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myOtaku.com: juvenileOrion010

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Howdy!!!!Remember me?!?!?!?!?
Wow!!!!It's been so long since I've last been here.I totally forgot my password, but good thing the one I put in was right *phew* I bet all of you thought that I died right???Well sorry to dissapoint you I'm happily still living ^_^ My comp's been unhooked since my party and I couldn't plug it back in because I've had sooooo much cleaning to do since then.I just got back from vacation a couple days ago sooo there's another reason I was gone.We went to the Wisconsin Dells for a week.It was okay.It's not as fun as TN though...If you do go there though, make sure to bring a foreign language guide thing so you can understand everybody.Me and my friend Devon had a hard time figureing out what anybody was saying because they're all from different countries!!!Not that anything's wrong with that.....it's just, if you work in a place where people mostly speak english, it'd be nice if you'd speak it!!!!So me and Devin decided when we learn French we're going to go back and just speak in French ^_^ Yeah I had a softball game the day after I got back which was Sunday.It was a make-up game that was canceled in the first inning do to rain.So we started playing where we left off and I ended up scoring the winning run in the 3rd inning off of a bunt.It made me soooooo mad!!!Any of you who don't know what a bunt is, it's where the ball is hit right in front of home plate.It was craZ!!!!Well that's all I have to say right now 'cause Im 'bout to be logged off so I'll try to get on a little sooner than last time k???Peace....
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