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myOtaku.com: juvenileOrion010

Friday, April 21, 2006

You know what?!?!?My mom took my book away last night!!!I had just gotten it in the mail and she kept telling me to get in the shower.Well it's one of the ones that once you get to a certain part everything that you're being told just goes right over your head.It's called Cell...it's the new one by Steven King.I guess you could call it a cross between Resident Evil and Dawn of the Dead.Except that it happens through cell phones.I don't know what it is about books like that but I'll wake up in the middle of the night having craZ fits that freak me out.Like yesterday night,I had stayed up late reading that book and I woke up at 1 having a freakin-out-fit as I call it.After it happens I can't get back to sleep at all!!!The first time I watched Resident Evil when I was little I had one of those fits.But it's weird because I used to play all of the games with my brother when I was like 7 years old and never had a problem.But I don't think its the book or the movie that freaks me out the most...It's thinking that that could happen someday and I'm the only one left.
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