Birthday 1990-02-26 Gender
Female Location A small, boring, isolated village in Michigan. -.- Member Since 2004-10-21 Occupation Someones soulmate ^-^ Real Name Cara
Anime Fan Since I was 13 Favorite Anime AIR, Gravitation, DNAngel Goals Learn how to play piano,travel to more places, see Titanic wreck site Hobbies Computer, The Sims, Photography, and traveling. Talents Zero talent.... kagome2690
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Hi! Hows everybody doing? Good I hope. Nothing much here. ^^ Well school has been giong pretty well. Im on my last week of worikng at Rite Aid. (vocation class) I think I might be working at the Golden Apple next. Im not sure if this store is in any others areas but just in case I'll tell you what kinda store it is. xD It's store with school supplies n other stuff. Some of the stuff is actally pretty cool. xD Geeze there this person from school that keeps calling to talk to my sister he is so annoying he want to talk about this rumor that giong on bout them he like harassing her about it. He is very rude and annoying. >.< Im giong to kick his @$$ if he doesnt stop. -.- But im most likely not giong to. Not worth getting in trouble over. >.< *sighs* Blah sorry enough of that. xP Well anyways I think were going to keep the cat Blackrose. The other cats (we have 2 others) arent getting along with her but im sure they will soon. ^^ Hmmm... heres a picture of one of them. Her name is Kiki. ^-^
Wells Im giong to go now. Have a nice day everybody. Laters! =^_^=
Hi! Hows everybody doing? Good I hope. ^^ Nothing much here. Just bored and tired. xD Im at school right now. It's been a while since I updated from school. xD Theres a assembley thing going on right now so I get some free time. Yay.=P Second class I will have to go to it. Were going in alphbetical order. So yea...A-L first. (last names) I thik about a story teller er something. Iono. xD Well anyways last week got another cat. It just temporary though until we can find it a home. We would keep her but we have so many animals already but im sure we would keep her if no one takes her. ^^ Her name is Blackrose.^^ We saved her from these stupid people that found her. They were planning on shooting her. There sick people. >.< They shoot there animals when they get sick of them. They shouldnet be allowed to own pets. -.- Shes a nice cat so hopefully she'll end up at a nice home. ^-^ Wells I don't have much to talk about. going to go now before I bore you all. Aha...Have a nice day everybody! Laters! =^_^=
Hi hows everybody doing? Good I hope. Nothing much here. I had a pretty short school week. =P Monday I went to school and went to vocation and stuff. Tuesday I didn't go to school cuz I wasent feeling well. @.@ But im fine now. ^-^ Wednesday there was no school due to freezing rain. Yay. =D Thursday there was school n Friday no school cuz of teacher inservice. =P I spent my friday watching D.NAngel. I finished rest of the series. It was awesome. Aha.^-^ Right now im at my cousins house. =P I havent been over to his house much lately. xD Heh... Ooo and as you can see I finally change my theme. =D Hehe. Wells im going to go now before I bore you all. The ferrit is biting me. o.O He is an evil little bugger sometimes. x3 Aha. xD Laters! =^_^= You are Niwa Daisuke!
