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Member Since
Freshman at High School
Real Name
Katharine Eilene Brumback
Volleyball team player, poem contest winner
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
InuYasha , Avenger, Evangelion,E's Otherwise, Paranoia Agent, Witch Hunter Robin,FullMetal Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Escaflowne,FLCL, Naruto, Wolf's Rain,etc...
to create my own anime, manga, series, etc...and to have it actually on tv.
I like to draw anime, create poems, write songs, and make the characters of my story, Purged Blossoms. I'm starting to collect DVDs of anime
I have the ability to draw fairly well.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Happy, Smile, Hello!!!;] Happy b-lated Halloween!!!

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Monday, October 31, 2005
Happy Halloween!!!

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Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Sorry I haven't been getting on peoples... I've just been having family problems and I really ain't that glad right now. Bu tthe good thing though is that at my house, we're supposed to get netzero but won't work...grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
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Friday, October 21, 2005
 You're perfect guy is a mystical , good looking guy. He's all questions and all no answers.
Who's You're perfect guy? - girls only!- - With beautifull anime pics!- brought to you by Quizilla
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 You are very Musical. It pretty much explains itself. You love listening to music or creating your own, be singing, playing an instrument, or even just tapping your finger on the table. Your good at making a song out of a lot of things even a sentence. Your strong point in school is band or chorus. Your job should be a musician of some sort.
What Type of Intelligence do you have? 8 different results. -*-*-cool anime pictures-*-*- brought to you by Quizilla
 Your death will be murder....Most likely because your a very social person and everyone knows you, but there is one person lurking in the shadows that is so jealous of you or is so obsessed they end up killing you...There are many ways of being depends on the person, but your death will either be slow and painful (like being stabed to death) or quiek and painless (like a gunshot to the head).
How Will You Die And Why? .:Beautiful Dark Pics:. brought to you by Quizilla
 You Are Yuna!
.:Who Are You From Final Fantasy X?:.(with pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Paranoid personality disorder is characterized by a distrust of others and a constant suspicion that people around you have sinister motives. People with this disorder tend to have excessive trust in their own knowledge and abilities and usually avoid close relationships. They search for hidden meanings in everything and read hostile intentions into the actions of others. They are quick to challenge the loyalties of friends and loved ones and often appear cold and distant. They usually shift blame to other people and tend to carry long grudges.
-Unwillingness to forgive perceived insults
-Excessive sensitivity to setbacks
-Distrustfulness and excessive self-reliance
-Projection of blame onto others
-Consumed by anticipation of betrayal
-Combative and tenacious adherence to personal rights
-Relentlessly suspicious
.:What's Your Personailty Disorder?:. {Beautiful Dark Pics} brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, October 20, 2005
More quizzes!!!!
 You are a happy anime girl! You are usually always bubbly and optimistic.
What kind of anime bishoujo are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are the giddy anime girl. Okay... Maybe you aren't the main character, but you are definately the comic relief.
What kind of anime bishoujo are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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More quizzes...(yay I spelt it right)
 You are the Warrior elf. Attack, Strategy and Loyalty is very special to you. Your Kingdom have to be strong and defensive. You will be a powerfull yet respectfull leader. Make sure you don't get too gready. just enjoy the wealth that you have.
What kind of Elf are you? ( with pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are salior Water! You are the most high mantenence of all the saliors but if it doesn't bother you then who cares what everyone else thinks!!! You don't like when people repeat themselves or talk to much, though sometimes you might do it yourself. You love music, can't live without it!! Well obviously you love candy, well who doesn't!? You are the most beautiful of the saliors though no one will admit it! How ever life hits you, you take the blow and soften it for the ones closest to you. Of course you love all your friends and couldn't live with out them. You life the life of popularity!
Salior Water's stats
Name: Oceanna Norris
Origin: From the ocean.
Height: 5',3"
Weight: she's not telling ^_~
Build: slender, curvaceous and sensual, average strength
Birthday: August 3
Age: 17
Place of Birth: Scotland
School/Grade: Planet Academy, Grade 11
Bloodtype: O
Sailor Name: Sailor Water
Romanization: seeraa vootaa
Sailor Colors: Blue
Favorite Food: Anything sour
Least Favorite Food: Eggs
Favorite School Subject: Music
Least Favorite School Subject: Psychology
Likes: Friends, singing
Dislikes: Too many questions
Strong Point: Singing
Has Trouble With: Talking about her past
Dream: To become a singer.
Which saliormoon's element of eternity are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You hide doubt under your makeup. You seriously know that your okay looking, but you can't help but think about what others think about you. It's normal that you doubt the way that you look to others but if you just stop caring what other people think and act like yourself, people will like you for you. Besides, most people don't care what other people look like anyway...unless they are heartless bitches that enjoy to torture people that are prettier than them. The people that you wish you could be like in the magizines aren't real people. They are computer generated. They editors change their features so they look PERFECT, but really, no ones perfect. Everyone has their flaws, but you just have to push those flaws away and like you for you, and soon, people will too.
