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Southern California
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I r0xx0rs the s0xx0rs in Tower Records.
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I learned to play guitar at the age of five, I’ve got personal lesson classes where they pay me to teach people’s kids to play the guitar, and I can sit through any sport, even if I have no idea who the team is.
Anime Fan Since
About when Pokemon came out?
Favorite Anime
Mmm... hard to say. ><
Pass highschool, and get to college. I'm SO close!
[edit later]
I can speak French, Spanish, Italian and English fluently, and I can touch my toes!
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Friday, April 15, 2005
Mike VS Jason
A deadly feud indeed… especially since it’s between Mike, whom we all know his fighting style, and can predict most of his moves, against Jason who’s never spoken a word to us in our lives, nor have we ever seen fight, but he must be a good fighter, because he can handle a sword with ease, escape blows from Mike, and is unpredictable… just like when he bit the head off of my sheep plushie. He’s so cool now. >>;
To be honest, I was more worried for Jason, though. Mike is really good at hitting people, even if it’s a light hit… but then again, I hit harder, and it’s true, cause I’m smaller, and I can kick his ass any day, and I have the picture to prove it! Being smaller has it’s advantages, cause I’m too quick, and plus I learner to fight from Aran, and he’s always getting in to fights.
Over the periods of time, we’ve noticed Jason’s been acting up, what with him being more active, aggressive, and plus he bit me the other day, and jacked the mini fridge in my closet. I was devastated… and hungry.
But then, later on he went and visited the hang out room, where all the stuffed animals, a few plushies, CDs, instruments, skateboards, gaming systems Mike got tired of and decided to finally share after ten years or more of hogging, and the famous Cecil Plushie whom Mike adores. Dead. Yes, Jason killed Cecil plushie… it was horrible! And Jason knew he’d started something… I mean, he took a bad ass picture and everything!
Mike was livid. His prize possession a “Hostage Fo’ Life” Jason says. We’re not entirely sure what he’s done with Cecil… I really don’t care, either, but Mike did… if he loved Cecil a bit more, he might’ve cried, but instead he just declared war like he always does, picking some random vendetta to start with people. It’s rather annoying, really, but I love it, cause Mike usually gives in, in the end. So I’m waiting to see what happens… I’ll try and keep posted, so you can see the progress I guess… but I bet one of them’s gonna get their ass kicked. And I’m gonna laugh, and be front row center!
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Christmas with Mike
I find lack of oxygen very disliking. I think it’s because I enjoy breathing for one, and the fact that breathing keeps me alive. Sadly, Michael Mackenzie doesn’t understand… I should have figured seeing how he’s my brother; you think I’d know that by now. I suspect we all know it’s Christmas time… a lot of families are celebrating with their families, and having a great time… or a crappy time.
I, on the other hand, am celebrating Christmas with Michael: The Christmas crazy reindeer… we also call him Rudolph, because the cold turns his nose to a really bright red. Well, having a Christmas-crazy reindeer-kid for a brother, you become extremely paranoid around the one holiday. Why, one minute you’re having a great time, and you’re walking to your bedroom door, when all of a sudden, a thousand mistletoes poke your eye out, or you get bitch-slapped by tinsel for saying “Christmas sucks…” Face it, During Christmas time, your life is in danger around here… no one is safe from the almighty Michael: The Christmas-Crazy Reindeer… (And his five ‘reindeer’ bi7ch3s (Censoring for the holidays, folks) that are also his siblings, forced to work for peace in their home.)
It’s a very discouraging experience, mind you. I mean, to be honest, I’m afraid to even look at our Christmas tree, cause Mike always feels people are judging it for lacking in tinsel this year. I think he’s a tinsel freak, too! He must’ve slapped me with the stuff at least three times each and every night! Tinsel isn’t made of Styrofoam, you know? But, although it’s scary in our house, it’s nice to see someone put in the effort to celebrating of this holiday. Besides Alex and Aran, who were actually born on this day (the lucky dipsticks…). Whilst Jason, Dexter, Cameron and I watch them do it all and eat popcorn… but hey, we are doing that “family togetherness”, right? The only worry we have, is random slaps from Mike and his shiny tinsel whores, and my brothers coming in the house with snowball ammo, and throwing round killer globs of snow at us inside the house.
Soon enough, I’ll be too afraid to touch the snow, cause several times I’ve almost drowned in it… or so it seems. Waking up, and being pelted by the stuff isn’t the best experience to have, y’know? But all in all, it’s nice to see so much union (for once) in my home… though the oddness is still alive and kicking, it’s something that’s certainly brought us closer… let’s just hope it doesn’t bring our relatives, who’d kill you for a Christmas cookie. o_o;;
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Monday, August 23, 2004
… Aside From that, the Origin of the shoe picture…
“Oh my lord! Code yellow! She’s armed!” those very words were yelled, once our mom grabbed her shoe, ordering us to get out of her kitchen… We ran as fast as we could, and up the stairs we went… which turned into a competition, soon enough.
Me being smaller, lighter and quicker, I was first… until Alex jumped and tripped me, crawling and stepping over me, and ending up in first, nearly reaching the top onto the next set of stairs, but Aran lunged at Alex, and pulled him back, and then left us behind, laughing. Dexter, who’s far larger, a bit faster, yet far from where we are with intelligence, grabbed Aran’s ankle, dragged him across the stairs, and hung him on one of the nails that held the paintings up on the walls around us. Turning around, he had us all hung up, and I was probably a whole foot off the ground. o_O
… This reminded me of those wedgies Randy and Dexter would give out when they still lived with us. Never did much to me, but I remembered how pissed the others would be, wincing and twitching about. This was like a classic moment, only now; most of us could reach the floor. Aran of course was first, cause he’s far more intelligent than us, and he knows how to get out of these situations… like the time we got stuck on a fence, and so he decided not to climb over it, but walk through the door that was already open… I still regret that day. Dexter won by now, so we stopped running. Next thing we knew, he was hiding from us… we’re not very good at hide and seek, cause some of the boys get aggressive, mainly Mike and Cameron.
