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Friday, April 29, 2005


I've been kinda moody lately... mainly because Tillz just had her surgery. She's doing good last time I talked to her granny. Those of you who want to, or will, send out some love to her.

Yes, Cheryl, I did see Nick. Tab, her boyfriend and I went for a walk while we were at Oma's. Sadly he lives like a block away from her. But, the dress... was only a one time thing, k? Let him know that. Tab laughed when she heard what you wrote about her. Well... Gotta wait for Reoku to get here... BORED!!!

see ya
~Kaatje~ ^.>

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Sunday, April 24, 2005

test re-do

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.

What Personality Do You Have?

Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

I re-did this quiz. I think they both describe me. But this one works best when it comes down to it.

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Monday, April 18, 2005

If life were perfect

If life were perfect, there would be no pain.
If life were perfect, there would be no insane.
If life were perfect, I just wouldn't care.
If life were perfect, I just wouldn't dare.
If life were perfect, there would be light.
If life were perfect, there would be no night.
If life were perfect, I would have no reason to kill.
If life were perfect, I would have to let go at will.
If life were perfect, All my hate would subside.
If life were perfect, All the world would be full of pride.
If life were perfect, I would be able to help you.
If life were perfect, I would be able to save you.

~Kaatje~ ^.>

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Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Guess who's back!!! It be me!! Kaatje has returned!! My comp. finally works!! I'm really really happy right now!! *dances* Nice post Muffins. You know, you really do enjoy all of those things... thats the sad part... Oh, well. I'm back and ready to head off to CZ so I can talk to meh friends! see yaz!

~Kaatje~ ^.>

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Friday, April 1, 2005


Hello, all. I'm Muffins. Kaatje has so graciously allowed me on her account. I'm bored, and thus shall post, instead of just commenting all the time.
Here's a little bit about me:
I'm female, I'm(insert age here), and enjoy God, eating, band, playing the oboe, being random, scaring people, puppies, muffins, cake, cheese sticks with marinara, crecent rolls, chicken tenders, various other foods, video games, Harvest Moon, tending to my animals on Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town, RPing on gaiaonline.com, reading, sitting around on my couch, kicking people, punching my brother, watching "What Not to Wear" purely for the insults, watching "What Not to Wear" purely for the clothes, shopping, chocolate, watching people's behaviors, homestarrunner.com, long walks on the beach, prank calling people, being random, and making really long lists. Can't you tell?
I'm probably insane, and Kaatje might delete this post.
Please comment on my post! ^_^
How's my posting? Call 1-800-IDONTCARE, or comment on myotaku.com!

-Kaatje's mentally instable friend, Muffins

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Saturday, March 12, 2005


Hey, I'm bored and I just watched Gundam Wing Endless Waltz.
I will now put a scene from it on here. booyah!!

~Heero and Wufei are in a fight in space above Earth~
Heero-"The more you fight, the more sacrifice for peace bacomes a waste. You must have realized that." Wufei slashes at him. "The war we fought is over!

Wufei-"So are you saying that soldiers who know nithing but how to fight get discarded?" He slashes at Heero as Heero blocks him.

Heero-"Soldiers have fought to attain a sense of peace. Believe in the world we live in today." More slashing (yadda yadda)

Wufei-"I'm acting for the people who are used as weapons! I'm fighting on behalf of all soldiers! Including yourself!


Wufei-"Right now, you and I are fighting like this. Isn't it true that you feel fulfilled as I do whenever your engaged in a fight?" They stop fighting for a short moment and Heero just looks at him.


Wufei-"You and I are the same! We are only able to acknowledge out existence in the battlefeild!"

Heero-"Just remember, Wufei, Treize is dead. You have already defeated him.

Wufei-Glares at Heero. Shakes his head. "Your wrong! I still continue to fight him. Even now!"
~Then we go to a sappy scene with Noin and Zechs (Milliardo)~
~Now back to the good stuff.~

Wufei-"I do not accept Relena Peacecraft's ways. Her belief that peace is attained by throwing away weapons and confining soldiers is wrong!"

