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finding the love of my life (Jayke)
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inu yasha,full metal alchemist,fruits basket , bleach, and many more
to become a RN/LPN/ NURSE
working hard to become a RN/LPN/NURSE
being a wonderful friend
| kagomegirl13
| name is kate. im 15 and am a sophmore at HHS in Texas. i have a wonderful boyfriend that i love no matter what and i already have a promise ring from him so we will never seperate. i am a beautiful blonde, with hazel green eyes, and a wonderful personality that everyone loves. i have lots of friends and always love making more. i accept the weirdest of the weird and play X-Box, PS2, and other games. well add me if you want or just send me a private message if u want to be friends.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you are one of the 2% that hasn't copy and paste this into your profile
Sunday, October 9, 2005
< img src= >
for the katrina and rita victims. i was on of them. it was sad. we are still suffering from the storm.
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
 Hey, you are a dark fairy...Maybe a Thunder or lightening fairy..I am Thunder fairy..or even a Fairy of Rain...You like certin things....hate others....not exactly dark but then again you definantly aren't for the bright side.
What Type of Fairy Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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 People see you as Truly Dark. Congradulations. Your are dark by nature and not just because it's cool. Dark people are not always loners but definatly not the center of attention either. Many people are the dark are like the shadows and can conform into any shape they need to be. But the dark can't be hidden forever. It's often only a matter of time untill you tire of the charade and show your darkness. Thus how those in the dark remian solitary. Being dark does not always mean your gloomy, you are probably just artistic. Whether is be in the drawing, music,painting, or singing. If you can find a friend who shares your twisted ideals or is willing to brave the iceiness of your world, hang on to them for how rare it is to find a light in the dark.
What Do People Truly See You As? (lots of outcomes and stunning pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
 You have a passionate relationship. You two are inseparable, what you practically do most of your time together is make out. (me- do even breath??) You two don't really care what others think as long as your together, it's as if you can't live with out the others touch. (me-No that's not Inuyasha and kagome!! what are you talking about!! jeez...)
What kind or relationship will you likely end up with? -=Great pics!=- brought to you by Quizilla
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I AM SOO HAPPY. My house got no damage. But, on the other hand, some of my friends and family got damage and/or lost there houses. I have my great-grandmother and father and some friends of the family staying with us. It is all right. I have to sleep on the couch now. It's better than nowhere or the floor. lol. I am still wondering when school is going to start. We have a big tree down in the back of our school. Also, the score board for the football team is bent backwards. A few days ago, I had about 10-12 people sleeping in my house. I think I had just 10 though. It was horrible. No one was getting along at all. We were all stressed out because of the hurricane Rita. My friend in Texas was in the storm to. She is still alive and ok. They only got rain and very hard winds. But we are all ok now and alright. Well this is all for now. If you have any suggestions for the site or any music ideas for the site please send the code for the music and any comments you have. THANKS!!
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Saturday, September 24, 2005
 Which Gackt are you most like?
quiz by mcvarmazi
You are the final appearance of Gackt as a Malice Mizer member.
"Le Ciel" has an ethereal, slightly eerie, but extremely beautiful melody with very powerful lyrics. Gackt's vocal and lyrical talents are at its best in this song.
Even the music video is memorable, probably one of Malice Mizer's best during their Gackt period. All of the members are almost godlike, with a very graceful state about them, and are wearing possibly some of the coolest visual kei outfits in all of jrock... just mind the fingernails.
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this quiz is right in away. i like the answer i got.