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Written a Yugioh story that is over 200 chapters.
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I don't remember. It was just after I first saw Cardcaptors for the first time.
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Yugioh, Tokyo Mew Mew, Inuyasha, DNAngel
To make 500 Wallpapers and 150 Greetings!
Making wallpaper, writing.
| Kagome Mokuba
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Does anyine else have a username at neopets?
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well instead of answering my full metal alchemist question I was asked about neopets. So I posted a link to my guild.
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
I did the Noah Wallpaper for a friend whose editing a story of mine. She's obsessed with Noah as my friend Clarity is With Kaiba. I made the last Seto/Joey wallpaper with the big picture of them in the center just for her.
You'll love Sami's response to the Noah wallpaper I made for her.
{OMG, thanks so much for the Noah background you made! I put it on my computer right away! Now I can stare at Noah all day!}
As I said she's obsessed.
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Monday, May 9, 2005
FullMetal Alchemist
I was given a request from someone one neopets but they didn't have permission to play so I couldn't ask them.
They wanted a wallpaper with ED, Al and Mustang.
Question I've seen 1 episode of the series. Call you tell me if the guy in the millitary uniform and Black hair is Mustang?
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Saturday, May 7, 2005
I added a counter. Don't know why I didn't think to do it sooner. But I got it from and they do if you've never been to the site have more than just the dragon you can use as a counter.
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Well I'm actually surpised that Tsubasa made it as a catagory!! I requested it and they said they had it under Captain Tsubasa. And I wrote back protesting that. It's hey they are two totally different series. One having something to do with soccer and you don't know what kind of hell it is to find a captain tsubasa site in english. I found 1. Then Tsubasa - RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE almost like a remake of Cardcaptors. I'd definatly say their different. That series is sooo sad! You just want to cry! :(
I did send them the one english Captain Tsubasa site I found and a good one on Tsubasa - RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE. I never heard back from them. Then yesterday or the day before I recived an official notice that my first Tsubasa - RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE wallpaper was in the wrong catagory. I checked it out and it was under Tsubasa!! I don't know if they got more than just my one request or if they actually looked at the sites I sent them.
Angie tried to request a catagory for Cinco de Mayo, since she made one of Mai. I submit a request too to help her out. But no luck. She said she submitted it under for fun since there wasn't another catagory for it.
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Someone I know on Neopets was nice enough to tell me the names of two of the Animes below. But the others are still a mystery. Please If you know what animes they go to please tell me!
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
Help me identify these Animes!!
Okay I have found these pictures at random. Problem is that neither the people posting the pics nor when you save the pics does it tell what their anime is. Though some maybe video games which I don't see how a video game can be considered an anime.
Anyway I have them shown below with a letter and if you click on it you'll get an even bigger version. So if you know the name of an anime shown please, please tell me!! I really want to know. It'd be nice if you can name the character too.

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Saturday, April 30, 2005
It's actually a surpise at how well Narato wallpapers are doing. I'm guessing it's a good series then. I've never seen it and I've seen part of the first episode of Wolf's rain but couldn't handle anymore. The wallpaper was made more of a request for a friend of a Angie's.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Scarbough Faire Rennaissance Festival
Sunday I went to Scarbough Fair. Now basically it a recreated 16th century villiage. A lot of people those that work there and though that visit dress up in costumes. Some people seriously don't need to wear it. We saw more than one woman whose front section would fall out if she bent over too far. Kimberly did one ride and it was they atatch bongey cords to you then you jump on a trampoline. It looked like fun but it was $6!
I like my sister when she said that you have to repect a man who will wear a skirt. That counts for half the population there. One show we went to I swear to you this black guy has seen Piarates of the carribeenan too many times. He was a whip expert. He was really good. He dressed like a pirate all black with a kilt and tall boots on. He also had a pirate hat with thae father and all. It's been too long since I've seen the movie to be able to tell you who he might look like. He had one whip wrapped around him and the other in his hand. He was very good with those whips. His name was spider. My sister is mean she said she wouldn't want to meet spider in a dark alley. He didn't look that scarey to me. He was tall and skinny.
There were two people sitting across from us and they were both in green. My guess from the outfits was robin hood and maid marien.
