Kagome Mokuba
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Monday, October 3, 2005
Sorry I hate making titles.
Well we had a sack of books and we took it to the half price book store and sold them. It went great. We got $5 for the whole sack. Better than the time before where we had 5 full boxes and got $6 and change.
Then we had to water plants of people my mom used to work for. Their out of town on vacation. They like feeding the birds. She left the bird seed in a milk jug just laying on a chair. Well a squirrel had gotten into it and spread it out and threw out what he didn't want. Then the birds went wild with the seed the squirl kicked out.
Then at the grocery store this woman in front of me wrote a check to pay for her grocerys, then the sacker told me to move to another checker. The checker of that one happened to be the manager. Since I moved to the new checker I didn't hear the problem but something was wrong with her check. They didn't even run it through they just looked at it. Then the manager talked to her and oh man she was highly miffed.
Then I like to read the headlines of these black and white rag magazines. The type that are nothing real it makes up anything and everything. The last time I read it, it said that Canada didn't want to be a part of the US any more so they were digging a trench to seperate. Well today the headline was There are people found alive and survived the sinking of the Titanic.
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
Hurricane Rita
We we're lucky where we were the hurricane went to the east of us and all we got out of it were yucky clouds and a lot of wind. We could have used the rain but I was thankful we didn't get anything bad from it.
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Sunday, September 25, 2005
My friend Tina Wheeler emailed this to me. She made it for my birthday.

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Friday, September 23, 2005
It's my birthday!! Thank you soo much yamisgirl for the picture.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
I was doing fine wondering what I'd get for my birthday. We'll celebrate it on my sister thursday and mines friday.
Then my sister sent an email stating that the new huricane Rita was projected to come our way. Normally I don't fear huricanes or bother to worry about them as I live so far inland. I live in Texas in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. But the email said it was from a hurricane watch group and it said that even though its projected to be comming inland that since its currently a catagory 4 it would a catagory 1 when it reached us. It said that besides the wind and rain we could get tornadoes out of it!
We've only had one other hurricane that I can ever remember comming near us. It was years ago. It stayed just to the west of us but we still got rain from it for weeks. Though we need the rain I'd rather the hurricane go else wear.
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
I heard from a lady at this book store I go to and she said that Tsubasa has been licenced to the US. So from what she said right now they're trying to see who will dub it.
I'm interested in seeing how they manage to do this.
One of the key points to it is Syaoran's name. Sakura calls him Syaoran. Well after losing her memories she starts calling him Syaoran-kun. One episode Sakura yells at him to hel and yells 'Syaoran'. This told him that that Sakura wasn't real.
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
Its getting worse
First whatever it is, is still getting the grapes but not triggering the trap.
Now it seems that our neighbors have gone one step further. They still haven't taken down their fence or taken up the board and door. That wouldn't bother us if not for the fact that we kept getting into trouble for various reasons. Now our neighbor got into trouble for having a tent that was over their car while they were working on it. They got a ticket saying they didn't have a permit for a car port.
The other day one of the kids came over and asked when we were moving out? My mom asked why? He said cause he and his mom want to move in. My mom told him that she owns the house and isn't going to move.
Now the littleer brats too young for school our neighbor across the way saw them messing with our mail. He called the cops and the postal service. Plus reported the fact that the kids were all running around unsupervised.
My moms still miffed off big time! She bought $90 worth of grocery and things for the huricane relif and we took it down to Mission Arlington. We were thinking well they will pass it on. Well my mom overheard the woman who runs the place say 'If this keeps up, we'll have enough for Christmas.'
Which means everything people are giving she's hording and not giving to the relif effort!
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
Time to head for the hills!!
Most definatly time to head for the hills. Okay we've had problems with opossoms in the past. toatl to date 12 and we thing there are more. Well lately when we put grapes in the cage the grapes disappear but the trap reamins untouched. I had the flap on the trap so low that it wouldn't take much to trip it. Still nothing. My mom got out there and pull the flap to the top. This is the scarey part. The grapes were gone and the trap was sprung but NOTHING INSIDE! We thought or feared it could be a raccon at first. There was one that had been hit by a car a while back about two three blocks over. But that wouldn't explain it cause like a opossom it would have triggered the trap. Now we fear it a snake. We have three outside cats and as its not totally unusaual for them to be around in the front it was the fact that one was huddled against the front door and the others when you opened the door you could see them. So something obviously frightened them more than usual. But if it was a snake it must either be an extreamly skinny or strong one {or one with magic ;)} To get out of that cage.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
yamisgirl said I should post my story here. it's at this moment 155 chapters. It's pg-13 and has mild sexual abuse and an oral rape scene. Even with taking those out and marking it and letting you know where to read the scene.
Would anyone like me to post the story here? I've mentioned it in the past and a few didn't seem to care for the fact that Seto and Yami are brothers. But everyone that's read it loves it. So should I post it here?
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
bad neighbors
Well after all their complaints to the city, we finally got payback!
We called the city and complained on them. A screen door that's been there since they moved in last month and a board. Well we called and complained on it and a fence they built. Saying they had no permit to build.
Well nothing happened. They said they'd call us back, but they never did. Well we have big rocks that we have out front for decoration and they put one of them in the street just to annoy us, more. Plus having to trim the palm trees again and the crapemertale tree.
Well the last staw came when we have a deck that can't hardly be seen from the street and we were forced to clean it up. Well where as my moms a chicken and wouldn't call and recomplain our neighbor had no such problems. He called the city on them! He lied and said he was my moms brother.
My mom thinks that when they moved in the realestate person probably just said most of the houses around the neighborhood were rentals. Well we know several of the neighbors more than likely own their homes. For sale signs and how long they've been here. We assume that the neighbors want this house so their relistives can move in. just tear the fence between the two houses down and have one big yard.
Well our neighbor called the city on them and when he did he demanded a call back! Well they did. They must tear down their fence and move the stuff in front of the house or after 10 days, they will have to face a fine for every day after that they dont do it.
Now we may not have liked the stuff in their yard or their fence but we wouldn't have never said a word to them or the city if they had just left us alone.
I don't know what made them think they had the right to just move into a new neighborhood and decide that since they assumed this was a rental house that we should just move out and let them have it. I'm like my mom, I cannot belive that they couldn't have found two houses together for rent or sale or something. But instead they decide well you may have been here first but so what you need to move out!
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