The Rotation

Date: October 16, 7:41P.M.
Anyoung, minna! Hello visitor #

Yup, there's rules. I know rules suck but I have to have them and you have to follow them. They're simple:
& NO direct-linking.
& DON'T keep the songs for more than 24 hours for these are just samples.
& SUPPORT the artist if you like them by buying their album in stores or from websites like YesAsia or Amazon.
& COMMENTS in the tagboard are nice just to know your opinion or if you picked up a song but they're not required.
& I WILL UPLOAD on a different site for you if MegaUpload and SendSpace is being mean to you but you need to have patience with me. Getting the songs up first is top priority.
& REQUESTS are open. Instructions for requesting are on the "Playlist" page. Read them carefully.
& I am in NO WAY RESPONSIBLE for viruses or spyware that you find on your computer.
& MUSIC SHEET REQUESTS are also open.
& REQUESTS FOR AFFIES/LINK EXCHANGES are open but I don't accept an inactive, pornographic (art is fine), super swearing, unorganized, racism, etc. site.
& BUTTON/LINK is required to be up before or right after you request an exchange/affiliation.
& EVERYTHING ELSE you might need (downloading instructions, plugboard, etc.) is on the "Extra" link in the navigation.

Dang, it's been a while. I really need to revive this site. I had it opened and it stayed like this forever. Thank you to those who've been keeping the counter going. I will get up a new rotation as soon as possible! Gomen-nasai! I joined three more fanlistings up if anybody cares: Family Guy, Gossip Girl, and That 70's Show. I really want to join a Pushing Daisies one so if anyone is going to open one, tell me ASAP! I wanna be the first fan!

Title: Neomu Apeun Imal by Alex (of Clazziquai) feat. Jisun
Genre: Pop

Single: Alex & Jisun
Duration: 3:43
Language: Korean
Rating: 10/10
Comments/Description: When you have Alex of Clazziquai and JiSun of LoveHolic sing together, you get a super duper shiny result that epitomizes perfection. This slow song is really mellow and has shiny sounds in the background. JiSun comes in at the right time and...I don't know, it just sounds like a really, really nice song to listen to on a tropical island with someone you love. It's like listening to the ocean waves: calm, serene, and peaceful.
Title: Insomniatic Album by Aly & AJ

Album: Insomniatic
Duration: 42:55
Language: English
Rating: 20/10
Comments/Description: Dude, their songs are always so good and it's just getting better. I especially love the first five songs on this album and the last track. They're so shiny that I give those songs 10,000,000/10! Their lyrics are awesomest and they pair it with awesomest melodies and you get perfection [super loves]! These girls don't cease to write songs that can be well related to life. This album is much more powerful in words than their last album but much more soft melody-wise. They seriously should be in the Top 5 charts because they're awesome songwriters. I hope you listen to this.
Title: Blueprints For The Black Market Album by Anberlin
Genre: Rock

Album: Blueprints For The Black Market
Duration: 37:44
Language: English
Rating: 20/10
Comments/Description: I love these guys so much! They write really awesomest songs coupled with awesomest rock beats! This whole album is so shiny! I especially love Ready Fuels, We Dreamed In Heist, The Feel Good Drag, Change The World, and Glass To The Arson! You won't be hopes.
Title: Tomorrow by Avril Lavigne

Album: Let Go
Duration: 3:48
Language: English
Rating: 20/10
Comments/Description: This song is depressing but it's, in my opinion, her best song on this album. It's slow, it has the right lyrics, and the acoustic sounds are really soothing. It's one of those songs you'd like to listen to when you're just not in the mood to deal with life's hardships...but then in the end everything'll be oki dokes. Yup, that's why I love this song so much.
Title: Sorry For The Stupid Things by Babyface
Genre: R&B

Album: Grown & Sexy
Duration: 4:12
Language: English
Rating: 1,000/10
Comments/Description: I love this song because the lyrics really hit home for me. Like it's one of those songs that say, "Nothing's perfect." I love how he's like, "Sometimes the wrong don't know that they're wrong. Sometimes the strong can't always be strong." It's just...[sigh] a really, really shiny song. It's got glittery sounds that come in and really nice beats. The thing that I really love about this song is just the lyrics because I make a lot of the same mistakes so...yups.
Title: Da Eum Nal (Next Day) Seung-Ri solo by Big Bang

