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Sunday, November 28, 2004
myOtaku.com: Jwheeler614...Beware of Me!!!!! Mwhahahaha
couldnt post for awhile, was at cousin's house in LV for his birthday, I played Halo 2!!! hehe spent at least 12 hours in the car to go to LV and back.
I wasted thanksgiving holiday.... 3 days...of playing halo 2 and sleeping cuz i couldnt do anything else there....im finally home!!! happy
i well gtg sleep...or maybe not, but sleepy!
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004
I made a button!!!!
myOtaku.com: Jwheeler614...Beware of Me!!!!! Mwhahahaha
read the title..

the url is http://home.ripway.com/2004-10/186593/button.bmp
skf made one for me but i dont know the url...
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myOtaku.com: Jwheeler614...Beware of Me!!!!! Mwhahahaha
tOMORRROW IS VERY IMPORTANT. Its because the seating chart will change depending how goo we are......im like second row 5th chair.... yet im not that bad...am i? anyways there are 2 chair in the first row for second, one of them is betty(friend) first chair, and the other one is AJ, now about AJ...she worse than people in the last row(third row) and she has second chair.....weird...must getsecond chair, im the only person from my elementry school that took violin and is in orchestra that isnt in the first row(or something good)!!! Crytal, maxx, betty, and brandon kim are first row and specer is first chair second row.....die!!! practices like 10 measures for 30 minutes... must get it perfect...MUST!!!!
Do you know what else???? IM so close to rank 2000!!! im rank around 2154!!!
RANK:::i think 2154(this is for people that do read my post ^_^)
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myOtaku.com: Jwheeler614...Beware of Me!!!!! Mwhahahaha
Read other post which i posted 4 minutes before the thing restarts...
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Monday, November 22, 2004
myOtaku.com: Jwheeler614...Beware of Me!!!!! Mwhahahaha
Well umm!!! im having trouble with my fire red....... cant beat misty.... need more berries!!! anyways....
At school, I had PE and in PE is tumbling, in tumbling is somersuts, cartwheels, handstands, and round off!!! Half way through handstand and cartwheel....crooked sumersut and round off is weird....hehe
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Sunday, November 21, 2004
myOtaku.com: Jwheeler614...Beware of Me!!!!! Mwhahahaha
I'm going to my cousin's birthday party...which means unlimited playing of super smash brothers!!!! I went to their house yesterday and was playing and i practiced with a lot of characters......NOW IM GOOD WITH ALL POKEMON MWHAHAHA...lets see....mewtwos physic powers are really strong and moves good, pikachu is fast and it thunder is good, lastly jiggilypuff!! I use its B attack which it curls into a ball spins in place then goes flying to hit someone straight off the stage,but sometimes i roll right off the stage.....
Anyways yeah, wanna know what i did for my thrird piano lesson?!?!?!? I learned.....CHORDS!!! hehe isnt chord so fun!!! And im better at remembering the treble clef
_____O____ B
____O_____ G
___O______ E
__O_______ C
_O________ A
O_________ F
(last line doesnt exist its just that myo wont let me make a lot of spaces...its turns into one space, just telling cuz i dont want everyone yelling at me lol)
Now rank.
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Saturday, November 20, 2004
myOtaku.com: Jwheeler614...Beware of Me!!!!! Mwhahahaha
ok.....i changed my colors but they dont match.....what colors macthes with whitish and blue????
iono -_-;;
WEEEEEEE!!! hehe
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myOtaku.com: Jwheeler614...Beware of Me!!!!! Mwhahahaha
Ok so i wore my braces for 1 and a half years and i didnt have to have any of my teeth pulled out
What else....well GUNBOUND!!! anyone play gunbound????? Well, if you wanna play,its really fun, get it at http://gunbound.net
There is no blood or guns..... as the name kinda says.... its really fun and you wouldnt see me playing a shooting game with guns...hehe
I fixed the BG!!!!!! Its better! YAY!!! Now for color matching everything...........
MORE BUTTONS! hehe its getting annoying isnt it.........i should have some final fantasy......
well thats all, usless you wanna know my rank
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Friday, November 19, 2004
myOtaku.com: Jwheeler614...Beware of Me!!!!! Mwhahahaha
I might get my braces off next month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY!!! YAY!!!
IM HAPPY!!!! WEEE.....
ok, i have 4 buttons, if anyone who hasnt given me their button url...please, it will help your site and get me out of bordom for awhile ^_^
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myOtaku.com: Jwheeler614...Beware of Me!!!!! Mwhahahaha
I got my file back!!!!thanks to my goback program which i can well go back so my comp was like it was 10 minutes ago!!!! hehe
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