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Monday, July 16, 2007

Go to the aid of an artist in need!
There is an artist on Deviant Art who goes by the user name Gloriantes.

She really needs some money right now and she's doing $20 commisions. Great offer considering her skill. She accepts payments Via paypal.

Here's an excerpt from her journal so you can get the details. I will link you to her DA home page at the end of the post.

I need five twenty dollar commissions.

SO, until I reach this quota, I'll be doing a special deal.

The first five to pay can commission me anything but a costume or plushie for 20 dollars. No ifs, ands, or buts. Multiple characters, scenery, everything.

And I will have it done within the week.

If you're interested, send the money via paypal (my paypal is gloriantes@gmail.com) and note me the specifications.

*/excerpts* Please try to help her out. I don't know how many slots she still has left right now.

Her DA hompage:


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   Suuuurrrvey thingy
I stole this from Shelby oftheSand's profile!

Guess I should have added another thing to the "Things you had stolen" question.


Birthday:Sept 26
Birthplace: . . .
Current Location:on a loveseat
Eye Color:Blue
Hair Color:Dark Brown
Height:'bout 5'5
Right Handed or Left Handed:Right
Your Heritage:. . . not sure, Lol.
The Shoes You Wore Today:none yet
Your Weakness: . . .
Your Fears:. . .
Your Perfect Pizza:Peperoni and Cheeeeeezzzeeee
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:Graduate High School O.o I'm old . . .
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:O.o, Lolololol, omg
Thoughts First Waking Up:Do I have toooo???
Your Best Physical Feature:Eyes
Your Bedtime:4:00 am+
Your Most Missed Memory: . . .
Pepsi or Coke:Pepsi PRODUCTS
MacDonalds or Burger King: . . . BOTH!
Single or Group Dates:dunno . . .
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:whatever type my mom and dad make O.o
Chocolate or Vanilla:Chocolate!
Cappuccino or Coffee:neither
Do you Smoke:nope
Do you Swear: . . . sometimes
Do you Sing:not really
Do you Shower Daily:almost
Have you Been in Love:yus
Do you want to go to College:yes
Do you want to get Married:yes
Do you belive in yourself: . . . not really, lol
Do you get Motion Sickness:I don't really know
Do you think you are Attractive:noooooooooooooooooooo
Are you a Health Freak:not really
Do you get along with your Parents:yea, pretty well
Do you like Thunderstorms:YUS PLZ
Do you play an Instrument:Guitar, Bass, Alto Sax, Bari Sax . . . I can play a recorder, but I hate them. . .
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:nope
In the past month have you Smoked:nope
In the past month have you been on Drugs:nope
In the past month have you gone on a Date:don't think so . . .
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:not that I can remember
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:no, and that makes me sad . . .
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:no, never actually
In the past month have you been on Stage:nope
In the past month have you been Dumped:nope
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:heaaaalllll no, lol.
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:nope
Ever been Drunk:nope
Ever been called a Tease:nope
Ever been Beaten up:nope
Ever Shoplifted:once when I was realllllly little and didn't know what I was doing . . .
How do you want to Die:I don't really know . . . How ever I'm meant to go is fine with me
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:Musician would be absolutely AWESOME, but I've also thought Voice Acting would be fun, too
What country would you most like to Visit:Japan and New Zealand
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:blue, pretty, pretty blue
Favourite Hair Color:doesn't matter
Short or Long Hair:doesn't matter
Height:doesn't matter
Weight:doesn't matter
Best Clothing Style:doesn't matter
Number of Drugs I have taken:noooone
Number of CDs I own: . . . a lot . . .
Number of Piercings:just two in my ears (12 G) . . . I wouldn't mind one in the middle of my lower lip though . . .
Number of Tattoos:none
Number of things in my Past I Regret:I don't know . . .


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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Shuffled Answers . . . O.o
This is going to be a VERY long post . . . Be prepared, lol.

I got this from cherlye, An artist I watch on Deviantart.

Give her art a peep at


Shes draws *ubercute* Deidara, Axel, and Demyx! I love them.

Anyway, On with the . . . thing . . .

1. Put your itunes, windows media player etc on Shuffle
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name

If someone says "is this okay?" you say,
Into the Ocean - Blue October
[Throw it all in]

How would you describe yourself?
Sweet Child of Mine - Guns and Roses
[LOL, thats kind of odd . . . ]

What do you like in a guy/girl?
Phenomenon - Thousand Foot Krutch
[The have to be *out of this world*, lol]

How do you feel today?
Stronger - Kanye West
[I have felt pretty good today . . . ]

What is your life's purpose?
Hero's Comeback - +Nobody Knows+ Naruto Shipuuden Opening Theme

What is your motto?
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - Daft Punk
[ . . . That's just wrong . . . ]

What do your friends think of you?
Face Down - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
[I'm Clumsy? . . . Yea that's about right, XD]

What do you think of your parents?
To Hell We Ride - Lost Prophets
[Don't know what to say about that one . . . ]

What do you think about very often?
Dickface - MSI
[o . . . m . . . g . . . wth . . . O.o, Thats very weird]

What is 2 + 2?
Aquarius - Within Temptation
[ . . . oook, Last time I checked it was . . . . 5?]