Another show we went to was in the mud pit. It was litterally a mud show. They grabbed a wad of mud and backed up to the back of the stage and threw in and when it hit they said it was an eleven row show. That's how far the mud went. They told you if you were in the front row your going to get muddy. If your not in the front row but there's no one in front of you your in the front row. We got only a small spot here and there. Kimberly my niece she's 11 wanted to sit in the very first row right next to the stage and she got a lot more mud. Kimberly even was targeted cause she had a shcool shirt on. Her school is called Short elementry. Well he had to make fun of it. He asked her if it was a school for short people going on short busses.
Then they took this woman out of the audience and you felt sorry for they took her up on stage and she was wearing white! Needless to say that she had a lot of mud on her before it was over. This friend of hers was taking pictures. Well when they started chasing each other she had a backless top on well this one guy put his hands on her back so she had two hand maks on her back and one on her white shorts! Then he stole someones drink! Then the other guy was behind us and took this guys pizza. This third guy on stage yelled at them to stop. The guy with the pizza spit it all out! They said forget this mess and started to eat it. when he finally handed it back to the man the crust had mud on it and the poor guy was shaking as he put it down on a plate. Then they took a pure white teddybear holding a pink heart and just threw it in the mud then this guy contiuned to jump on top of it over and over again. You'd never know it was a white bear. Then the main guy that was being mistreated through out this was asking the girl for a kiss. Well he was covered in mud and she refused at first but finally agreed to a peck on the cheek but when she tried he turned and kissed her.
Another show this guy was doing dangerous types of stunts. This little girl in the back kept telling him not to do it. Well at one stunt he said he wanted three strong men to hold the board for him. Well Kimberly still was trying to volunter. We tried to tell her but the guy who ran the show looked at her and said keep dreaming sweety.
Well it was cloudy and rainy. He was climbing on this ladder and said aluminum later and looking up at the sky we could have a problem here. He did say rain or shine the show would go on.
Later on that same stage they had a mime. Well he'd throw something and these three boys would run after it. Well the mime was fasinated by this. So he took a dog bone threw it pointedin the directio it wne and whistled. So those boys ran after it and started fighting over it. Well the taller of the boys came running by and threw the bone and said take it. Their chasing me. Well he made him get up on stage and then yelled at him DECAFF!! Then he took a dog bisket and did the same thing however this time it landed on the make shift see through tarp celing.
The first show we saw was a
fencing match. You had to get so many hits before your time was up. Then we went to a horse jousting match if you got knocked off your horse it was a free for all sword and fighting match and it was really good.
As we were walking we came across a sword fight in the middle of the street. One guy insulted the other with I was sleeping with your mother. Then said I went out with your sister. And the guys you went out with my sister too and the guy said well its not like it makes a difference their both the same person! Well finally he got the kids with swords in the audience and told them to put it in his back. One kid kept putting it in his butt and he kept having to move it. Well they pulled him back and this little girl who had a sword and she fell. The guy with the swords in his back helped her up and said he was the only one who is suppose to get hurt around here. Then told them to put the swords in his back again.
We also saw a human chess match. It was weird and a touch hard to follow. I've never played chess but I do know that when like say rook take pawn that piece autmatically goes to that postition. Well in this when that's said they fight it out. The winner takes that spot.
They had cool looking staffs that looked like they were carved from a crabp murtle tree. I know that because my mom has those trees and I use to have one from that tree till someone stole it! But they had one it was nice it wasn't that fancy but it was a $1000. When Kimberly first read that my sisters like you read that wrong. Kimberly like I think I know how to read! I went and checked and I couldn't belive that's what it said!
The only down side to the place was that you pay about $16-19 for adults depending on where you buy and Idon't know about kids but the website said $13. This is just to get in and everything in there like rides which were dudes just small swings that you could go to a park and ride for free were 2 dollars! Then there was like a museum for a all the touture devices that have been used over the years. It was creepy and scarey it was $3. I see now as creepy as that was I should have done the museum where there was said to be like mermaids, vamipres and other things in there. But again it was $3. There was a thing that looke cool it was suppose to me a maze it might have been fun but again it would have been another $3! There was a butterfly musem $2. Just about eveverything in there was extra. Even the shows after each performance they'd sit there and beg you to tip them! Plus they don't I guess know what microphone are for. I saw one show with it. But like one was the king doing opening and ending ceramonies. You couldn't hardly hear anything that was happening. But despite that it was fun. Even though it started to rain. We were afraid it would just open up in a down poor. But it only lasted a few minutes and was only hear and there till we left in just a light rain. So it wasn't so bad.
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