Playing hide and seek with them, reminds one of Jurassic Park, where the Raptors are in the kitchen with those two kids… they get so intense, and when they find you, you have to run, or else if they get you, they might just tackle you down and sit on you. I myself am usually caught and sat on. We spread out… though, for some of us, “Spread out” really meant, “Sit on this bed and let Mike and Cameron do all the work” … They were gone. We’d entered the guest room, which I was having fun sleeping. But, when I finally drifted off, one yelled, “Dog pile!” and then Aran lunged at me, landing right next to me… Alex on the other hand landed ON me. He was heavy, but I managed to deal with it. Mike popped in, jumped on the bed, and ended up next to me. I stared at Mike from the corner of my eye, he smiled, the light reflected from his blue retainer reflected a horrible light at me, blinding me, and Mike said, “This is for that one guy!” … Stuck his finger in my ear, and wiggled it around, giving me a Wet Willy. Ick. It had to be one of the wettest I’d ever been given… except the time Randy spit in my ear and wiggled a pen in it to even it out. Oh, the horror. Matter of fact, when Mike first came to live with us, I said “Hi” and he kicked me, gave me a wet Willy, pushed me over, and said, “You’re going to regret knowing me!” … ah, the memories of my wonderful big brother. >_>
Deafened in one ear, and having Aran’s elbow squeezing my bladder, the urge to go to the bathroom crossed over. With Alex laying on Aran (on his BACK) pushing his elbow into my bladder, it would come crashing down, liberate, only to come crashing down again. Cameron popped in with Dexter. Cameron ran, and landed on Mike… Cameron’s elbow hit at the same time Aran’s did, and I had to go even more than I did before. Then Cameron started bouncing up and down on the bed… still sitting on me. Gah! I had to goooo… I started to squirm. Dexter got hold of a Camera from mom’s room, and while I was struggling, took shots. No matter where my legs escaped, they’d get stuck under another’s leg. I was trapped. To take my mind off for a minute, I turned to Alex, who was dramatically hugging Aran, yelling, “Aw, give me a hug Squiggles!” Then, Alex would squeeze Aran tightly.
… It was like watching a four year old hug their first bunny. Alex would also give Aran a kiss on the cheek, which is quite common at my house, cause my brothers have a fondness for kissing each other. Mainly in public (whether if playing around or serious,) though it’s only on the cheek and no more. Though some of the girls we know on the block do tend to make big deals out of it… It’s amazing what we girls find adorable nowadays. Although, me laughing at Alex and Aran wasn’t helping… the elbow kept crashing, and so I kept wincing. Then, my mother popped in, smiling. Though she doesn’t mind us playing so roughly like this, her sarcasm for some of the positions she finds us in is most unwanted sometimes…
“You know,” she said. “To make an orgy work, you kind of have to be naked… and not related… I think.” Not finding this funny, I managed to launch Cameron off the bad by kicking him off with as much force as possible. Alex didn’t move, and he knew I had to go… But I didn’t care… I had to go, so rolling over onto Alex’s side; I managed to nearly fall off the edge of the bed… until Alex grabbed me, and held me in place. Why he was torturing me? No idea. So, I pulled his hair and he let me go. Falling to the floor, I hit pretty hard, but I got up, and wiggled into the bathroom. My mother also noted how my interesting interpretative dance would take the world by storm… we’ll see about that. In the end, I did throw my shoe at Alex’s fathead, and thus it smacked him, and I was happy again… until he spit in my ear and… well, I learned: “When playing with people two times your size, and two to three times your weight, don’t play with them until you go to the bathroom.” And; “When throwing a shoe, once it makes contact with the victim, you run… you run and hide, cause if they get you, you go deaf in both ears, and then are hung on the inside of a closet…” So, you take that, and make sure you don’t forget it but another word of advice: “Never listen to any advice I give you, cause it’ll only screw you over later.” … Heh.
Dragon gone
As much as I love little kids, I certainly can’t seem to watch them very well. Amazing how you can turn your back on them, turn around again and they’ll be doing something very bad. Though I can’t help but ask myself: “Why am I taking care of these kids?”
I mean, Gavin was told to take care of his friend’s two little sisters… Mike was told to watch my aunt’s kid, too. The first two are nothing but trouble. One seven the other ten… the last one is thirteen… I preferred that one to the other two, whom once they caught sight of my room, they squealed in delight after seeing all the dogs around my bed. Most of the dogs managed to run and escape them, but Alex’s dog Mac was bestowed a cruel fate, after the two girls tackled him. Those girls were then shaken off, and bitten vigorously by the tiny Border collie, and he stormed out leaving the other two with bite marks.
I both enjoyed it, and laughed at it. After all, it’s what they deserve after tackling and then sitting on a dog smaller than them. And judging by how he was baring his teeth when he saw them; it would’ve been smarter to stay away. The whole night though, I managed to get the two to go to sleep, after I had Mike take care of them for a bit… I myself don’t think scaring little kids is all that great, but hey, if it shuts them up, be my guest, heh. The thirteen year old, however, wasn’t going down as easily. Instead, he took a liking to the bearded dragon my brother gave to me a few years back. Minutes later, he lost my lizard, and I was just about to kill him. I loved that lizard, I’ve had it since… uhm… well, it’s been a long time! And he’s one of the greatest pets I’ve got so far…
Though I haven’t killed the boy yet, that doesn’t mean I won’t get him later. But, for the past day or so, I’ve been looking for the little bugger. He’s not poisonous, but he scratches hard, the bastard. Anything not human it will strike with its tongue, and he whacks things with his tail when he wants something from it (Thus he alerts me for feeding time). If my brothers find him, they’ll gladly return him to me safe and sound. It’s not so much them I’m worried about, but my mom, who’s terrified of reptiles. And… she sort of… doesn’t know I have a bearded dragon. So she finds him, he’s dead. And he’s pretty big, so he’s rather noticeable, heh. But if I don’t find him, I’ll be in big trouble, and, I’ll continue being extremely sad/aggressive. I know he’s somewhere in the living room, and he can’t go far… not that he will, cause he’s too lazy to do much of anything except whack you with his tail, and bite you with his toothless mouth. He’s not harmful at all… matter of fact, if you lay him upside down and stroke his stomach, he’ll fall asleep. Though, if you get him pissed, he’ll scratch you, and try to bite you… and, his tongue does hurt when he whacks you, though. Luckily, I’ve managed to bribe each brother, so they’re going to find him eventually. They’ve already moved the furniture, so he’ll turn up… hopefully.
Before I forget, let's see who can spot who in that picture... in it is Alex, me, Mike, and Aran. It's kind of easy if you paid attention to who's where in my shoe post.
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Friday, August 6, 2004
Fab's House! - Day Two.
A horrible bell sounded, startling Alex, who rolled over, falling off the couch onto me. How heavy he was! >_< Almost killed me for sure… I think I broke a rib, too. >.O
We walked right into the kitchen. Minutes later, we were on the floor outside the kitchen, and Fabrice smiled apologetically, as he explained house rules; “Showers in the morning, afternoon, and night.” And he walked off into the kitchen. So, we all took those quick five to seven minutes showers, and ran back into the kitchen. Minutes later, we’d been kicked out again. Jules stood before us this time. “Gotta brush your hair guys.” This was one thing my brothers wouldn’t stand for. My brothers never brush their hair… they’ll shampoo it, condition it, but never, EVER brush it. It’s against our policy. Even I don’t brush my hair, ‘less it’s long, but when it’s short, it’s a big, “Screw You” … So, we ignored this rule.