Album: Vol. 1 - Since 2007
Duration: 4:03
Language: Korean
Rating: 10,000/10
Comments/Description: Seung-Ri's voice sounds like a Korean Jesse McCartney which I don't mind all that much depending what they're singing. I super duper love this song even if I don't understand much of what the heck Seung-Ri is saying [super grin] so if anybody has english translations, that would be uberful sankyuu-ness from me. Romanized korean lyrics is also an uber sankyuu-ness. Yeah, so like I was saying, I love this song because it has really nice pop/r&b beats and I just love Seung-Ri's soothing voice. It's deeper than Jesse McCartney's but it's still super shiny! I really love this song. Yes, LISTEN TO IT!
Title: My Prayer by BoA Kwon
Genre: Pop

Album: My Name
Duration: 4:12
Language: Korean
Rating: 1,000/10
Comments/Description: This is one of her older songs but one of her best. I love this song because of its really soft melodies and the lyrics sound really, really shiny. I just don't like how she tries to sound super vocal in a few parts but other than that, this song is perfect. I also love how the piano accompanies her voice and carries out the rest of the song.
Title: London Bridge by Bowling For Soup

Album: --
Duration: 5:01
Language: English
Rating: 9/10
Comments/Description: Compared to Fergie's London Bridge, this one is better BY FAR. I also love the dialogue. Tis amusing. They turn this song into something else. I mean, the song is just plain weird over all but if you hear the's a piece of crap. Sorry to those who like it but this is a shinier version of it.
Title: Boys Like Girls Album by Boys Like Girls
Genre: Rock

Album: Boys Like Girls
Duration: 45:07
Language: English
Rating: 10,000/10
Comments/Description: WOOT! New band that my friend introduced me to. They are SUPER awesomest! Their style is new but it's not. I don't know. It's something you've been wanting to hear and you can just hear it but it hasn't been sung yet. Well boys and girls, it's been sung! If you're a fan of The All-American Rejects or New Found Glory or something, you must listen...actually, if you like rock, you must listen! I really love Five Minutes To Midnight, Hero/Heroine, and Holiday. They are SO awesomest! All the songs on this album are must listen!
Title: Jesus, Take The Wheel by Carrie Underwood

Album: Some Hearts
Duration: 3:46
Language: English
Rating: 1,000/10
Comments/Description: I really like this song because of the story it tells. It just really reminds you that you shouldn't take life for granted. I especially love how she enters into the chorus. Carrie Underwood's voice is just really soothing and she can really hit the notes at the right time. In the climax of the song, it's just really powerful...tis really beautiful! I are really glad that one of my awesomest friend introduced me to Carrie Underwood's music.
Title: Project Remix ZBAM Album by Clazziquai
Genre: Techno/Pop/Disco/Jazz

Album: Project Remix ZBAM
Duration: 49:38
Language: Korean/English
Rating: 10,000/10
Comments/Description: Dude, I love their songs and their remixes pown (don't know what that means but I like saying it). It's still very mellow and like usual, they still have beats you feel like dancing to. This album is just softer and more mellow than usual and they've added some new songs that they don't have on their non-remixed CD's. I love all the songs but I really like to dance to Come To Me-Mellotron Remix and I love sleeping to After Love-Female Version. The female version of After Love is a lot softer. I hope you all like this as much as I did. I really want to see these guys in concert one day.
Title: Fergalicious Album by Fergie

Album: Fergalicious
Duration: 1:10:48
Language: English
Rating: 9.5/10
Comments/Description: When I used to hear the name "Fergie," I would think "trashy." Now that I've heard her album, I really don't think she's as bad as she potrays herself in the media. I don't know but the songs on this album kind of contradict herself but I still love the better half. Songs like Big Girls Don't Cry, Glamorous, and Finally have really hit home for me. I almost always cry to Big Girls Don't Cry [super tear]...when nobuddy tis around, that is. Anyway, this album is not as bad as I thought it was. It's not even bad. If you just delete songs like London Bridge then it's all good! Ha, ha. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.
Title: Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs! Album by Hellogoodbye
Genre: Electronica/Dance