What do you think of your best friend?
Rock Star - Nickelback
[I adore them both. Does that count?]

What do you think of the person you like?
I Don't Wanna Stop - Ozzy Osborne
[ . . . Maybe I'm just a perv . . . but whats with all these weird answers??]

What is your life story?
Everybody's Screaming - Lostprophets
[LOL, hmmm. It may very well fit . . . ]

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Cult of Personality - Living Color
[Politics just arnt for mee, Sorry]

What do you think of when you see the person you like?
The Last Night - Skillet
[ . . . Yea, I'm definately just a perv . . . ]

What will you dance to at your wedding?
This is Halloween - Panic! at the Disco
[YAY, My best Friend actually had Jack and Sally Figurines on top of thier Wedding Cake!]

What will they play at your funeral?
Working Class Hero - Green Day
[I've already been a hero once in this thing, Lol. I rock.]

What is your hobby/interest?
Taste of Ink - The Used
[I eat Ink . . . ]

What is your biggest fear?
Breathing - YellowCard
[I really hope I'm not afraid of breathing . . . *dies*]

What is your biggest secret?
When Wolds Collide - Powerman 5000
[I will Join Organization XIII and help them in WOLD DOMINATION]

What do you think of your friends?
Hills of Myst - Within Temptation
[Hmmm . . . ]

What will you post this as?
This Aint a Scene, It's an Arms Race

Hehe, I love all my Music. Some of the answers were weird, but it was fun. Give it a try!

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Well, my High School (just the high school) has been very low on money for sometime now, but just this year the community dicided to have an election to see weather the shcool would stay open or not. If the vote went in favor of the school, taxes would be raised and we would get to stay right here where we belong! If it didn't go through however, taxes would stay the same, and the entire high school (all 200 of us :D) would be shipped over to a school in a neighboring/rival/much larger city about 7 miles away (BAAAAAD NEWS for us for more reasons that I care to type out right now).

The election was yesterday.

I am SO happy to announce that WE GET TO KEEP OUR HIGH SCHOOL!

I can't imagine going to a better high school than the one I'm at RIGHT now!

Theres about 15 kids in each class on average. This makes it easy to get one-on-one help from teachers, which REALLY helps if your having trouble in a particular subject.

Almost all of our teachers are exteremly carring and I cant think of a group of people I would rather be taught by. Theres only one that i really have anything against, and thats because he's a predjidiced(sp?) biggot, who judges everyone by what they wear, how they dress, and what the listen too.

Country music is THE THING over at my school, because we live in a rural area. I HATE it. I'm a musician myself (mainly bass and guitar) and the monotony of most country songs drives me up the wall!

ANYWAYS, I am sooo happy to know that I get to go to my own high school my senior year. OMG I'm almost 18 . . . *changing subject*

I tried to post this last night, but my computer was having trouble or something, and I couldn't post any new wallpapers, or posts. BUT I'm at my dads now and I can post things now sooo YAY.

I'm actually working on that Marluxia Wall I've been talking about for like 2 weeks right now. Hopefully I can get it to the point I'm satisfied with it, and post it on here sometime tonight.

Sooooo uhhh, I've had a GREAT couple of days! How has everyone elses day/week/month/whatever the heck you want to talk about been going?

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Saturday, April 14, 2007

I. Am. So. Retarded. Lol. I now have exactly 41,000 downloads! I even know which one it was. Yea . . . I'm a little obbsessive. IM FINALLY ON MY WAY TO WORLD DOMINATION!!! Lol. AAAAAAnd for anyone who was waiting on my Marluxia Wall, I've been obbsessing (also) about the 25 episode of Death Note (I find it impossible for anyone not too). I love my new L wallpaper. I like the one with L and Light on it too, but not as much (I play favorites. I'm a mean mommy). I'll try to work on my Marluxia Wallpaper now, BUT no promises to any Marly fans. Sorry!


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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Actually it has nothing to do with WORLD DOMINATION, unless you think that the Organization wants to take over the world. Nope (just Kingdom Hearts MUHAHAHAHAHA).

I have added a NEW Organization Wallpaper. This ones victim: Number III, Xaldin, The Whirlwind Lancer.

I hope to eventually do one for ALL thirteen members. So far I've victimized . . . Demyx, Saix, and now Xaldin.

I'm in the process of making a Marluxia Wall, but I'm really not satisfied with it yet. I dont like the background he's on. Right now its just some pink flowers with green leaves, and it doesnt look right.