… Found myself on the counter, as Fab’s mom brushed my hair, and started saying things about keeping my hair neat, or else it looks all rumpled. I like it that way, thank you. I wanted to say something nasty that was buzzing in my head, but I feared a random broom whacking would conclude the conflict in the end, telling me, “Never oppose Fab’s Mom! She 0wnz j00!” so I let it go… With my hair brushed, making it fall limply over my eyes like a sheep dog, I returned to the kitchen table, where I found my brothers had been over taken by neat hair… Aran’s bangs split right in the middle. His face was so… it… it seemed to glow in a holy light, and his eyes gleamed, too… we’d never seen his whole face before. It was as if we were unworthy… which is funny, cause once Mike saw it, he hissed and screamed; “It burns!” …See how long it’s been? It was awkward seeing his face… I’ve only seen it once, and that time, I only saw his left eye, but this… this was history here. It was also obvious that Fab’s pretty younger sisters took a liking to Aran, who didn’t like the unwanted attention, and stuck his tongue out at us all. As a response, Fab’s sarcastic brother Jules playfully flickered his tongue back at Aran, and my siblings and I, all fell back in our seats at the same time. That freaks me out all the time. o_O
After breakfast, Fab’s mom had us clean the house up, afterward. We all told Fab we’d be killing him. So, we started picking up stuff from the couch and pillows and all this other junk… in their couch, I found twenty bucks (Which Jules snatched from me, so I pushed him and now he has a bump on his head,) five remote controls, including the one for the TV in my room which I told Fab not to put it in his back pocket, but he never listens. I also found Fabrice’s left shoe, Jules’ “pink Party” tie, but Aran took it and alerted Jules he was stealing it from him… I found Aleksandr’s CD case, his socks, a floppy he owned, his wallet, his watch… and a pair of frilly pink boxers I didn’t dare to touch them, seeing how I had no idea how long they’d been down there with those socks. When I found them, though, Fabrice hugged me, and mentioned how he had been looking for those the longest… I didn’t ask how they got there, whether it be he sits naked on the couch, or he wears them on his head, I didn’t care. Mike was having trouble coping with the vacuum for his fear of being sucked in… Jules was having fun scaring him with it. I felt bad. Mike witnessed his hamster get sucked up by a vacuum once when he was four I think… never got it out of his head, so if you chase him with a vacuum (Even those little handheld ones,) he’ll run away screaming. Sad, but true.
I myself had fun finding the many things Fab can hide in a couch. Whilst rummaging through the other couch, I found a drum stick (for drum sets… I doubt Fab would hide chicken in his couch. o_O), a microphone which Aran has some obsession with those, as he pulled it out of my hand, out it to his cheek, hugging it tightly and said, “I love micro-phoooones” And he just… sat there… hugging it… it was so disturbing. Yet it reminded me of my Aran and his obsession for bunnies, so it wasn’t so disturbing. Leaving the two alone to uhm… hug or whatever, we finally finished up. By that time, we had settled down and just hung around for a bit. Nothing too weird I suppose, heh. The rest of the day pretty much happened like the night before. Whackings and rules, rules, rules. -_-;
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Monday, August 2, 2004
Fab's House!
Our mom had left us at home again, after having to go see my dad to pick up files and junk. We’d have gone, but dad is scary, so we chose the easy way out. Instead, we had chosen to go spend the week at Fab’s house, since we weren’t allowed to be alone after our mom found Alex’s ferret in the cabinets, and the rest of us were fast asleep on the floor. I guess trying to stay awake by force wasn’t a good idea, since once Mike closed his eyes, we all knocked out. He’s got the power to make us sleep, oddly enough. Fab, who stood behind my mom on the other hand shook his head vigorously, giving us the, “WARNING!” signal. But, we ignored him, and ran upstairs to pack our things.
Fab followed me into my room. Fab pretty much begged we save ourselves and stay over at Jimmy’s. To be honest, I thought he was hiding something, making me want to go more. But, I was wrong… We were all wrong. We arrived at the house no later than six, and set our eyes upon a house bigger than ours. Several Borzoi dogs, slim and shaggy stood behind the black gates, growling like our dogs at home, making it a bit homier for us. Fab had hissed something and the dogs scurried off. The door to his home swung open, as his three older brothers; Aleksandr (Russian form for Alexander), Jules (French form for Julias and Italian for Julian I think.), and Fabrice (the original version of Fabrizio… or Fab). I loved their names very much, heh. Behind the three brothers, came a woman no bigger than my mom reaching 5’2” with a big smile. She welcomed us in, with a slight Russian accent (Hence the Russian name Aleksandr) and her father being Italian (As to Jules, and Fabrice).
Their house was massive inside, too. Pictures upon pictures, paintings… we were enjoying it for a while, till our mom took off, and Fab’s mom turned around, and yelled something in Russian, which shocked us, and we straightened out… natural reflex I guess. Then, she stared at us, smiled, and said, “Your mother is nice. She gives nice names, but in my house, your names will undergo by Russian or Italian sounding names, not that we’re changing them much. Just the sounds.” It didn’t seem so bad. Most of us had Italian names, or ones that could be converted… she began with Mike, who was scared to look at her, cause she carried a broom… one smack can hurt pretty badly… he knows. I’ve hit him.
She smiled and said, “In Italian, Michael is said, ‘Michele’ but I dub it in Russian which is ‘Mikhail’ ” I found it a little funny how she talked, but I didn’t laugh, cause Aran and Alex talk like that sometimes, anyway. She went on with the changing of names, as Alex became Aleksandr 2. And Aran’s second middle name, Nikolai being Russian, and my name being Gianna with is Italian; Gavin, Cameron and Jason weren’t there they went with mom. We were set.
Aleksandr showed us to the guest room, where we threw our backpacks. Next thing we knew, our heads were smacked together, and we’d been roughly tugged around by our ears, as Fab’s brothers stood watching, shaking their heads, and their mom started talking fast in a language I barely understood, unlike my brothers, who went to boarding school growing up. It didn’t do them any good here, though. Hearing Fab’s mom talk, was like… a Furby you just couldn’t shut up, less you threw it against a wall… even if we did that, it’d probably still be talking. She was like the mom version of Terminator, armed and ready with her broom of “misunderstood by my son’s guests” righteousness, anyone who opposed would be jabbed in the ribs, or smacked with the horrible bristles of pain, as your comrades screamed out, “Billy! Don’t Be A HERO!” Then you fall, and DIE! … Okay, so… you won’t… die exactly, but it’ll hurt to some degree. Her mouth was like a wind up toy, where if you wind it too long, it never stops… like that damn Energizer bunny—her mouth just kept going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and going. Dare open your mouth, and you’re whacked forcefully, giving rights to the broom-carrier’s little people (her kids I mean), whom were already so whipped, you could walk up to them casually, and they’d surrender their money to you… that is, unless the righteous broom-lady whacked their piggy banks, and took that with her as well… along with their dignity; Horrible to witness indeed.
… And what was I going to do?! I wasn’t going to take it anymore! To hell with that! … So, I said I had to go to the bathroom, she let me go, I ran in, rubbed my red ear, and hid until the yelling stopped… hey, who said I was the hero in this whole scenario? It’s every man and girl for him or herself!