Album: Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs!
Duration: 34:57
Language: English
Rating: 15/10
Comments/Description: I just really love how these guys mix techno sounds with rock beats and techno voices with rock lyrics. Some of their songs are really cute like Oh, It Is Love and some are just really awesome songs you can dance to like Here (In Your Arms) and All Of Your Love. I really like these guys and anticipate future albums.
Title: The Crush Of Love Album by J

Album: The Crush Of Love
Duration: 58:52
Language: Korean
Rating: 10/10
Comments/Description: This album overall is pretty good. J's voice is really, really soothing. It's really soft and rasps in a way you listen to your favorite lullaby. I don't know, it's really nice. Some of her songs are more R&B-esque but they're still good. One song that REALLY stands out for me is Giant, Grateful, and I Understand.. It's also a really nice soothing song that's more upbeat than her other slow songs but still manages a sane level of melody and whatnot. It's really shiny. This album is pretty much worth it. Oh...I think I got track 11's translation wrong so I'm sorry about that.
Title: Never Say Goodbye by JoJo
Genre: Pop

Album: JoJo
Duration: 3:51
Language: English
Rating: 1,000/10
Comments/Description: I superly uberly love this song because it's a cute song with really nice vocals and melodies. I really like how her vocal range is so shiny in this song and the lyrics aren't so bad either. I don't think there's been a day where I haven't sung this song in the shower. Ha, ha.
Title: The High Road Album by JoJo

Album: The High Road
Duration: 58:55
Language: English
Rating: 10/10
Comments/Description: JoJo has improved and she continues to show how much she's grown since her debut. I really love the songs on this album because I love how her super vocals and the background music really mesh. Tis so awesomest! Some of the songs on this album are definitely more sensual than her previous album but they're still good.
Title: Beautiful Smile Album by K (Kei)
Genre: Pop

Album: Beautiful Smile
Duration: 48:27
Language: Korean
Rating: 20/10
Comments/Description: Kei is such an awesomest songwriter and composer. The orchestra is so beautifully played and his soft vocals are really inviting. I super recommend!
Title: Kizuna by Kamenashi Kazuya

Album: Seishun Amigo
Duration: 4:01
Language: Japanese
Rating: 8/10
Comments/Description: I really love the chorus to this song and I really love the acoustic guitar in the background. Tis very, very shiny. Some of you may notice that this is the song from Gokusen 2...if you've watched it. I'm hungry...
Title: Let Me Borrow That Top by Kelly
Warning: Explicit language
Genre: Techno/Comedy

Album: The Limbo
Duration: 2:22
Language: English
Rating: 100/10
Comments/Description: I think this song is so funny. Mostly because I watched Axel (Kingdom Hearts II) sing this on YouTube. Tis so funny! I also love how he says "betch." Tis really funny. This song also has really nice beats you can dance to. I really love dancing to this song. The only part I hate is the explicity of the language and the "gal-la-la-la-la-la-ria" parts...but then the explicit lingu is amusing so...myuu! If you're just listening to this you'll most likely think it's weird so...yups.
Title: Florist Album by LoveHolic

Album: Florist
Duration: 43:32
Language: Korean
Rating: 10,000/10
Comments/Description: When I visit Korea, LoveHolic would be one of the very, very few Korean artists I would LOVE to see in concert. This album is very upbeat but chill at the same time. I really love JiSun's voice. Like I said before, it's very soft and kind of raspy in a way that you'd like. This album is a must.
Title: The Everglow Album by Mae
Genre: Contemporary Rock

