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Katie's Somewhat Amazingly Kewl And If You Could Go There You'd Get Lost And You Wouldn't Want To Leave Anyway Brain
Member Since
High School Slave(lol)
Real Name
Call me Katie~....or my French name Adele!!!!
Got 1st chair and a plaque for most improved in s/ball...not that amazing
Anime Fan Since
Foreva!!!....wait no I can't 'member!!!!!!
Favorite Anime
Juvenile Orion,Cross,Chobits,DNAngel,Tsubasa,Scryed,Inuyasha,Trigun,Wolfs Rain,Ghost in the Shell,.Hack//,Gundam Seed, X/1999,Read or Die,Fullmetal Alchemist,Cowboy Bebop, Yu Yu Hakusho,Evangelion,Scrapped Princess,Descendants of Darkness,Meru Puri,Red Ri
Waiting for the right person and finally convince the world that clowns should DIE
reading, sketching,b/ball, softball
Playing clarinet,sketching,getting people to tell me their secrets *Mwahahahahahahaha*.....being invisible(you can't see me)....
| juvenileOrion010
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Did I mention that the town I go to school in is on a boil order???I didn't???Oh well...well Farmington has the worst water ever and because there are very nasty and harmful virus-bacteria things in it, they were put on a boil order.And this all happened while we were having basketball camp, open gym, and weight-lifting.So if you didn't bring a water, you're out of luck.Man I'm tired just thinking about all of that basketball.I'm glad open gym and camp are both over.It's only weight-lifting and I can handle that.Yea I've had softball games Wed,Thurs,and Fri this week.Let's see, Wednesday I got hit in the ankle and it's all bruised and hurts like hell.Thursday was cancelled because of lightning, and it's weird because every time I'm up to bat, they call the game.It's happened twice in the past 2 weeks.And was really hot.Yea not too much happened.I can't believe there's only like a month left of summer vacation.We go back on the 18th next month, I believe.Oh yea some girl from Stake-N-Shake called my cell today....weird....I'm glad it was a wrong #.I forgot about this.A couple weeks before we left for Wisconsin, my mom's friend Lynda, well her son Chris works at KFC washing dishes, and he got bleach or some kinda cleaning solution in his eye.They had to take him by ambulence to the hospital.Either his left eye or right has to have a cornea transplant.It's weird because a few weeks before that we went to a midieval festival together.Not me and him, we went with our mom's but it was still fun, and he was complaining about how much he hated working there.I feel so sorry for him....Yea well if anything happens I'll try to write it down so I'll remember it in case I don't get on in time and I forget.C ya
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