Later, I crawled out, checked to see if it was clear, and snuck downstairs, where Mike grabbed me, and glared, wanting to kill me. Alex was happy, cause Fab’s momma was stuffing him with these homemade pizza roll thingies-- courtesy of the Italians themselves! Those brilliant people! ^_^ Alex of course though, wouldn’t share, so, we ventured into the kitchen, where Fabrice helped Alex in devouring the wonderful smelling bastard rolls of doom. To get one, you had to earn it… I didn’t earn one yet, so, I decided to try it. Minutes later, I found myself cooking. I can cook, but I’ve never made food like this, and with the way Fab’s mother gave instructions, I thought I’d never be able to get it done. She’d been shouting about oregano, and I thought she was telling me to stir the sauce faster. In the end, she moved me aside, and taught me word for word… alls I remember, is the part when she sat me on the counter, grabbed the spoon and… then you put that stuff in a plate, and it’s ready to eat! … But I can’t help, but think… aren’t I missing the whole cooking part? … Eventually, I said, “Nah!” and I smiled, she was happy; I got my pizza thing, took off, and was happy.
Dinner is no different than many others. Like some families do, we sat at a table, and ate… oh, only, if you slouched, you were whacked with a ruler after. But other than that, nothing else was weird… least, not yet. >_>;
Day two will commence once I’m through with today, heh.
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Wednesday, July 7, 2004
4th of July
Yes… the day Cameron and I most celebrate. And my brothers… holidays always bring us together… except Easter *shakes fist at Easter bunny* Where are my Easter eggs, you?! *Can’t remember the last time he stopped by*
Well, my 4th of July was one hell of a night, heheh. Very interesting. As always, we got ready. I myself decided to go steal Mike’s clothes, which I’d been after his “Hustler” shirt for ages… I also stole his pants, which didn’t fit me so well since my waist is extremely small, heh. So, I stole Aran’s belt, lol. Hey, what’s the point of having family if you can’t steal their clothes?
Well, we called up Jimmy, whom lives for this day as well as Cameron and I, and he came over to our house, where my mom stuffed him with bananas, cause she said he was too skinny, lol. Poor Jimmy. Mike also called over Michael, Tom and Fab. Oh, Fab was a crazy bastard, lol. We went over to Fab’s house, where we discussed the mayhem we would unleash on our poor neighborhood, and Fab suggested we go out into town. Our town is really small, and there’s a 24-hour ferry that takes people to and from an island in the middle of town, so we took our (skate) boards out (Oh, and my broken leg is over with… the break wasn’t as bad so… good for me… yay.), and boarded a good thirty minutes or so, heh. Tom was complaining an awful lot, saying, “Why do we always have to travel using our legs? Why can’t you carry me? JIMMY! Carry me now!” Oh, and there was my favorite: “We’re lost… JIMMY! You lost us!” so, Jimmy shakes his fist at him, and yells, “For the third time! We are ON the ferry!”
We were laughing our asses off, cause everything to Tom was Jimmy’s fault. The ferry only takes two minutes, and it’s a buck for each person, so basically, it was Jimmy, Mike, Michael, Tom, Fab, Alex, Cameron, Aran, and me… but since I was, ahem “Cute as a button” *shakes fist* to the girl collecting the faire, I got on free. My brothers started complaining, and Mike had said something about how I was adopted. O_o;
… He’s just jealous . . . I hope. >_>;
Well, once we got to the other side, we got our boards again, and took off. The streets were really busy, there was a fair, and all these little kids were around, people were making their ways to the fireworks show on he other side of the ferry, we were more interested in the people. Many of them were very hyper… I’ve never seen a hyper adult… less you count my mom, lol. This guy and what I thought to be his girlfriend were running through the streets, and my brothers retreated from the girl, screaming… they’re scared of hyper girls… I am too, if they’re groupies or cheerleaders… mainly just hyper girls in general… I mean, I’m a girl… but not a hyper one… unless…
Fab took off like a rocket, and ran into the streets, and started skipping. It sort of looked like the promenade; only it was a bit more festive, heh. There were groups, of people. Mainly groups of teens, street performers were all around us, and we had stopped for a bit, but when we left, the performers got angry, and pulled poor Alex and Mike into the circle, being forced to perform. The guys were nice, and were pulling a lot of guys out of the crowd, so it wasn’t as embarrassing, heh. Eventually my brothers made it out, after they pointed behind the main performers, and yelled, “Look! A distraction!” and they ran off, grabbing the rest of us, and running into a crowd. The laughter of all those watching could be heard, and clapping. I guess my brothers were pretty entertaining… hey. I liked it.
After that, we had run off onto the fair grounds. As a joke, Fab jumped onto Aran’s back, kicked his sides, and yelled out, “Mush you!” and Aran did so, and they tripped right before they got to the mirror house. So, we took advantage and ran up, and stepped on the two before they got a chance to get up lol.
We had all run in, and were laughing at Aran and Fab, who were struggling to get up after we had all jumped so roughly onto their backs, and we laughed, and laughed and laugh… until I turned my head, and WHAM! …Right into a mirror. Oh that one hurt bad… and to make it worse (probably for bad karma. >_>;), Tom, Jimmy, Cameron, Mike, Alex, and Michael came after me, and slammed into me, who slammed into the mirror six more times. I guess what goes around, comes around… I can trust that saying for sure now, heh.
Aran and Fab eventually made it in, and managed not to slam into the wall, thanks to the courtesy of seven young people with a horrible throbbing pain amongst them, lying on the floor groaning. Fab and Aran laughed for once, and walked off. Then, two other thuds were heard. We got up, and in a line, we followed, and stopped to see Aran and Fab opposite of each other, slowly sliding down the mirrors, with their noses pointed up on the glass, leaving a trail of hot breath on them. The rest of us started laughing, but stopped… the mirrors were all around us, and Mike sort of formed this huggy circle thing with Cameron and Alex, and the three both mumbled, “The mirrors are out to get us… one by one we’ll get lost, and then… we’ll all die to uneventful things like an angry starving badger after human flesh…”
There was huge moment of silence… even from a group of teens, whose faces went blank (Along with all of ours,) and stared literally with an “o_O” look, lol. Then, we all laughed and pointed at them, and in our minds, we obviously were saying, “Yeah right…” and walked off. Then, there were resounding ‘thuds’ all over. Everywhere we turned we hit something. And I was in front, so I hit into the mirrors the most times, impact after impact. I also seemed o swear everytime, so it’d be like: “Aran You lose—Aw! Crap!” or “Jim—Son of a bi- OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! Ow!” lol. Very entertaining for the others, who soon followed… we were in the maze for a good thirty minutes. Mike being so stupid was running and laughing through the narrow halls, and we’d watch him, then, his head would suddenly get jerked back, and he’d stop laughing, and he’d look at himself in the mirror, and he’d say, “Son of a gun, you betray me again like this! After all I did for you! After what I made you! After--! Look! Another way through the maze!” and he’d run off again laughing just as much as he was when he first collided into the mirror. Then, seconds later, there’d be a thud, and the same speech again, lol.
