would you be doing.”
38. You dye your hair or want to dye your hair.
39. You have an Anime characters name for a nick name.
40. You blow all your money on Anime stuff.
41. You named a pet after an Anime character.
42. You fell in love with an Anime character.
43. You believe in reincarnation.
44. You eat spaghetti with chopsticks.
45. Then again you pretty much eat everything with chopsticks.
46. You have learned or want to learn how to cook Japanese food.
47. You know Japanese songs but have no Idea what you’re saying. (Or maybe you do???)
48. You wink one eye and keep it closed for a while.
49. You think your hamster escapes when you go to school/work. (If you have one)
50. You’re still reading this test. (you must really love anime)
51. You make anime test for you and your friends and put it online some how.(I did)
52. You take some kind of Marshal Arts or at least respect it.
53. You curse in Japanese.
54. You stick paper over your door to keep evil out. (kami strips)
55. You spend 60 bucks or more on something Anime/Manga related.
56. You managed to drag anyone around you into some kind of Anime/Manga.
57. To get into a hotel free you say something about a dark cloud looming over a room.
58. You know what “Those who Hunt Elves” is. (To my surprise not many people do.)
59. You wish swords were legal to carry on the streets.
60. You love video games.
61. You tend to talk when you fight.
62. You have dreams about anime.
63. You know what Hentai is. (And know it can be a good thing.)
64. You own a Japanese good luck charm.
65. You own your own Anime/Manga Company. (Or at least plan to)
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I made one kool huh?
It's my first so it aint perfect.
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Anything you want me to do?
 Animation from
I'm willing to help out. Such as avatars/bg's/ect. so you can always hit me up. I'll resopnd as soon as possible.
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
I just started making backgrouds for the Otaku site so tell me if you like them or it if you want me to make one for you. I will only do a few orders a week so don't freak out if you don't get yours the next day. I need your email to mail it to you ok. My sister's site (Ibuki is making them too so take some orders for her too. We both work under C.E.L.L Animanga. If you have computer skills and want to join email me and Ill give you a interveiw k. See ya around.(and the backgrouds are free of course.duh. so is the interveiw)
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Thursday, July 8, 2004
I am so sorry heh heh.
I won't be able to fuel the war as I had planned. All of a sudden my life just got busy.(seems like my life gets busy at all the wrong times) Well I'm going to host an Otaku party along with my sis. That's been taking all my time. I have to make sure I have all the stuff. I had to buy food and other stuff. I can't wait. Lucky for me my mom is ok with it! Whats better than a bunch of anime freaks under one roof. Well see ya and to all the ladies love ya!
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Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Hey everyone Im in New Mexico right now.
I'm in New Mexico right now.I will have to pospone the war for a while because I'm visiting my granparents so I don't wanna spend all day online. My granparents are very kool which you may not belive. (It's true) They listen to rap music,rock,J-POP/JROCK and don't sound fake when they say "that's cold". They are also very nice. Well I will be checking my post but don't feel bad if I don't get back to you in a while k. Have fun this summer cuz I know I will.(peace sign up):)Tottaly Krul!!!!lol
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Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Im looking to start a game.
I going to run a game. I will pass out a button of rank to who ever joins. All you have to do is put a button on your site and its done. I will be starting in a few days. Why am I doing this? I wanna show the power of the people. It's not a real war it's just called that. This is just a game to help spice up the otaku sites. Our enemy is the sister site. (this is just a game we have no real enemy so jus have fun)
I will post up better rules and game play as we increase.
What do you do:
All you gotta do is send me comment on this post of what rank you wanna be and why. I will put the html n one of your comments.(the ranks are listed below)
0/# means that 0 people out of 100 are that kind. when the number reaches 100 or its max you can no longer be that kind. ?_? got it.
Wolf/Vampire Foot Soldeirs:1/100
Wolf /Vampire Leaders:0/60
Vampire Commanders:1/20
Otaku Head Council Wolf/Vampire:2/10
We now have 5 people Fighting the war.
If you wanna join the effort then you know how. If you want more info or have question feel free to email me k.
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Monday, June 14, 2004
Racisim Is a really bad thing!!!
Just recently I exsperienced rascisim. I was walking into a store when a man came up to me and pushed me. Now keep in mind that this is a full grown man. He said " I dont like your ugly a**!" I just looked at him surpried at what he said. He then said "You dont belong in this country" I told him "I belong were ever I go" He came twoard me with a stick. lucky for me I always carry my bokuto (I knew I always carried it for a reason)._- I whipped it across his face but he grabbed it and tossed it. The first hit stunned him a bit so I rushed in and did two jabs to the stomach and a high kick to the face. While he laid on the ground I picked up my bokuto, when he tried to get up I cracked him right in the face again. This time he just layed there not moving. The store clerk called the police, when they came I told them my story. The man left on a stretcher. He had two broken ribs from the punches,a broken jaw from the kick to the face, cracked skull from the bakuto hits,and a broken nose I geuss he hit it when he fell. The only charge I got was battery and assault. The charges were later droped by the jury. I beat a man and Im only a teen. Im not proud of what happened but I did what I had to do. My mom said I should have just ran away because he might have had a gun or somthing. I geuss I felt the need to show him whats what. what would you have done differently or the same huh?
What do you think I should have done?
Any other opinions?
Please leave comments.
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