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Friday, September 23, 2005
Well, we are getting rain from the hurricane now. It is bad at some points. I did not evacute for the storm. I never evacuate. Some of my family is coming over today to eat gumbo. My friend Mandy and her mom might come and stay at my house if her power goes out today. I have a generator. My mom lives in Humble,Texas. She is doing ok now. I just talked to her and they are boarding up the windows just in case. All the negibhors there are helping each other. It is nice to see that in a time of need people can come together and work together and get along for once. The negihborhood she lives in is mostly older people and a few kids. The weather here now is mostly like a rainy day with lots of wind. Well it is safe in my house. Hope every on stays safe for the storm.
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
I cannot wait till homecoming. My friend Tyler is supposed to be going also. Sunday Tyler and like my best friend Paige and I are going see a scary movie. For homecoming 8th grade is riding on a 18-wheeler trailer for the parade. It will be awsome. We got to paint for P.E. yesterday it was awsome. MC has a football game today. We are playing Fatima. We will lose I know we will. lol. Have a great day and add comments and me as a friend if u like. But please tell me you are adding me as a friend. Thanks.
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Friday, September 16, 2005
 You are the warrior anime girl.You are the type that can start a fight and win.You are very strong and can beat anyone up (but just don't ^_~) and some people can be afraid of you but alot of people admire your strength and want to be just like you well the people that want to fight.You can defend yourself very easily and can probably handle some kind of weapon.You have a short temper(like me)and get angry easily but you can be really nice at times ^_^and once a fighter always a fighter.
If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only) brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, September 15, 2005

What is Your Anime Zodiac?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005

give Kagomegirl13 more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
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Happy Day
Sorry I have not added post latly. I have been busy. Well, we gotk 4 new kids in my class. Taylor, really cool, Mikey,does not say much, Erin, same as Mikey and best friends with Casey, and Casey, same as Erin and best friends with Erin. They are all really nice. we have the jamboree for football. Mikey's aunt Vicky is bringing us.I know Mrs.Vicky so that is why she is bringing us. The homecoming is coming up to. I cannot wait. I am ready for the parade and to see what the float will look like. And what disign it will have. Ok I gtg. Add and any comments or send a pm if u have any suggenstions for the site.
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Friday, September 2, 2005
I have more to add to the post before this one. I have been seeing about my aunts dogs(not the one that I might going to her house). I was there for more than 2 HOURS!!!! Well, we went to the Woodmen of the World, THE MEETING WAS YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!! It was such a mix up. We are getting a new 8th grader named Mikey. He sounds nice. I might be able to meet him tomorrow. I am supposed to go do some volunteer work at the church for the hurricane refuges. I will most likly meet him there. We meet 1 of the new 8th graders that are coming to Mt.Carmel today. He was like really shy. Then, it was weird, but I met the people he is staying with. It is nice to help the refuges. They need to have friends at a time like this. I am not as mad anymore. I am glad. I think if I would have gone to the meeting in a bad mood I would have gotten in trouble. lol. I don't want that to happen at the first meeting of the year. That would not be good. Well this is all for today.
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Same old same old
I have to go to a Woodmen of the World (WOTW) meeting today. WOTW is fun only because we have a camp during the summer and I have friends and family that are part of the WOTW. I MIGHT BE GOING TO MY AUNT'S HOUSE!!!!!!! She is awsome. I went to her house last weekend. I might go to my cousins house agian! I have so much fun at his house. Or I might try to go to my friend Kristin's house. She has horses so maybe we could go and ride them. Well I am about to explode if I don't go do someting to get my mind off of school.One of the people that i am mad at is Hunter Broussard. He is sooooo annoying.I am so tired and I have no clue why. I think I am tired from stress. I am happy to because I made a 100 on my science test from today and a 99 on the science test from yesterday. Well if you have any comments to say or any suggestions for how I could get rid of all this anger the please say so. Thanks and have a nice day.
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Thursday, September 1, 2005
GO 8TH GRADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GO 8TH GRADE!!!!!!! Today was the pep rally for football. I think I should have cheered a little less. I can still talk but my throat really hurts. 8TH GRADE WON THE PEP RALLY!!!!! I think the football game will be delayed because of the rain. Today was so much fun. For the scavenger hunt at the pep rally someone threw a watch (one of the items asked for) and the person going to bring the items up got hit in the head with the watch. lol it was funny and even that person laughed. The pep rally was so much fun. Who even goes to my school know how fun it was. One person on here knows. Their name is Saru-Miha. She is on my buddy list. She is also a good friend.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
my day
Well today was ok. I am now looking at a painter. I find his work is very bueatiful. His name is Christian Riese Lassen. He does mostly marine life. If you would like to see some of his work his site is . My day was not all that exciting. It was basicly boring. Not much to say here. But, I just remembered that someone I know is dieing and she will be lucky to make it to saturday. Hope your day is better than mine bye.
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