Album: The Everglow
Duration: 1:01:06
Language: English
Rating: 10,000/10
Comments/Description: Dude, I absolutely LOVE these guys. I was on kind of a road trip the first time I heard this song in my friend's car. She said she wanted to listen to something really loud and rock-ish so that she wouldn't be so tired driving to our destination and back but one of Mae's songs was playing and she just left it on and everybody in the car fell asleep...except for her, of course. We didn't fall asleep because it was boring. We fell asleep because it was such a nice song to sleep to and it makes you feel I really love their lyrics and their melodies too. Everything just hits you at once with this album. This is also a must.
Title: 'Til I Get Over You by Michelle Branch

Album: Hotel Paper
Duration: 4:10
Language: English
Rating: 50/10
Comments/Description: I love listening to this song when I need to get over somebody. It's got very, very serene ambience background sounds and very mellow acoustic sounds and her lyrics make the song way better. It's a really calming song.
Title: Rock Star (Jason Nevins Remix) by N.E.R.D.
Warning: Some language
Genre: Techno/Rock

Album: Blue Crush OST
Duration: 3:49
Language: English
Rating: 10,000/10
Comments/Description: I really like how powerful this song is. The remix is so much better sounding than the original. This song is really powerful in beats, melody, and lyrics. No wonder tis used in lotsa-lotsa games, movies, and TV shows.
Title: Cherish by NewS

Album: touch (Regular Edition)
Duration: 4:25
Language: Japanese
Rating: 10,000/10
Comments/Description: I really, uberly, insanely, love this song. The Ryoji remix is just as good ... except for the rapping part. Anywho, I love the super glittery background music and the super shiny lyrics. I just don't get why they need six people in a band [ super shock ]. I mean five is a lot already but six ? They used to have eight [ super duper shock ] ... oh well, yeah, that doesn't stop this song from being super shiny. I really love it when Yamapi goes like "yeaaah" in the remix. He does a sustained "yeah" in the original but he only does it once so ... myaa!
Title: Push & Pull by Nikka Costa
Genre: Soft Rock

Album: Everybody Got Their Something
Duration: 4:01
Language: English
Rating: 10,000/10
Comments/Description: The first time I heard this song was when my friend was dancing to this song in a dance charity show that our school holds every year. She was really awesomest! Anyway, I love how this song is so flowy. It's a depressing song though. Tis like drowning in loneliness [ so sad ] but then tis a beautiful type of depression. I really love the melody and the lyrics. They mesh really, really well.
Title: Electro World Single by Perfume

Single: Electro World
Duration: 7:32
Language: Japanese
Rating: 10,000/10
Comments/Description: Perfume never fails to deliver super duper cute songs paired with super duper glittery and cute techno beats and melodies. From this single, I especially like the song "Electro World." It's like an upgraded version of "Computer City" ... only it sounds completely different. Ha, ha. Anyway, the other song, "wonder2," is also pretty shiny. It's more mellow than their norm but tis still good.
Title: I'm Not Dead Album by Pink
Genre: Rock/Pop

Album: I'm Not Dead
Duration: 1:01:16
Language: English
Rating: 10,000/10
Comments/Description: Tis been some time since I've heard from Pink and I must say for the release of this album, I am not disappointed at all. She's grown up, grown more mature, and grown for the better. This album is her best album yet. I can say that almost all the songs on this album are awesomest and brilliant. She still speaks of a woman's independence and shows a rocker's edge with songs like "Cuz I Can" and she asks questions that I bet a lot of people want to ask the President of the US with the song "Dear Mr. President" (Indigo Girls kinda kill the song with their background vocals but it's still REALLY good). Yes, this is a HUGE recommendation.
Title: If It Makes You Happy by Sheryl Crow

Album: Sheryl Crow
Duration: 5:21
Language: English
Rating: 100/10
Comments/Description: I really, really, really, really love the chorus to this song. It's one of those random pondering songs. Old but still brilliant. The first time I really listened to this song was when I was watching "Kurosagi" when Kurosaki had a flashback of his high school days while he was on the roof. The first time I heard this song, I cried `cause to me, it's kinda sad in a way. Anyway, the acoustic guitar and her voice makes this song sound like a classic oldie but I absolutely love the questions she asks in the chorus. It's a really great song that I wouldn't mind listening to 50 times in a row ... in fact, I have listened to it 50 times in a row [ super shock ]
Title: Tommy heavenly6 Album by Tommy heavenly6
Genre: Rock/Pop