Soooooooooooo, after I tweak it a bit, it'll be up. Mayyybeeee tomarrow, Maybe not, I'm not sure what I'm doing tomarrow.

I hope I'll get it submitted tomarrow

BED TIME! School tomarrow. I've had about . . . VII (heh saix, MY GOD IM OBBESSED) hours of sleep in the past two days. I'm gonna go get caught up.


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Sunday, March 18, 2007

   . . . . .
It has just occured to me that Okami is more popular than my beloved Organization XIII members *sniff, sniff*. Dude, my Saix and Demyx wallpapers have been up for like a month, and my Okami Wallpaper has been up for about . . . a day and a half, and has already caught up to one of them, and is about 7 or 8 downloads away from catching the other one.

I love Okami. It's a great game. Come to think of it, I haven't beaten it yet . . . gotta get on that this week (shedual permitting of course).

Chemistry has been . . . Chemistry. I DO NOT like labs. I always manage to screw something up. I'm just lucky I havent blown anything up yet. I did however manage to spill a bottel of Hydrochloric Acid on the lab table. At least I washed my hands back off before I started biting my nails again . . . that could have been bad.

Band class, however, has been PHENOMINAL! I love band sooooooooo much (it is possible that you could add about 10,000,000 more o's to that and it would still apply). I'm not the best at reading music, but lately, I really think I'm getting better. I was used to reading Tuba parts while playing my bass (don't ask, I'm just more comfotable reading that low in the staff). All the new music we got recently though, has no Tuba parts. So I'm having to re-learn how to read the music in the top part of the staff, and I think I'm finally getting it. I finally went in for a band lesson . . . Thursday? yea thursday, and the teacher went through some of the basslines with me, and I think I'll be Ok in time for the Spring Concert! I love playing my bass in the band. The feeling I get when I play a song correctly with the rest of the band, I just cant compare to much else.

Buuuuut anyway, anyone who took the time to read this, congrats for making it through, and thanks for listening to my ramblings. Talk to everyone later!

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Thursday, March 1, 2007

Yay! I'm so happy. I've finally reached the 40,000 download mark. Thank you, everyone who downloaded and liked my wallpapers! Heck, even if u downloaded one of my wallpapers and didnt like it, THANK YOU ANYWAYS for downloading it. I can remember counting down to 1,000 downloads. I really enjoy making my wallpapers, and I'm happy that (apperently) everyone else appreciates to work i put in to them.

I was constantly checking up on my wallpapers a few days ago, and decided to make one featuring Axel (from KH2, which, if u haven't played it, get off your butt right now and PLAY!). He's the best. I love him, closely followed by my Demyx (my fellow musician)! I could NOT get the axzel one to look right, so i decided to dink around with a Demyx background, which coincidently, ended up becoming my end product lol. I worked pretty hard on that one, but it's not getting nearly as many downloads as I thought it might. Was I wrong in my assumption that Demyx has a rather large fanbase?

Why don't we make a fun little comment box and tell who our favorite organization member is?
If over 5 ppl participate in this, I will be very surprised lol.

Mee first!

I absolutely love Axel and Demyx!

P.S. I just realized that it took me exactly 6 months to get 10,000 more downloads (see the date on the "30,000 Downloads!" post down at the bottom)! That was really cool, and i swear i didn't plan it! Just thought I would put that in here. Going now. SEE YA!

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Monday, January 15, 2007

   Wallpaper Lag
My dad's laptop (which is the source for most of my wallpaper pictures) was accidentally reformatted a couple weeks ago and we've been having some trouble getting it back in working order. One of the system files had been either corrupted of infected by some sort of virus. My PictureIt! program is back to running, but all my pictures are gone. I think it would have been safe to say that a had a few gigs worth of pictures on this computer, so I've had to go through and get completely new pictures to work with. Of course it's gonna be impossible to get ALL the pictures back, but I'm trying to get the ones that I knew where I got them back. There were also a lot of pictures of friends on there, and that's one of the most upsetting things about that whole ordeal. Anyway, the point was that I'm back up and able to make my wallpapers again. I'm working on a Naruto-Tenten one right now, so look for that one in a about a week. I don't know if I'll have it done by the time I go back to mom's tomarrow of not.
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Monday, November 27, 2006

   Not a Happy Camper
Well, The whole purpose for this post is a rant. I'll get right to the point. A couple of weeks ago, (i assume) someone reported one of my wallpapers because of plagerism. The first time, the main picture that I used was actually fan art, and I didn't take that into consideration. I didn't mind it after I actually looked at it. This second time, however, I used a cover off a Naruto manga chapter, 309, with Sasuke and a giant snake. This was colored by a very talented artist, vhea gonzolaz. On her website it states that her art can be used in wallpapers provided that it isn't for commercial use. I beleve that the deletion of my walpaper had no grounds and I would appriciate that it didn't happen again with out a good cause. If you're still reading, thanks for taking the time to see my view on the matter.
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