Heero-"So thats why your allowing Mariemaia's ottocracy?"

Wufei-"Thats where the souls of those who fight gather!

Heero-"That may be okay for now, but Mariemaia will end up repeating history. The history of misserable battles. Unless we stop this process now, more soldiers like ourselves will become necessary. If that happens, history will continue to repeat itself. Wufei, tell me, how many more people must we kill?" Heero has a flashback of a time when he killed a little girl and her dog named Mary. "How many more times must I kill that girl and her dog? Zero will not tell me anything. Tell me Wufei..." Heero plunges into an ocean on Earth.

Wufei-Has a flashback of when his colony was destroyed. "Would and incident like that have to be repeated again...?"

That's all you get. I'm too lazy to keep typing. It would probably bore some of you anyway.
Well... I'm out. I have nothing to say.
Love ya.

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Tuesday, March 8, 2005

   The Worst Day of My Life.

I should be getting ready for a Slipknot concert right now... But I can't go now!!! ;-; I feel like crying. Wait... I AM crying!!! I would be wearing a dress if I was going too... thats pretty sad... I hate dresses. My dad was supposed to take me to the concert tonight but he can't now and I'm sad. BUT!!!! Meh friend Rae Rae's little brother might be going, and he agreed to get me and Ashes each an autograph and give us hugs!!! 'Cuz neither of us can go. I had whats left of my heart set on tonight.
I talked to Reoku on the phone today. Her comp. been down and it sucks.
I have nothing else to say... so...
SLIPKNOT RULES!!! congrates to those fans who ARE able to go... Lucky munkehs...
see yaz people!

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Wednesday, March 2, 2005

Real quick question.

I want everyone who comes to my site and reads this to answer honestly.
I don't know what brings it up. I read through all of the poems I've ever written today. I realized that most of them are so... so... depressing... I love it. But, I want to know, if I bring anyone down when they read them. I wanna know how many people think that I really am suicidal. I wanna know how many friends I really have. I'm a terrible friend. I know it. Most of my "friends" wouldn't even notice that I was dead. I've had people look at me like I was crazy when I asked them what I missed at school. "Well, you were here for it. Weren't you?" is what they said. I'm so unnoticed, that no one would care if I was dead at school that I know of. and I wanna know, Do you really value me as a friend. Saying "No, you aren't a friend and I wouldn't care if you died tomorrow." doesn't bother me. I want to seperate friend from foe. So just answer honestly. I know a couple of you irl and those are the ones I expect to answer this question. But for those of you that talk to me on the net, just tell me if you would notice my absence on the chat site, or on my web site. This has no catch. Just a question.
Well thats all. see ya.

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Friday, February 25, 2005


Hello, this is Kaatje with a reoku behind her!!! BOW BEFORE US!!! (acually just me... I'm writing it to make her happy.) Well we gonna get in trouble if I don't get fuzzbutt back to the GS. SEE YAZ!!! *dances away stupidly leaving reoku to turn the computer off.*

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Monday, February 21, 2005

Life? Death is better.

Yes, suicide is below us all... But right now It's what I feel I can solve my problems with. screw it, I wouldn't even try it. I used to care what people thought about me. Now I don't. Call me a bitch! That's what I am!! Because it's true. Now, my best friends pissed at me. I had to appoligize to Lamango, the asshole that I hate. Last but far from least, is Levi... I don't know... Reoku said that he loves me... I think It's a lie... every one hates me. The world hates me. He seems so much different from when we started going out... He's too clingy. I hate it. Plus he's getting so~ annoying, more annoying than me! and that's really sad. screw it. I don't know what to do. I was told that I should break up with him if I don't like him like I thought I did. But I'm not as freakin' strong as I pretend to be! oh well I just don't care. I guess I'll just disappear. That would be great.
Goodbye cruel world... Goodbye...

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