Birthday 1992-10-28 Gender
Female Location Camarillo, California Member Since 2005-06-17 Occupation Freshsmore! Real Name Grill Sissom
Anime Fan Since Sometime in 2004 Favorite Anime don't have one just like Tohru
Hi, I'm new and dont have many friends, BUT MY NAME SAYS ALL!!! Can you be my friend?
Thank you
--Tohru Honda
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
I've realized Almost no one seems to come to my site and I understand. I never post and my site isn't the greatest...You don't have to read this. This is just me trying to make sense of the world around me in a confusing way which no one gets. Actually I have no clue what I am really doing. I just hope that if you are reading this you don't want to kill me for being random and pointless...I appologize for that. I am sorry if this sounds depressing and for once that is kind of how I feel...either that or really tired. Anyway it's a really strange felling for me. Well...I'm playing hooky from work tomorrow...I'm not sure what I'm going to do...I think that I'll go on a hike, go see a movie, maybe go to the beach...the list goes on and on with no definite plans...I know for a fact that I will go to KFC with either my family or a friend or both. Well thaht's all I have to say for now...and that I think I will just end up writing posts at least some what similar to this one in the future... Comments
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Monday, May 22, 2006
I don't know what to put here so I shall just put this! I feel totally random and I shall write to my hearts content, for I do not feel like myself and I will most likely not post for the next couple of days. Why is it that I am able to stay up all night when I want to, but I cannot when I need to? Why do I act differently with my friends that I do with my parents? How come I think some people seem like complete idiots when everyone else thinks they are the smartest person? Why do you park in a drive way and drive in a park way? Why am I asking all of these questions? If you know the answer to any of these questions please answer them. Thank you. Comments
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Friday, April 21, 2006
Waterfall road kill... If you are obsessed with the "Shaman King" Ren then you should not read the rest of this for you may find it insulting and you may come to dislike me and I would really hate that.
I had a dream that Ren was crossing a road and because he is so short a person driving a monster truck didn't see him and ran right over Ren. I mean he went 'splat'! Bason was on the other side of the road staring in horor and Yoh, Horohoro, and everyone else turned around and freaked out.
Then when I was at school I saw a picture one of my freinds had drawn of Ren, only it was a back/side view and it looked like he had a hood on when I looked at it again. The thing is is that when I first looked at it it looked like a waterfall because she had colored it in quickly.
So there you have it, Ren has now been named Shorty the Waterfall road kill.
And for all of those people who have repetedly told me...I DO NOT HAVE HOMOSIDLE TENDENSIEZES!!
((sorry for any spelling mistakex))
note:I spelled mistakes wrong on perpose to get my point across... Comments
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