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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
myOtaku.com: Jwheeler614...Beware of Me!!!!! Mwhahahaha
well, i havent posted or done anything for a long time..., am i friend on anybody's list anymore??? iono, wait, that means no one will read this.. Yay!! I'm talking to my self...Tomorrows school...Katmari Damacy(?) looks fun! I wanna buy it!!! Bored...
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Wednesday, March 16, 2005
myOtaku.com: Jwheeler614...Beware of Me!!!!! Mwhahahaha
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Tuesday, March 15, 2005
myOtaku.com: Jwheeler614...Beware of Me!!!!! Mwhahahaha
very long since post, sorry
im not so into myotaku anymore, i play too amny gameboy games, sorry!
ok well i got a new ds game, supermario 64 ds, very fun!! yoshi!!!
I have to go to get rated as an
orchestra....THIS FRIDAY!!!! its too close, we will all die!!!!! oh well, it at some high school, i think graden grove high
well i think thats all
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Tuesday, March 8, 2005
myOtaku.com: Jwheeler614...Beware of Me!!!!! Mwhahahaha
very long since post....ill try to remember....
Well i got a DS!!! YAY!!!! no games..... DS!!!!!
I finished community service hours today, i was tutoring, it was actully fun. First day i only played monopoly, then i read the second day, and today i tutored!!!!! Its was fun tutoring...
Spanish pop quiz last friday
IM blank thats all i can think of.....
(no one visits any more i think cuz i was idle for so long....)
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
myOtaku.com: Jwheeler614...Beware of Me!!!!! Mwhahahaha
nothing much today, homework more homework, some videogames, random sites and an essay. yeah id call that a decent day.
The yugioh manga is so violent, hehe if you compare it to the anime...hehe
woohoo!!!I finally have 8 badges on fire red...im kinda slow hehe^_^ well my pokemon are why to weak to fight the elite 4...i think ill get more berries from the berry forest...i want deoxys..
well im very tired and sleepy....hehe im starting to annoy myself with the hehe's....why do i type it so much!!!I DONT KNOW!!!!! AHH!!!!!! i guess you guys find it annoying too hehe *smack myself with a nearby ruler* evil hehe's!!!!! I will get you!!!!!!!
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Monday, February 14, 2005
havent poster for a long time
myOtaku.com: Jwheeler614...Beware of Me!!!!! Mwhahahaha
Hi everyone!!! Its been awhile since i posted, i made two themes while i was away, this REBD one(SKF made the bg), and my lugia one. this code is out of date and im too busy trying to learn the updated code to finish up my lugia theme....yup...
Happy chinese/lunar/asian New Year!!!! i had so much fun at my grandma's house my whole family was there, so it was pretty crowed, i was playing paper mario while all my cousins where playing card ^_^;; hehe, Chapter 3 is hard, all those people in the arena....go yoshi!!!He looks awsome!!!! Anyways....yeah.....played Super smash brothers too, it was so fun....play super sudden death mode and everyone had 10 lives.....so one hit and you lose a life.....it very hard to win....i used link because the sword gave a larger hitting area...anyways on the pleane stage i was trying to get my cousin but it was hard, hed stand right next to the wing so i couldnt get him by hitting down....you guys probably didnt care bout that....continue!
Destiny deoxys was a pretty good movie, but it seemed short...the deoxy and raquaza fights were pretty good.....i didnt like it as much as the other movies....but anyways, im trying to find a song from the movie "this side of paradise" it is very hard to find....thats why i havent found ^_^;; ok...that was common sense...hehe
this is a very long post...to school...nothing much at school, i recited a sonnet for english, did 2 tests for spanish write 2 paragraph thing for PE, and test for science....yeah... in orchestra, im playing pirates of the carabean medley...its so fun!!!it kinda hard but easy when you practice.....i love the song!!! Its awsome.....but i play second violin....i just have to be the harmony....
I cant think of anything else, just that the fact that i had to get my comp reboot and i lost photoshop...*sigh
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Saturday, January 8, 2005
i like the smilies....
myOtaku.com: Jwheeler614...Beware of Me!!!!! Mwhahahaha
well, i had a very busy week, probably with the most hw too, and it the week i got back from break!!! do you think that is very fair??? oh well, it was mostly english hw....which is my worst subject...it takes my 30 minutes to write a paragraph that i get a 7/10 on!...oh well
arg, reshef of darkness(?) is so hard, your duelist level goes up so slow!! you cant even get good cards....i cant even get the first melinium item! arg.....
well anyways, im trying to change my site.....a lot..... no clue where to start..but im doing it!! hehetrying some stuff i dont know how to do too! hehe.....trying to find good midi's
anyone know where to find video games midi's(especially dysnasty warriors and umm...FFX)?
well thats it for now....wait! i made a new button!! please use this one! i dont like the others that much.....yeah... thx!

yup thats it.......thx for visiting myotaku! hehe....*sigh*
im really tired now...
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
myOtaku.com: Jwheeler614...Beware of Me!!!!! Mwhahahaha
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!
I started staring at the TV at my cousin's house at about 11:30. Before i was playing supersmash bros melee and mario party 6.....
anyways, yeah, my mom celebrated new years in an air plane! cuz shes going to vietnam for a month. yup
i got mostly clothes for christmas, reshef of destruction(yugioh), and yugioh manga! yeah... i havent posted for so long......
i wanna play gunbound with som one i know!!! but no one's ever on....
i submitted another wallpaper and i havent checked on my downloads yet...
random thought...i wonder what song is on the kindom hearts commercial......
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Saturday, December 25, 2004
myOtaku.com: Jwheeler614...Beware of Me!!!!! Mwhahahaha
christmas is almost here!!!! MANGA books!!! YAY!!! mostly yugioh......
happy christmas to everyone! in going to my grandma's house for christmas with all my cousins, yup early this morning, yup yup yup......i finished speaker for the dead!!! It so good!!!!! YAY!!!! now i like miro...... anyways
yup i have a total of 81 downloads for my wallpapers..YAY!
yup, it is close to 100......
ok havent done this for a long time
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Friday, December 24, 2004
myOtaku.com: Jwheeler614...Beware of Me!!!!! Mwhahahaha
ive been kinda busy, but i made it to your sites...just didnt comment most of them....
i got my braces off!!!! now im gonna get retainers.....arg!
im wearing temporary retainers now...which is a plastic mold of my teeth. it taste bad and "cuts" my touge...
gtg bye!
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