Fab on the other hand was scared, and cautious, cause he didn’t trust his own reflection, lol. So he’d walk facing all of himselves. But, eventually he bumped into the mirror behind him, and he screamed, jumping into me, and again into Tom, who stared for a bit, and jokingly looked to the side as if blushing, and said, “Not in front of the others, Fab… first we have to kill them and throw them into the ocean… and then--” Mike, Cameron and Alex heard this, and so, they all lined up, and pointed, yelling, “J00! Aha! BADGERS!” and the three ran off. When I got up, it was only I; Jimmy, Fab, Tom, Michael and Aran… the other three were lost, now.
Jimmy grabbed Aran, and jumped onto his back, while screaming: “WE LOST THE BOY SCOUT BOYS!” but during this, Aran slipped, and this weird hidden door opened up, and the two fell down onto a slide, where we lost them, and the door closed. None of us were sure how it happened at first, but we were too scared to think. It was at this time, that we all screamed in chorus, and split up. I went one way with Fab… Jimmy and Tom went another. Fab and I kept close to each other… back to back, singing a very poor version of “I Will Survive” lol. We were really shaken up… then, Fab turned to me, and said, “In he event we might die, here and now, we should make out…” There was a deep silence, and Fab looked away, and whispered, “Just a thought.” And we walked on, with our hands out, and using them to keep from hitting into anymore walls. And we had made it through pretty well so far, until there was a feeling of slight movement beneath us, so I grabbed Fab, threw him on the floor, and ran off… sort of like an offering to the floor, lol.
Fab was quick, though and he grabbed me by my ankle, and pulled me down, and back towards him, and in a quick movement, we fell down, through the floor, landing roughly on our butts on a slide, which was long, fast, and spiraled. So, we were sliding for quite sometime, until we ran into this cloth covering up a bright light, where we shot out, and landed onto one of those jumper things, running into the others, who laughed, and pointed. It seems we weren’t as lost as we’d thought, heh. We eventually all started laughing, and we went home after that, heh. We were all pretty tired, and Fab had driven us all crazy by now, so we went our separate ways.
… But, one things for sure… the hell if I’m ever going into one of those stupid mirror house things again. >_>;
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Wednesday, June 23, 2004
How Anticlimactic…
We all paused. Alex stopped bouncing for a minute, and with the sandwich still in his mouth (He’s one incredible boy I must say, lol. That sandwich’s contents didn’t fall out at all! Even when he was bouncing… he’s like… Magic!) And Alex opened the door a little, and Dexter squeezed himself in. Gavin paused, and stared at Dexter who stared at him suspiciously, with what I thought to be a, ‘What are you doing?’ Look. Gavin hung up the phone, and blamed Alex, who was still busy with the sandwich, and hopping with his hands in the air. The rest of us ran off to the back, as Aran and Dexter had Gavin call the party off thankfully, heh.
Reaching the back, we ran into Arion who was with Jane, and Arion was playing with a lighter, and burning dominoes… something Cameron and I vowed to try when we got home… once we bought some dominoes that is. ^_^; Mike and Michael went to check out the back a bit more, leaving us to talk with Jane and Arion. Watching Arion, Cameron felt an urge, and asked Arion if he could play with the lighter, and in return, Cameron would let Arion play with the Purple Link plushie, which he probably stole from me after Alex raided my backpack. Not that I cared… I didn’t like Purple Link that much, anyway… (*Gets a feeling that’s going to come back to bite me soon… >_>;*) as long as I got him back in one piece. There was a sudden gasp from behind the gate which Michael and Mike and disappeared to, and so we ran (Except Janie who only likes to walk slowly) to the gate, which had sealed off a really nice pool… a nice, EMPTY pool. Then that mischievous look came to Mike’s face… and surely enough, Mike had a plan.
“This would make a nice pit…” Mike said. Everyone agreed, and so we decided—well… Mike decided, that we should use it to skateboard. As tempting as that was, the pool was one hell of warped one, and the floor was sharp and jagged since it hadn’t been used for quite some time. So, some serious injuries could occur. But us being so reckless, and not minding almost killing ourselves had Cameron go fetch our boards from our backpacks, which we all brought a board… except Dexter who broke his last week after getting fed up with it, lol. Cameron came back with most of the boards, including mine which I could’ve swore I did something to it at the time, but it seemed fine since Cameron was riding it, heh. There was a rail leading from the stairs down, to the pool, like all pools have, but this one was extended, the railing went a bit further than what most pools would, so the rail would be perfect for grinding. The rest of us getting ready, and having Janie go fetch the first aid, with Bridgett, who was learning in the corner, being taught by Alex, Ryan, and Michael… I was laughing because I learned by myself, but she needed three people to help her, when I barely ever needed any of them to help… but then again, I learned after Cameron pushed me on a board without me knowing, so… >_>;
Mike himself decided to try and grind without a board, so instead he ran, jumped, and grinded the rail with his shoes… it started out smoothly enough, but near the middle of the rail, he slipped, and took the rail to the groin, and then hit the floor with a resounding, ‘thud!’ we all rushed over, and Mike was on the floor motionless. So, Cameron and Jason jumped in, and ran over to check him over. Mike had already started getting up, and he turned to us laughing. Mike was the only one crazy enough to do something like that… I think that’s why we find him so much fun, lol. He stood up again, and yelled out, “Cameron next!!” Jimmy jumped forward from out of nowhere, and went next, and he made it safely off the rail, but then he landed, and the board hit the floor a bit roughly, causing Jimmy to lose control to the jaggedness of the floor, so he just ended up falling on his ass lol. The rest of us were sitting on the edges on the pools, and laughing as he complained about his tailbone. Eventually, Mike wanted to go again, but he also tried to get me to go… through all my memories in the past, Mike is normally the one whom was what caused all my broken legs, ribs, arms, and so on. I’ve actually been told I’ve broken every bone in my body, but my hip… so my doctor says… and I believe him. I have broken all my ribs once, both of my legs and arms, wrists, ankles… I just need my hips now… I’m sure Mike will help me with that, though lol.
But, Mike being so persuasive finally got to me, and so I grabbed my board. For some reason, although I knew I was going to get hurt, I didn't and never have listened to myself… -_-; So, Mike grabbed Cameron’s board, and took off first. Out of all of us, he was the first to finally land unharmed… so it seemed... but me… Although I know how to board, I normally can’t grind very well-- with a snowboard yeah, maybe. But a skateboard is a bit more difficult and yet I learned it the hard way. >_<;
Although I started off well like Mike, I forgot that the front left wheel was loose on the axle after I tried on a new set of wheels, and was too lazy to tighten them all correctly. So, the wheel came loose, and I lost balance, causing the board to slip, and coming down, I took the rail to the head, and I also hit one of the stairs with my hip, and both were really huge impacts, and to top it off, I tumbled a bit, smacked my leg on something fierce, and Cameron and some others had already been running after me, but by the time they got to me, I had cut up my whole left side with the floor of the pool, which, like I said, was jagged and chipped, so when I was looked over by Alex, Jimmy and Ryan, a nice big fat open wound on my side along the rib cage was found. My side was badly cut; it looked as if someone had cut a large layer of skin from my side. It was just raw human meat. And there was a lot of raw meat showing, so my brothers carried me into the garage for first aid. When they looked it over again, I was bleeding a hefty lot on my side, and the concussion had me completely lost and disoriented. As a result, I had a concussion, damaged my ribs, and one of the other guys was certain of a broken hip and leg… or at least sprained or damaged it to some extent. The leg was certainly broken, though. And to make it worse, I was starting to pass out, so they tried to keep me awake.
