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myOtaku.com: juvenileOrion010

Thursday, April 27, 2006

  Ok so there was this big track meet today.Well there were only 6 kids in my history class so my teacher Mrs.Dunn decided to take us out to watch.Well me and the others were standing at the fence watching.I look back and who do you think I saw...the guy that I was going out with that moved...Yea so I turn back around and everyone starts yelling and screaming at him that I'm standing right there.So I start telling them not to tell him I'm there 'cause I'm already ticked off that he never calls me or anything!!!But he looked at me and didn't even come over and say hi or anything!!!If I could I'd break up with him or slap him for that matter but too bad I can't go to the meet after school...I'm just so upset right now...But I'll get over it!!!C ya
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