Please messege me with your comments!
WhAt Do YoU HiDe UnDeR YoUr MaKeUp? (beautiful anime pics and detailed results) brought to you by Quizilla
 Average Poneytail
You're the type of person that has the tendency to keep it real, you're funny, but you know when to be serious if the time calls. You are laid back, and you're intellectual, you'd be surprised how many people look up to you!
What hairstyle suits your personality? (For girls! And with pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are the goddess of water:You are always very relaxed and calm around other andd you tend to make friends fairly easily.The bad side is people can't tell when you are being serious and when your not.
What type of goddess are you???????WITH BEAUTIFUL(AND I MEAN BEAUTIFUL) PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! brought to you by Quizilla
 As the moonlight shown on you to reflect the shine in your dress you feel liek an angel has come to bless you and your love on this joyous of days. For it is the day that will be remembered for the rest of your life and you never could be any happier.
What would you look like on your Wedding Day? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are IZUMIKITTY, you're cool, collected and simply put. Their quic-temper, fast learner, and strong enough to hold their own against opponents. Still they make a perfect pet for the family.
Which FMA Kitty Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 There is a Chimaera in you. You have a lot of personality's. This makes you feel save. This also makes you confused from time to time. You hold all your feelings for yourselve and sometimes it bothers you that people don't understand you. Be a bit more opener so that people can see the real you, they will like t and I'm sure you will like it as well. Understand that people have to take you the way they are, you are a great person so don't be afraid. Nobody's perfect ;)
What Mystical Creature is in your soul? ( With Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
 People see happiness in your eyes! You are most likely a really awesome person who trys to enjoy life. You can usually see the good in any situation or person. You bring joy wherever you go in life and probably have a really good set of friends. But sometimes you may strive too hard to be happy and may try to fool yourself and others. In this case, it's not good to hold in your feelings, and you should try to find someone to talk to about what's bothering you instead of covering it up. But, all in all you usually get over these situations quickly and can continue living life to its fullest! Go you! ^_^
What can people see in your eyes?(great ANIME pics)((IMPROVED!!!)) brought to you by Quizilla
 Girl Name: Mistress Acaia
Guy Name:Sir Sebastain * I see sadness in your heart* You carry too many secrets in your heart. You should really try and vent about things more often.
What Is Your Goth Name? brought to you by Quizilla
 Who: Kelly Clarkson When: April 26 Why: You beat her in a karaoke contest.
Who Will Kill You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Green Day! Who doesn't love a band that can be immature AND political! Billie Joe is hot.
What Rock Band Are you? ( Updated ) brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Quizess (I think that how you spell it....)
 You are a hyper and efective girl. You have many friends, who like you. Becaus you are so funny, and happy :)
Who is you? (great anime pic. and only girls!!!!!) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a happy angel who are near the earth! :)
Witch angel are you?? (great pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Happy! Almost normal. You tend to have bad days but you have more Good days. You are most of the time cheery and in a good modd but when someone pisses you off, you are quiet and almost like you're glaring at everyone! (I'm like that). But when some cute guy walks by, you might explode on happiness! You have alot of friends and you keep making more! Awesome! lol. Color: Yellow or Purple Quote: To have fun is always on my side! Thank you for reading and have a nice day. You can rate too!
What Are You?? (many outcomes + pics and music!) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are the Color Yellow! You are such a cheerful person! You'd light up any person's day! You don't let words or anything get to you and you live your life as it is. You like to have friends and talk to anybody to make them your friend. Soo, you'll have a collection. lol. joke. But you'll have so many friends around you to help you and be there when you need them. Its good to see you!
What Color Are You?? (many outcomes + pics and music!) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your attractive to guys! As you are being yourself and trying not to hard, guys actually dig you!
Are guys attracted to you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are followed by the Demon of Kindness. True that doesn't really sound like a demon, but this Demon makes you care a lot about other people and leave little time for yourself. People love you for that, but how much do you love yourself? If you really want this Demon to leave, teach others how to stand on their own two feet and maybe turn down the ones who only use you. This is probably the best Demon to be stuck with though.
What Demon Follows you? ..:Interesting Pics:.. brought to you by Quizilla
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Look at me Halloween costume I'm supposed to get!!!! ;]
 Your costume is a fairy costume!
What Should Your Halloween Costume Be? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Hello peoples! I know I told all of you that I have the internet and all but it sucks but. I mean, I can't even get on here when I want to. But the good thing is that we're going to try to get netzero and it'll be cool...
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