Hi! Hows everybody doing? Good I hope. Nothing much here. Sorry I havent been updating much. Just being lazy. >.< How was everybody's Christmas break? =P Mine was pretty good even though I got sick. xP But im good now. ^^ I went back to school on the 3rd. Im pretty happy with my new schedule. I hab math and english and then I leave school with someother people for vocation class. Its were you go out and try jobs. You don't get paid you get school credits instead. Its a fun class. =P Im working at Rite Aid right now. xD Ish ok. =P Well anyways as you can see I still have my christmas theme up. xD I will be changing it later. Aha. =P Hmmm...starting to run out of things to say. Ima go visit some sites now. ^^ Have a nice day everybody! Laters! =^_^=
Hi! Hows everybody doing? Good I hope. Nothing much here. I am finally done with exams at school and am now on Christmas break. Yay! =D
*gives everbody some cookies* =D Aha. Ima go now. Have a nice day everybody! Laters! =^_^=
Hi! Hows everybody doing? Good I hope.'s been a while since I updated. x3Heh. Well nothing much has been going on. :-/ Ummm...last week November 25 I got a new baby sister. Didn't really like it at first. But ish ok now. =)Four siblings. o.O Wow... Okies im starting the auctiong bid at .25! Anyone? xD Hahah. Just kidding. =P Last monday my mum let meh skip school. WooT! She thought it would be nice if everybody just stayed home for the day. ^^ christmas break isen't to far away. Kewl.=P Hmm... after that no more PE. Yay! I despise that class. x3 So yea... ^_^ Wells today is a snow day so im going to go visit some sites now. =D Have a nice day everybody! Laters! =^_^= Eyes of Determination - Your soul posesses Eyes of Determination. No goal is too far out of reach for you, and no single person or even an army can sway your oppinions. You have a mind of your own, and you know how to use it! You see the world as one great big challenge and it's up to you to overcome it all with the firey determination of a lioness. Your soul has the best type of eyes for viewing the world because the tougher life gets, the harder you push. You never back down from a fight, whether it be a battle of wits, or a battle of fists. You do lose your battles every now and again, but as soon as you can get back on your feet, you are ready for a re-match. Your high energy and beautiful spirit makes people very attracted to you and many want to be your friend. You are loyal and good natured, and you always stand up for those who you call your friends. Your trust is hard to gain, but is even harder to lose. You have the bad habit of sometimes getting a little full of yourself and it takes alot of effort on your friend's parts to bring you off your high hobby horse. Despite your good outlook on life, pain is nothing new to you and is something you are very aware of. Because of this, people often have to prove their loyalty to you before you will give them your own.
Eddie Guerrero passed away Sunday, November 13, 2005. He was a wrestler from WWE Smackdown for those that don't know who he is. My condolences go out to his family and friends. Please pray for them. You will be missed Eddie! *bows head down in silence*
Hi hi! Hows everybody doing? Good I hope. Nothing much here. Just not trying not to go crazy. Aarons sis has some friends over. There so annoying. xP Haha... Well I don't really have much to day today. Yesturday I made my first flash video thinig. My other cousin Mitch taught meh. =P Blinki Click on the link if you would like to see it. xD So yea..nothing speacial its a very simple animation. xD Its my first one and im proud of it. xD Well hope you like it. XD Im going to go now. Have a nice day everybody! Laters! =^_^= Fire! Fire is the aggressive element born a natural leader. Friendship means a lot to you but you can't help being a spirited fighter, which is why you have to have friends who are ready for anything. If you had to wear anything it would be some street clothes that would tell everyone that you don't like to be messed with! Revenge is practically your middle name to your enemies. And being as persistant as you are you won't give up easily. All though under that hard, energetic exterior is a soft caring friend that would die for anyone. You're such a good person! A song to check out: I just wanna live by Good Charlottebackground="">src="" border="0">
Hi hi! Hows everybody doing? Good I hope. Nothing much here. Aha. Nothing to talk about as usual. xP I have been doing drivers ed. I had to drive yesturday. I drove on the scary expressway again. xD But I survived it. xD Im doing pretty good so I think im going to be getting my permit. =P I need to drive monday-wednesday n then I will be getting my permit. Yay. ^^ Well anyways I'll get to everbody sites later. Have a nice day everybody! Laters! =^_^=
You dream of Magic. You love to daydream and think the modern wolrd is just boring. You usually wish that there was more excitement in the world. You maybe a wonderful artist and a great writer. People comment on your things too. They find it to be very well detailed and creative. You sometimes hate it when someone says something that you thought was true but it ended up being a lie. You just wish for the world to be more adventours and fun.
Finally I got my site the way I want it. xD Yay! Hope you all like it. ^^ Hmm..well...heres a result from a quiz I just took. xD
Your Hidden Power Is Fire
You have a strong and courageou soul. You show no fear when it comes to protecting the ones you love. You know when choosing between right and wrong. You also are quite the rebel.
Gem Stone:Ruby, Eye Color:Red,Hair Color:Red with Blonde streaks that is just below your arm pits pulled back into a pony tail.
Quote:If you're lost I'll keep you warm and if your low just hold on..cause I will be your safety.....don't leave home.....