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myOtaku.com: kagomehanyou

Friday, July 27, 2007

Chapter 1 Part 2 - Together Once More
Yumiko jumped over several people, racing her way towards a man's house. Once there, she knocked on the door, panting.
A woman with light brown hair opened the door and recieved a bow from the raven-haired girl. "Oh, Yumiko! It's you. What brings you here?" She asked, a smile flashing upon her features.
"It's nice to see you too, Mrs. Hitoshi. I came looking for Narikawa, is he here?" Yumiko muttered, catching her breath.
Upon hearing Yumiko's voice, a young man standing in the livingroom twitched significantly. He had just heard sweet silver bells ringing and his soul had reached heaven for a mere second. He made a mad dash to the door, pushing his mother out of the way. "YUMIKO-CHAN!" Narikaway greeted, smiling warmly.
The girl bowed lightly again and giggled at Narikawa's reaction. "Come on, Narikawa. We have to go. NOW!" She said gently, tugging on his hand.
Warm blood ran up to Narikawa's cheeks, making them flash a bright red. "Y-yeah." His thoughts raced, but one thought remained above all others. 'She's holding my hand....'
Yumiko, finally annoyed, pulled tightly on his hand, making him slump over as they ran. "Naruto-kun's back!" she informed ater a while.
Narikawa jumped at her comment. "We should tell Iaara then!" But after thinking his statement over, he noticed that what he said could not be done.
"He's already in a mission." Yumiko answered. They had found out Iaara's secret long ago. He was a chuunin and had been placed with gennin for some sort of training. So, when Yumiko and Narikawa graduated from Gennin rank to Chunnin, Iaara was now a Jounin and was no longer part of their team.
But it didn't bother the two. They could still see their friend once in a while.

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