The Rotation

Date: December 29, 4:50P.M.
Anyoung, minna! Hello visitor #

Yup, there's rules. I know rules suck but I have to have them and you have to follow them. They're simple:
& NO direct-linking.
& DON'T keep the songs for more than 24 hours for these are just samples.
& SUPPORT the artist if you like them by buying their album in stores or from websites like YesAsia or Amazon.
& I WILL UPLOAD on a different hosting site for you if MegaUpload is being mean to you but you need to have patience with me. Getting the songs up first is top priority.
& GUESTBOOK comments are nice if you're a MyOtaku member. I don't think you can comment if you're not a member.
& REQUESTS are CLOSED for now. Instructions for requesting are on the "Playlist" page. Read them carefully when I decide to open requests again.
& I am in NO WAY RESPONSIBLE for viruses or spyware that you find on your computer.
& MUSIC SHEET REQUESTS are also open.
& REQUESTS FOR AFFIES/LINK EXCHANGES are open but I don't accept an inactive, pornographic (art is fine), super swearing, unorganized, racism, etc. site.
& BUTTON/LINK is required to be up before or right after you request an exchange/affiliation.
& EVERYTHING ELSE you might need (downloading instructions, plugboard, etc.) is on the "Extra" link in the navigation.

I decided to close requests because I have way too many so...yeah, and I'm also thinking of going on hiatus again because I'm not active enough to keep this updated on time. I'm sorry guys [tears]

Title: Sensu by Ai Otsuka
Genre: Pop

Album: Love Jam
Duration: 4:21
Language: Japanese
Rating: 100/10
Comments/Description: I love how this song is so calming compared to her usual bouncy, cute, and glittery songs. The beats are very slow and it has a nice acoustic sound to it. I was obsessed with this song for some time so it's a huge recommendation.
Title: 昨天是你生日 (Yesterday Was Your Birthday) by Anson Hu

Album: 流行音乐吧
Duration: 4:19
Language: Mandarin
Rating: 100/10
Comments/Description: I absolutely love this song. It's slow but it's not calm ... well, it is calm but it's ... nice. I suck at explaining. Explaining things isn't exactly a strength of mine. OK, I'll try to rephrase ... the song is very unique in its own way. It has different rhythms where they don't clash especially when you get the chorus. Yeah, I was also obsessed with this song for a while ... but SOMEBODY thinks he's crappy. He has a really girly voice (just to warn you). Jesh recommended him to me and I like his stuff. They're pretty nice but hard to find [x.x]
Title: Gentle Giant by Clazziquai
Genre: Electronica/Techno

Album: Love Child Of The Century
Duration: 4:39
Language: English
Rating: 1000/10
Comments/Description: Yes, you guys should know how much I love Clazziquai. This is a pure English song and I think it's so freaking cute. But the "gentle" giant is freaking mean when he talks. He's like, "Bring me some more wine! `Cause I'm the gentle giant." I was like, "Yeah, right," but then the song is still really cute and bubbly. I absolutely adore it.
Title: Coco Album by Colbie Caillat

Album: Coco
Duration: 43:35
Language: English
Rating: 100,000/10
Comments/Description: OK, I LOVE Colbie Caillat. Her name is pronounced kuhl-bee kuh-lay. Such an awesomest name. Anyway, there is not ONE single song I hate on this album. And every single song has its own unique sound. I mean, her style is still the same but each song is unique. Some songs are more beatific than others and some songs are more lyrical than others but in the end, it is all good. There is nothing to hate about this album. I don't think she should be in the "Pop" category because she's more like ... "Alternative/Pop."
Title: Biao Bai (Justify) by Elva Hsiao
Genre: Techno/Pop

Album: 1087
Duration: 3:29
Language: Mandarin
Rating: 10/10
Comments/Description: I was watching a really cute behind-the-scenes clip of Hua Yang Shao Nian Shao Nu (Taiwanese adaptation of Hana-Kimi) and I heard this very awesome song at the very, very end when the lead female was being her cray-jee self. It turns out, this is the awesome song and it's new. Bwehehehehehehe. So yeah, this is one of her only good songs out of her album though [disappointed]. Anyway, this is a good dance song and it has a nice rock sound to it.
Title: What's Good by Jordyn Taylor

Album: --
Duration: 3:36
Language: English
Rating: 1000/10
Comments/Description: I love the lyrics in this song and I love how the background music sets itself somewhat apart from other R&B songs. Jordyn's voice is also really nice and soothing.
Title: Thé à la Menthe by La Caution
Genre: Electronica/Dance

Album: Sounds Of Kourtrajme
Duration: 2:22
Language: No Lyrics
Rating: 100,000/10
Comments/Description: Dude, I love how this song has such an exotic Indian rhythm and sound but can still hold that club beat to it. It's one of my favorites and I wouldn't mind belly dancing to this [super winks] ... some people know what I'm talking about.
Title: That Ain't Love by Myxx

Album: --
Duration: 3:06
Language: English
Rating: 100,000/10
Comments/Description: I know some of you don't like R&B but please, give this song a chance. The lyrics to this song are just so fitting for most of us girls. Right now, this song fits what I'm trying to tell someone to do but they won't listen because they're just waiting for something bad to happen. I keep warning them, but no. Anyway, yeah, the lyrics to this song are what really gets me. Their voices are very, very beautiful and I love how the background music is so serene but at the same time somewhat beat-y.
Title: You're Not Alone by Saosin
Genre: Rock

Album: Saosin
Duration: 3:58
Language: English
Rating: 10,000/10
Comments/Description: Dude, this song is so pretty! I love how it's so orchestrated yet there's still a rock beat to it. The lyrics are kind of repetitive but it's still really, really good.
Title: Our Story by Tension

Album: Smart
Duration: 4:53
Language: Mandarin
Rating: 100,000/10
Comments/Description: I'm so obsessed with singing this song. In fact, I want to sing it as an Outro one day for my school news broadcasting team. Anyway, I love the lyrics to this song. It's so cute and shiny! They're really, really great singers and I love when they a capella! There's a soft beat in the background and I love how in the beginning, there's a cute little glittery tune.

Coming soon ...

Coming soon ...

November 30th
Current Obsession(s): Purikura, Dal Ja's Spring, Fanlistings, Happy KTV (karaoke), bakeries
Dude, so much has happened that I should be dying of exhaustion ... but I'm not! I'm going out every single weekend. I've strengthened friendships && overcame really difficult obstacles and I met new people so that was cool ... and I met a lot of people who I know would definitely get on my nerves so I try to avoid those people. Senior year is probably, as of now, the most non-drama-free year of my entire life but I wouldn't trade it for the world because the good times outweigh the bad therefore making it my best year ... as of now. Time slowed down for me and everything reminds me of when I was younger; I'm more carefree and outgoing in a less obnoxious way compared to freshman year. I realize how annoying most freshman are...or just underclassman in general. Also, ever since I became a senior, my sister and I have talked a lot about personal things goin' on in our lives and we tell each other everything. She's much more harsh on certain topics than I am ... and slow. Anyway, I'm really grateful for how this year is turning out and I hope this continues. Thanks for reading ... even though I think 90% of you skip this section. Bwahahhahahahahahahaha.

To songmasters and songstresses: If you're a webmistress/master of a rotation and I've requested a link exchange/affiliation with you and you're not linked here, it's probably because you don't have my link/button up or are inactive. If you have my link up, notify me and I'll re-add you.

Link Exchangies
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