Mike and Cameron on the other hand were both scared, cause once Aran saw me, he’d probably blame them. Ryan was already starting to bandage the side wound, and Jimmy started with the head. Aran and Dexter made their way outside, and Mike tried to get them to leave, but they refused, after they nocitced him limping and once they saw me, they stared at quite a wreck. “What’re we going to tell mom?” Was all they could say, Dexter looked over Mike, who had a huge cut on his head from the first fall, and a sprained ankle from the turn with me... we just never noticed it until the blood started. So, they bandaged him up, too, and then Dexter went back inside. There was this huge pad to cover up my side wound, and then layer after layer of bandages… it was like a light brown color bandage-- the one’s you’d use to bandage a broken ankle or leg. It was funny to me; cause like, four or five of the guys were helping bandage me up. So Aran was on one side, Michael was next to him, Ryan on my other side, and next to him was Alex, who was eating a honey bun while tightening the grip of the bandages. When they finished, there were probably four or five layers covering up the pad that covered up the wound itself. And then, Arion came out with Aran’s cellphone, and stated our mom was calling. O_o;
Cameron took the phone, and said, “We’re going home now…” then Mike smacked him, and said, “We got drafted… into a play… so if we come home bloody and bandaged, it’s a game! WE WERE AT WAR MOTHER! THE LIGHTS WERE FLASHING! WE WERE BOMBED! THERE WAS PUNCH!” the shrieking was back, and mom was yelling out questions. Then, Aran got the phone and said, “Sorry mom, static! And anything you think is wrong it's Cameron’s fault!” and he hung up. Cameron glared and said something about running Aran over, but Aran really didn’t care… Cameron couldn’t drive anyway… mom revoked his license before he got it. I had to sit for quite some while, cause I had really hurt my side, luckily, Arion had some crutches in the garage, so I was able to move around on my own a bit more. My side was killing me, and I could barely breathe cause the stupid bandages were on so tight. Walking inside, Gavin was still calling back people, and cleaning the kitchen, while Dexter sat on the counter with a bat telling him to keep working, lol. It was probably about one in the morning at the time, and nobody came, seeing how Gavin called them all right back, and canceled the party… how anticlimactic, eh? The rest of us were heading up stairs to remain talking there, and getting ready for the next day to come. Dexter had already stated we were to go home that day. But mom was certainly going to be angry with the others seeing how I almost broke my hip, tore my side up, and got a concussion that hurt more than the migraines I get, heh.
Mom always got worried when any of us got hurt… the last time Alex tripped, she took him to the doctor to look him over. And the doctor said it was nothing, but mom wanted to be sure… then she made all of us get check ups. O_O; I hate doctors… they’re creepy. >_>; Well, the night was rather calm… Gavin was still cleaning the kitchen, and our aunt called the house stating that she’d be home within the next few hours. Arion for once wasn’t the little freak he always was, and Janie… well… she liked the dark. That seems to fit her just fine... trust me. >_>; eventually, we went to sleep, and bright and early, we’d be leaving as quickly as we’d come… or… something like that, heh... if only we could sleep now... >_>;
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Monday, June 21, 2004
PARTY!!! – Wait… wha? O_o;
Waking up was a bitch. I was tired and looked like a car wreck. There was much running about, and tackles, and “whoo!”ing, and head butts from Mike which is something he only does when he’s hyper, or wearing a football helmet. And there was obnoxious singing from Cameron and Dexter… and yelling from Aran about us shutting up due to a slamming hang over. We only screamed, and stomped, causing him to run into the bathroom almost tripping, as he stumbled about. We all simply stared at the half closed door, and simply said, “Wow.” And then Mike hit Alex and said, “You broke him, stupid! Go fix him!” lol. Alex wasn’t listening at all. He was hiding in the corner of the room eating those snacks I brought with me. I found his interest in Twinkies was startling, seeing how he can stuff five in his mouth, and still be able to both breathe and talk with ease showing no contents of the Twinkies at all. O_o;
Aran eventually came out, still stumbling, and Dexter simply stared, and whispered, “Maybe we should’ve gone a little easier on the Vodka shots… after all… you did drink the second bottle all by yourself…” Aran laughed a bit, and then passed out after trying to get up. Dexter simply turned to us, and slipped us a couple of twenties, telling us we saw nothing, and all we said was, “What Vodka?” and walked off whistling. A little later around twelve or so, he woke up, and surely enough, mom had called his cellphone, wondering what we were up to. Cameron took the phone, and said, “Um… we’re… at Disneyland…” Mike hit him and took the phone and said, “No we’re not! We’re in… a… -- Look! A zoo!” and threw the phone at Ryan, who screamed, “It’s not MY mom!” and he threw the phone at Jimmy, who said, “Hey, Mrs. B! How are you? Where’s my mom? Aran’s passed out…” and there was this horrible scream from the phone, and then there was screeching, and so Dexter took the phone, and said, “He’s not passed out! I hit him… by accident… I pushed him into a statue. You know, I’m accident pro. Aran is just stupid!”
He hung up the phone soon after, and glared at Jimmy, who hid behind me. This was obviously going nowhere, so, we decided to let it go, and headed down to the lobby, checked out for good and went straight into the parking lot. Although we knew absolutely nothing about Florida, Alex suggested we do the unthinkable… we have family members out here, but I’ve always been scared of them. ALL my family members scare me, lol. I live in a very dangerous environment. >_>; But, everyone else seemed pretty okay with it, so I was pretty much out ruled. So, we ran into the parking lot where we ran into the rental cars, they were a pair of Ford Explorers: one blue and the other red. And with Aran’s slight hangover, we ended up having to get Gavin to drive. So, we separated into two groups and took off. It took well about an hour because we were lost, and without realizing it, we had passed the house about ten times before we actually found it, and realized we passed it. Getting out, we were hoarded by my older cousins, who stated their parents weren’t home, but on a trip… my face went blank. Then I looked up, only to see much grinning from my brothers, my best friend, and the other two guys. Something told me I was in for a world of trouble and mischief… -_-
Walking towards the house was pretty standard. But the children who inhabited the home were certainly far from normal-- total nut cases. First there was Arion rather tall, but nothing compared to my brothers, though. With that hair most of our family has, a nice shiny brownish black color, and a set of brown eyes like most of our family does. Arion is rather much liked by many, but he’s got a schizoid thing going on. Then, there’s his sister Jane, whom has the same hair color and eye color being Arion’s twin, but I’ve never heard her speak a word. She seems mute, but she only talks to Alex, which is rather creepy. Especially the fact, that she looks a lot like me, only with really dark blackish looking hair. And my eyes are colored. Hers are brown, but they look black and she’s a lot calmer than me. Plus, I’m accident-pro, seeing how I hurt myself everyday. But then, there’s Bridgett, talks a lot, and is a total Gavin. A princess wannabe you could say. She’s one that scares me most, since the time I caught her trying to act tough in front of the mirror, saying, “I’m going to kick your butt!” I see no evil in that sentence. Plus, she says it perkily. She’s also dumb as a block as Mike tells her, which is why she practices being mean, but when she gets ready to tell him something nasty, she stops, and stares at him, and he just raises an eyebrow, waiting for the insult. But, it never comes.
