Birthday 1990-02-26 Gender
Female Location A small, boring, isolated village in Michigan. -.- Member Since 2004-10-21 Occupation Someones soulmate ^-^ Real Name Cara
Anime Fan Since I was 13 Favorite Anime AIR, Gravitation, DNAngel Goals Learn how to play piano,travel to more places, see Titanic wreck site Hobbies Computer, The Sims, Photography, and traveling. Talents Zero talent.... kagome2690
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Hi hi! Hows everybody doing? Good I hope. Nothing much here. I woke up to a tree crashing near my bedroom window. These guys from my dad's work were cutting down a tree for us. xD They disturbed a underground bees nest. o.O One of the guys got stung three times. >.< But my dad got rid of the nest. :-p A little while after that I practiced driving with my dad. It wasent too bad. :) Today I think im driving to church with my mum. So yea...more practice. xD Well anyways Im running out of things to talk about. ^_^;; So im going to go now before I bore you all. Haha. *is hyper* o.O Have nice day everybody! Laters! =^_^=
Hi! Hows everybody doing? Good I hope. Nothing much here. I survived driving in the city. xD It was crazy. >.< But I did ok. I still need to work on a few things. So the driving instructer is going have me drive again. x.x But im done driving for now until he schedules another day to go driving again. xP So yea...hopefully I'll get my permit after that. xP Ewww... this post is prolly boring you all. xD So...Im going to go now. I'll visit everbody later. My internet is being ebil. Stupid dial up! >.< Have a nice day everybody! Laters! =^_^=
I thought this was funny. xD He he. :-p (I did not draw this!)
Hi! Hows everybody doing? Good I hope. Nothing much here. I mangaged to get to most of your sites but if I didn't sorry. >.< My internet was being ebil. x.x Well anyways I had to paraell park between other cars. I was afraid that I was going to damage other peoples cars. xD But I didn't. I did pretty good. :-p Today Im driving in a city for my first time. Its going to be crazy there. xD Hopefully I'll make it back in one piece. >.< Well anyways I guess thats all for today. Have a nice day everybody! Laters! =^_^=
Hi! Hows everybody doing? Good I hope. Sorry I didn't get to anybody sites. >.< I was busy. *bows* I had to go to drivers ed n I went on a express way. It was my first time driving on one it was kinda scarey. xP But I did ok. I just need to work on a few things. Then after drivers I had to go to church teen group meeting thing. We had a goodbye party for our teen group leader beacause hes leaving for collage. Im going to miss him. He was pretty cool. :-p Well anyways I guess thats all for today. I visit everybodys sites later. HAve a nice day everybody. Laters! =^_^=
HI! Hows everybody doing? Good I hope. Nothing much here. Im still alive! xD I survived my first day of taking the drivers test. xD A kid n I each took a turn driving. We were both nervous. Neither of us wanted to go first. We argued for a few minutes on who was going to go first. I ended up going first ofcourse. xD But I did pretty good n it was fun. ^^ We both did good so today I think were going to be driving in area with a little more traffic. :-p Well anyways thanks for wishing me luck everybody. :) Hmmm...I guess yesturdays mystery picture was hard. xD No one guessed it. xD The person in the picture is Rem Saverem. :-p mystery picture today because im lazy. xD Have a nice day everybody! Laters! =^_^=
Hi! Hows everybody doing? Good I hope nothing much here. My day was pretty boring. xD I was playing with a paddle ball n the ball hit me in the face. It didn hurt.xD Ebil paddleball. o.O Well anyways today is my drivers ed test. Its going to go until wednesday I think. I don't really wan to take the test. Im think im going to do bad. >.< But I guess I wont know unless I try. x.x Meep. Well guess thats all I have to say for today. Yesturday mystery picture was too easy. xD Well here he is...Riku!!! xD
HI hi! Hows everybody doing. Good I hope. Nothing much here. My day was pretty good. :) I just found out that my friend from California is here in Michigan. It's been a long time since the last time I saw her. She staying with her relatives right now. Her n her family are moving back here. :-D Yay! I saw her when I went to China Buffet for her uncles birthday. So that was pretty cool. ^^ Well anyways I don't really have much to say. xD So...if you guessed Lacus Clyne in yesturdays mystery picture. You were right! :-p
Well heres another mystery picture. Hmmm...this one might be too easy.... xD O wells. ^^; I'll just have to come up with something a little more harder. He he. :-p
Hi hi. Hows everybody doing. Good I hope. Nothing much here. xD This is going to be another short post. I don't really have much to say. xD Well my cousin Aaron n I stayed up pretty late. We got up around 12pm. xD We spent most of our time at the computers n then we went n jumped on the trampoline. His dad got home from work n we went under the house to search for the hamster a little more. Its kinda creepy down there. xD But ofcourse we didn find him. :-/ Well I think I might go down there one more time to look. Well enough about the hamster. xP Oooo...My mum called me n said I have to take my driving test on Monday. >.< Im so nerevous. I don't think im going to do very well. >.< Meep. x.x Well anyways for those that guessed baby Inuyasha in yesturdays mystery picture you guessed right. ^^
He so cute! =^_^=
Hi! Hows everybody doing? Good I hope. Nothing much here. We almost searched the whole house for the hamster we even went under the house again to look for him. Poor hamster. :( Well don't know what else to do. The hamster is so small n the house is big. xP Well anyways Im not going to do tongue twisters anymore. Instead im going to put up mystery pictures instead. Hehe.
:-p Well heres the first one. Pretty easy. xD
HI! Hows everybody doing? Good I hope. Nothing much here. Just having fun at my cousins house. Im staying here for the rest of the week. :-p We went n jumped on the trampoline n went swimming. It was fun. :-p Well right now im kinda bummed. Two of Amber's hamsters got out of there cage. I found one of them. It was under the house. o.O But we still can't find the other one. Were still looking. I hope hes ok. >.< Well im going to go try to look for him now. x.x Have a nice day everybody! Laters! =^_^=