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myOtaku.com: kagomeandsangofan

Monday, June 12, 2006

   Dial-up hurts...ANYWAY!!!
Hello guys what's up? About the story I left the entire page in one of my boxes thats in storage T_T so that means I can't post part 10 of the story....don't hurt me...i was already shot by 3 paintballs...o well I changed my theme again if you havent noticed ^_^ Now its Dead or Alive! And for the music I'm staying with the Sandstorm song by Darude. Good news though! Well not exactly..T_T are plans to move were delayed AGAIN!!! anywho I'll try and visit all your sites today and comment...after like what 3 weeks now?? people probaly hate me for not being on so often..well I'm trying to cope with dial up....DIAL UP HATES PEOPLE WHO HAVE DSL X_X Well hope to see you all around more now!!

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