Hello, all. I'm Muffins. Kaatje has so graciously allowed me on her account. I'm bored, and thus shall post, instead of just commenting all the time.
Here's a little bit about me:
I'm female, I'm(insert age here), and enjoy God, eating, band, playing the oboe, being random, scaring people, puppies, muffins, cake, cheese sticks with marinara, crecent rolls, chicken tenders, various other foods, video games, Harvest Moon, tending to my animals on Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town, RPing on gaiaonline.com, reading, sitting around on my couch, kicking people, punching my brother, watching "What Not to Wear" purely for the insults, watching "What Not to Wear" purely for the clothes, shopping, chocolate, watching people's behaviors, homestarrunner.com, long walks on the beach, prank calling people, being random, and making really long lists. Can't you tell?
I'm probably insane, and Kaatje might delete this post.
Please comment on my post! ^_^
How's my posting? Call 1-800-IDONTCARE, or comment on myotaku.com!
-Kaatje's mentally instable friend, Muffins