We walked back to the car, got our stuff, and claimed rooms. Of course, they only had two guest rooms, so we had to share. In one of the rooms, Mike, Jimmy, Ryan, Michael, and I stayed. In another, Aran, Dexter, Jason, Alex, Gavin and Cameron slept. But, that wasn’t really a concern to us now. The boys took the stuff and just threw them around, and took off. I raced Alex into the kitchen, where Alex froze when he opened the fridge. I did too. When you think of it, Alex and I are like Shaggy and Scooby-Doo… We LOVE food, lol. And we’ll wolf down your stuff real quick, lol. It was like… being at the grocery store… a never-ending wall of food. So, whilst raiding the fridge, Gavin comes hopping in with a phone book, and a phone. Arion, and Bridgett start bouncing around, and all my brothers come in bouncing, too, chanting, “Party! Party! Party!” but they were drowned out by the wonderful foot long Alex and I were making, but the chant sounded so nice, so Alex and I started to bounce, chanting, “Party! Party! Par—wait… wha?” and Alex and I stopped to stare at them for a bit. Then, Alex shrugged, and started bouncing again; waving his arms in the air with his half of the sandwich hanging in his mouth. I myself was still frozen, trying to put this together. From all our past parties, something bad always happens. Like: burning down a small part of the room, much drinking while under aged (>_>;), and much injuries/ improper behavior. Gavin was calling all these people I remember meeting one summer, and he simply invited person after person… I myself had a really bad feeling.
And then there was a ring at the doorbell. O_o;
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Sunday, June 20, 2004
O_O; I’m going to die soon. >_>; Yes. My day has come, and it’s all ALEX’S FAULT! Yeah… we’re taking a flight to Florida ALONE with only myself, my friends Ryan (>_>;), Michael (Not my brother), Jimmy (my best friend), along with all my brothers (Going by age from oldest to youngest) Dexter, Aran, Gavin, Alex, Mike, Cameron, and Jason.
Some of you would be thrilled, huh? Well, you’ve never been alone with that many boys… and it’s horrible the fact that our only guardian is my brother Dexter, who is hardly responsible himself, let alone Gavin. Honestly, the only one who’ll be watching me will be Aran, who watches me like a hawk seeing how I’m his favorite, lol. Well, it happened last night, at dinner. There was an odd silence, and then Alex suddenly volunteered to wash the dishes… he never does that… mom knew he wanted something, and she immediately said, “No.” and he frowned, and made “The Puppy Face” something me and my mother just can’t say no to… that’s why I hate it so much, heh. Then, Alex got on his knees, hugged mom by her waist, and began yelling out all these reasons, and finally, he said, “I want to go to Florida, mom! I’ll take the guys! Even my wonderful little brother-sister!” I was in shock when he said that. Not only how he called me a SHim, but the fact he wanted to take me. My mother never says no as long as they take me… and so, she kissed his forehead, and granted him permission.
So, I jumped up, ran, then threw myself onto the tile floor of the dinning room, and slid right before mom’s left leg, and clung to it as if holding on for dear life, and pleaded to her. “Mother, noooooo!!! Alex is like, the plague of my life! He’s going to lose me! If not him, Cameron will kill me! Gavin will sell me! Alex will probably die of hunger and eat me! Don’t make me goooo!” mom freaked out and shook her leg loose, and told me to breathe, then pulled me up, and said, “It’s okay… Aran is going and Mike is, too. They’ll keep you and the others safe. And your little friends are going, too… the nice neighbor boy you like-- Michael Ma-something. And that other boy, Ryan, and your best friend Jimmy!” Hearing Jimmy made me feel relieved, but the fact she told my brothers about my co-worker Michael, and Ryan… that was going to haunt me for the next few days.
The other guys snickered, and Mike stood next to Cameron, who pretended to be me fainting over the other Michael behind mom’s back, and then made ridiculous jokes. I shook my fist at them, and mom simply pushed me upstairs and said, “Pack! Now! All of you!” and we did. Running up stairs, Mike and Cameron ran next to me, and laughed. I slammed the door behind me, and ran to my balcony. I thought maybe I could climb down, and make a run for Ashley’s, but I didn’t want to run fifteen minutes only to end up being yelled at by her five year old sister, who screams, “WHERE ARE THE EASTER EGGS!?” at me. Or the fact that our attack dog doesn’t let us leave without making a big fuss, and bark like crazy wanting to play so, instead I opened my closet, pulled out my backpack and rucksack, and loaded them with clothes, my brush, a CD player, an MP3, batteries galore, my GBA SP, and some other stuff like extra snacks for Alex whom I always feared turned into a werewolf at night, and might try to eat me, a lighter for Cameron and me when we have those special needs, seeing how we have a slight pyro addiction, heh. I also made sure Mike had his Cecil plushie, and a few jackets I stole from my brothers, lol. And then, we slept for the night. Next morning, Aran skipped through the house, blowing an air horn I could’ve sworn I hid from him for obvious reasons, too.
I ran downstairs, only to run into Michael, who smiled and said, “Hi” and I “Erk”ed and ran back in my room, lol. I need to work on my social skills, lol. We all got dressed quickly, short of time, so we didn’t brush our hair… any of us at all, which Gavin’s hair was all over the place, unlike the rest of us whose hair was short (Seeing how our stupid brother named Cameron cut my hair leaving it really short… I like it, though.) And we grabbed our bags, and ran out the door. On our way out, Cameron bid our dogs’ farewell wanting to take at least one, but realized that was impossible. We said our good-byes to mom, and hopped into the car with Jimmy’s mom, who took off quickly, and said the faster, we leave, the more fun our mothers will have going to bars. O_o;
We arrived at the airport in Long Beach, and ran through the doors. Alex let out a loud, “WHOO!” and kicked into the air, shaking himself vigorously, and said, “Freedom, my friends!” and led us to the happy receptionist, who looked like a life size Barbie doll with pretty blonde hair, and glistening blue eyes named Rachel. She talked perkily and looked as if she were about to pop a cheekbone out any second cause she was smiling too much. Dexter walked up, and got our tickets together, and making our way to the departing area, where we waited about thirty minutes before boarding. Another creepy smiling lady named Jennifer took our tickets slowly, and then stared at me, and said, “Well aren’t you cute as a button! Have a nice flight young man!” and she cocked her head to the side. I felt like ripped her head off, but Michael grabbed me, and pulled me off to the plane. I hadn’t noticed we were on the plane, until I was actually sitting in one of the seats, lol.
