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myOtaku.com: kagomehanyou

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Chapter 1 Part 1 - Together Once More
Ahh, the fresh air. But this was no normal air. What I mean, you ask? Well...this was the refrshing air from within KonohaGakure. A young man who called this place his home had left for a total of 4 years. And today he came back.

"Keatte Kitattebayo!!" Naruto announced his arrival loudly, spreading his arms wide.

Upon the rooftop of a house lay a young woman, her black tresses beneath her. She had been dazing off, watching the endless sky, and heck, even conversing with the demon inside her. When she heard Naruto's announcement, she bolted upright and jumped to her feet. The hair that once brushed against her back now neatly kissed her ankles. A bright smile flashed on Yumiko's face as she looked towards the resonating of the loud yell. "He's back!" She jumped down, the long sleeves of her half-kimono lagging behind in the air. She wore a Kimono that was cut at her waist. Leaving some short leggings exposed.

As the excited girl made her way to her teammate's residance, Naruto chuckled deeply. Oh, how good it felt to be back in Konoha. He wondered about his friends when he finally decided to jump off the pole.

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