Kagome Mokuba
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
The moment I saw how much Amelia looked like Mokuba I was determined to find out her name! I've had pics of Slayers but I never knew the name of anyone. Finally I got the chance to see epsidoes 6, 7 and 8. I was disappointed she wasn't in any of them. Finally a a girl I knew finally told me! Though I was surpised that Serenity of Yugioh played Lina. Yugioh Girl Angie she found out more info for me. Though I was disappointed when it said that Mokuba's voice wouldn't be hers. It took me forever to learn that Shaman King's Anna was Mokuba. I kept thinking it was a girl from Digimon. Mokuba's voice was the last thig I suspected! I hope to someday see more andactually see if it's good. I hope her voice is good.
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I made this as a new desktop background when I had to get a new one after having to get my computer restored wich hasn't helped do much but screw it up worse in certain area's.
Beyond that do you think I should add my background here?

That's it I didn't add the bigger size.
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Yugioh Quizes
I must have an obssion for Ryo for some reason. Out of four yugioh quizes I've gotten Ryo 2 out of 4 times. I was really surpised to get Kaiba on one. Though the last one I got I got Joey.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Aol's being mean!
For some reason I have tried since last night to get this new wallpaper up and it refuses to allow me. I even deleted my internet settings to try again. I have tried and tried and tried again but suddenly its no you are not allowed to do it! I tried with internet explorer and it finally worked.
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Wallpaper futures
I have plans to eventually do Valon. I don't know yet about Dartz or Raphel. I guess it'll depend on finding decent pics. Maybe Pegasus again depending on pictures. Bandit Keith don't know maybe. Rex and Weevil not likely but I'm not against it. No pics currently but it's always subject to change. I will do Marik, Yami Marik, Bakura and Yami Bakura. I do one of Bakura and Yami Bakura together but I only have one and a half.
I really wish I had a picture of a dice and I'd use that as a background and do Duke. Eventually other friends too.
Plus other series too. I'm surpised at how well Narato and Full Metal Alchemist did. Never seen eiter series but I run a neopets anime guild so I do Anime based on what they want. So that's how some layouts come. Even though I couldn't get past all of the first episode of Wolf's Rain it will eventually become a wallpaper too.
A friend of Angie's wants an me to make her an avatar like hers and mine. So that's be some pics to start with.
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Strange Dream
I had a weird dream last night. Normally I only get nightmares or strange dreams when I'm hot and since my mom refuses the air conditioner because its not that hot out and I sleep in the day time the house gets hot. I can't use the celing fan cause it gives me a cold.
It was strange I had a dream that me and my mom were arguing over a new answering maching and the police called to tell me my father died. First I'm the youngest and they would have called my sister first but that's not the point. The reason it was so weird is my father died just before finals in my junior year of high school. So basically about 15 years ago and it was my brother in law that told me. It was really strange! I hate it when hot, though I didn't think I was that hot! I got a really nasty dream once because I was hot. I truely hate this time of year. It goes from hot to cold.
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
Greeting and Wallpapers
The reason why the wallpaper was deleted remains a mystery. All I got was improper formatting & they refused to answer me on what was so improper. I tried to reply to the mail they send it wont go through. It says the inbox was full. Try send an email they ignore you.
A friend of Mine loves SetoxJoey. So I made that greeting just for her.

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Not that I think anyone would want to comment. I wonder about how you were suppose to do that with no button. I did see number of posts and I did see comments button and I never said I paid that much attention did I! I'm assuming that's why I never saw a button for it. You were suppose to turn it on. Sorry no one told me and I'm still new to this posting thing. I'm shy and not usually very talkitive unless you get me on a subject I'm good at!
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Christmas Wallpaper?
Yeah I know it's strange. Christmas wallpaper now. I'm not sure what possed me. I had made something similar for a neopets layout. I was looking for something and it hit. Why not do a wallpaper based upon that layout. I liked it. I just couldn't see no matter what Mokuba said or did would convince Kaiba to get dressed up. Plus I made Tea. I took parts from 4 different pictures plus alertering them just make her. The others were fairly easy. Mokuba was a little harder. I had that jacket and took me forever to find the right head pose just for it and fix the jacket to work just right. I had lots of other characters to include but these were the only ones who made it look good and not go overboard on it.
I didn't make the Dark Magician Girl or any other no Yugioh characters.
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Saturday, April 9, 2005
Yugioh fire wallpaper
I'm so happy everyone likes that one. Someone suggested to do it again but with the egyptian owners. Well thanks to Angie I got at least one pic of each egypt person. It's not exactly the best but its not too bad.
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