The plane was a bit odd, seeing how it was a bit more spacious than most. Trying to figure where we were to sit, Mike offered his seat to the other Michael, and he ended up by one of the windows. Then, Cameron exchanged his seat for Ryan, who sat on the inside aisle. I was still confused as to where I was to sit; until Aran pointed out I was between Michael and Ryan, who were half asleep, and drinking coffee. I glared at Mike and Cameron, who smiled mischievously at me, and slapped each other five, snickering, and saying something about not doing things I shouldn’t do. >_>; I simply kept quiet and sat there. One of the flight attendants came out, and explained safety procedures. With everything she said, I thought of all the possibilities… and eventually, I started to hyperventilate, and the attendant tried to calm me down, but I only ended up freaking out more, heh. I suppose I’m one to get frightened easily. Aran who sat before me kept telling me to calm down, and handed me a bag, while I rested my head behind his chair, and closed my eyes shut. Plane take offs were never any help, cause I always end up having to hold onto something, and it’s usually the person next to me, who is normally either Mike, Aran, or Cameron. I did calm down soon, after Aran kept talking to me, and telling me it was fine and okay.
… And then the plane took off. As we sped up, I felt my stomach suddenly get pushed to the back, and while gritting my teeth; I pushed myself back, trying to keep from grabbed either Ryan, or Michael. Michael turned and looked as if he didn’t feel anything at all, and said, “Are you okay?” and then the plane jumped, catching all of our attention, causing many blank faces to pop up, and then Michael ribbed me, and pointed outside to show we had just lifted off. I was relieved, and so I rested my head on his shoulder, which Mike saw but didn’t say anything, cause I had obviously been through enough. But I eventually pulled out my CD player, and listened to a few mixed CDs, and then soon falling asleep for pretty much the rest of the flight. Ryan, who was talking to Michael about what to expect in Florida, which interested me a lot, woke me up a little later and so I sat there listening, but kept quiet.
When we landed, I was completely relieved, cause I couldn’t stand to be so wired on coffee, and sit there like I had the past six hours… well, feeling wired and hyper wanting to explode, we decided to just turn in for the night, heh. I ended up sharing a room with Michael… that was obviously a really bad idea, lol. Especially with a hyper active me, I thought Michael would be dealing with a more… ahem, childish and psychotic me. It always happened, heh. Setting down our stuff at a nice Sheritan Hotel, we separated by twos in each room. Mike with Ryan, Cameron and Alex, Aran and Dexter, Jason and Gavin, and Jimmy stayed with Mike and Ryan after we forgot him, lol. Poor Jimmy, heh. In our room, Michael was laid back on the comfy soft beds of the hotel, and simply stared at me as I started to space out, Aran suddenly opened the door joined to ours, and gave Michael a look, as if warning him, then said goodnight, and took off laughing, locking the door behind him. Poor Michael was traumatized by the horrible ‘Stay Away from my Sister, You!’ glare. I laughed at him, and smiled shaking my head apologizing, and told him it better he went to the bathroom then, cause Aran has the eyes and ears of a hawk. One heavy noise or movement, and he’d jump into the room with a bat, and a duffle bag with his name on it, lol. He smiled uneasily, and said, “Why don’t I find that you’re joking?” and he stared at the door making a face.
The night was peaceful enough. There was a bit of noise like that of shot glasses pinging together, and laughing. Probably Aran drinking Vodka with Dexter, laughing at old stories about them without us around, and how they’d get into accidents, heh. From the room on the right of ours, Mike, Ryan, and Jimmy could be heard talking about really bad mishaps with old girlfriends and mishaps with them causing painful slaps on the cheek, a good kicking to the nads, and other crude stories of painful history. Some ever of me when I first met Jimmy… >_>; I recall I punched him the first day we met, and said, “What are you looking at, freak?” and I hit him. ^_^; I heard Michael laughing at that one a bit, and then there was a slam from Aran’s room, so I yelled back. It stopped soon after, though. Eventually, we were all asleep, although I had been fidgeting about on my bed, after being so wired, heh. So, I walked off to Cameron’s to ask for his laptop… just to play around for a bit, heh. I stayed up until about 4 am, and got only a two-hour sleep. O_o;
It Continues, heh. Need sleep >_>;
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Sunday, May 30, 2004
Indeed. Today, a lot of stuff got me sidetracked from what I had planned on doing. I had told a friend I would be online at twelve, and I missed it. So, I apologize for that, heh. A lot of stuff popped up today in an unexpected burst. Getting ready to do as I had said in the PM I sent my friend, my brother rushed up, panting heavily. It seemed his soccer final was today, and he was already going to be late. So, I had to change out of my pajamas, and go with him.
The soccer game went well, but sadly, my brother’s team lost by two points. But, it was still very fun. Much celebration. Well, we got home—a bit too late for me to even check and see if he was still there, and even if he was, it was too late—I had made plans with Jimmy, and some other friends, saying I’d go to the mall to hang out for a bit with them. Sidetracked again. -_-;
I had to go out, and get a gift for my friend’s birthday tomorrow. Which was horribly difficult, since she never gives hints for what she wants… in the end, I remembered her telling me she wanted a snowboard, and of course, I’ve a friend who was able to give me a huge discount. So, I got her the snowboard she’s been drooling over for quite some time, heh. By the time that was done, I had nothing to do. By this time, my first task was way too late to even think of. My second task was surely gone, the others had gone by that time, and I’m sure that Jimmy and the others were furious… except Christine, who probably realized I was getting her gift. I did, however get home on time, enough to go over, and get a chance to hang out, and crash over at Ryan’s, but again, I got sidetracked. This time, I was forced to go. Mom wanted the boys and I to go shopping with her for groceries, and so… we did. Going in, I ran into Ryan, who was furious, cause he had cancelled going on a boarding trip to Mammoth Mt. with our other friend Justin, to spend the night with me.
So, basically, nothing went right today. And it won’t tomorrow, either. I’ve my final soccer game, and I’ve lost my knee brace. I can still play, but without my brace, my knee just may give out on me. It has many times before. And if it does with time, it could cost us the game, seeing how Christine, Ashley, Sapphire and I are the ones who get the ball most of the time. We can kick harder, and so the ball goes farther than what the others can. I kick with my right, since I kick crooked-like with my left, heh. But it’s my right that needs the brace, cause without my knee brace, my knee just may cause my leg to break, which is the last thing I need right now. So, I have to find that brace, and quick. Aside from that, I also have to go to Christine’s birthday party, decorate the house FOR the party, and then, Tuesday at school, I need to help Ashley and Christine get the yearbooks ready for the last day of school, say our last good-byes to our twelfth, eleventh, tenth, and even our own ninth grade friends, seeing how some won’t be back here with us in the tenth grade, heh. I have so much to do, and my only resting day is this Monday, and even then I get no rest, cause I have to go with Jimmy and the others to help do some repetitive tasks, then after, we get to stay over at Jimmy’s. So I’m all sidetracked, which has pretty much screwed all my plans up. But, the good thing is, I’ll be busy, and away from home, and out being productive… and plus, I get out of the house, and get away from the paranoia surrounding me, heh. Just goes to show, that boring things can do some good… and screw up your plans…
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