The Rotation

No Jackage Onegai-shimasu
WOOOOOOOOT ! I made my own layoutttttttt ! Tis teh super shiny and super smexyy, Lee Jun (or Joon) Ki ! Yayuh ! I super loves him. I need to watch My Girl. I heard t'was pretty shiny. I watched like ... twenty minutes of The King And The Clown and couldn't take it anymore so I stopped watching. Partially because I was jealous that Lee Jun Ki makes a prettier chickadee than I would because I literally kept asking myself why he was prettier than me and a lot of girls out there ... and I stopped watching because t'was depressing and I know tis going to get even more depressing ... and I can't really take yaoi. I'm all for shonen-ai ... but ... dude ... that guy was about to stick his finger up Jun Ki's ... yeah. Anywhee ... Super woooooooot for teh new layout ! Now, I just need to fix the side module and then get used to this whole thing. I am very indebted to Jiggles. Gwahahahahahahahaha. Hope to meet lotsa-lotsa otakus in le future ! Gwaaaaaaaa !