Album: Tommy heavenly6
Duration: 35:19
Language: Japanese/English
Rating: 10,000/10
Comments/Description: Woot! I love Tomoko Kawase so much. I wouldn't mind seeing her in concert at all [ super hearts ]. Her "heavenly" self is a more rocker part than her "february6" 80's-synthesizing alter-ego. I absolutely LOVE all of the songs on this album. None of the songs fail to deliver super powerhouse rock beats and vocals like "Wait til I can dream" or upbeat pop/rock sounds like "Ready?" or softer melodies like "Hey my friend." This is a super high recommendation.
Title: Ultra Blue Album by Utada Hikaru

Album: Ultra Blue
Duration: 56:26
Language: Japanese
Rating: 1,000/10
Comments/Description: One of Utada Hikaru's best albums. She still keeps the same techno beats with her somewhat raspy voice. Even if there's still techno beats, this album contains songs with melodies much softer and more serene than some of her other albums. Sometimes I can hear a strain in her voice when she tries to do a vibrato but that's just my opinion.
Title: Make You Mine by Vanessa Hudgens
Genre: Pop

Album: V
Duration: 3:38
Language: English
Rating: 07/10
Comments/Description: Now to me, this girl cannot sing but this song brings out the "best" of her voice. I really, really like this song mainly because of the chorus and the verses after the middle of the song ... except for the guy who's like "[disc scratches] -- YO!" ... that part just killed the song so bad ... anyway, this song overall is all right. It's not horrible, it's nothing too brilliant but I wouldn't mind listening to it over and over again.
Title: Flying Without Wings feat. BoA Kwon by Westlife

Album: Next World
Duration: 3:39
Language: English
Rating: 10,000/10
Comments/Description: I absolutely LOVE this song ... but BoA totally kills it. I mean, she can hit the notes but her English is what kills it. I'm very sorry to say but you'd agree with me when you listen to this song. I honestly think BoA should just stick to Korean and Japanese. Anyway, Westlife is just AWESOMEST! The do remixes and they DON'T KILL THE ORIGINAL They actually make it sound as good as the original in a more modernized way. I really love these guys. I shall promote them some more, myuu!
Title: Daite Senyorita by Yamashita Tomohisa
Genre: Pop

Album: Daite Senyorita
Duration: 3:37
Language: Japanese
Rating: 09/10
Comments/Description: This song is really 80's. I don't mind it but tis a bit weird coming from Yamapi ... oh well, whatever. I really like the sensual lyrics for this. Tis super shiny [ super hearts ] and I kinda like the way he says "senorita" like "senn-yoh-rita."
Title: My Girl OST

Album: My Girl OST
Duration: 46:43
Language: Korean
Rating: 07/10
Comments/Description: These songs sound good in the drama but alone they sound pretty weird except I UBERLY love "Happy Happy." I never get sick of it. Anyway, this album as a whole is all right. It pretty much fits the drama so they're pretty shiny.

Coming soon ...

Coming soon ...

September 3
Current Obsession: Purikura, Nodame Cantabile, Fanlistings
YARGHHHHH! WHY DOESN'T MY "Home" and "End" keys work ?! RAGHHH ! I are frustrated. School starts tomorrow. This is so depressing. Summer was way too short [sigh] ... and there are still things I need to do ... CRAP ! School starts tomorrow ! I'm not even ready. I don't have ... well, I don't really need anything but whatever. Yeah, so I started watching Nodame Cantabile and it is SO AWESOMEST! My favorite J-drama so far ... but I haven't seen the ending yet so ... gotta wait for it. I heard they're filming the second season in Paris in the fall! Woot! I can't wait for its release [super joy] welps, I shall be back chickadees!

To songmasters and songstresses: If you're a webmistress/master of a rotation and I've requested a link exchange/affiliation with you and you're not linked here, it's probably because you don't have my link/button up or are inactive. If you have my link up, notify me and I'll re-add you.

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