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myOtaku.com: kagomehanyou

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Chapter 1 Part 3 - Together Once More
Narikawa's eyes went lazy as they continued running. That is, until they met up with another good friend of theirs. "Hikaru-chan! Hey!" He called out, causing Yumiko to stop her mad dash.
The burnett waved wildly at the younger girl which stood before them.
Yumiko gasped happily, running over to the 15 year old, and holding her in a tight embrace.
Hikaru, caught in both greeting, merely muttered out, "Hey guys. Wh-what's the rush?" she said, punctuating her question with a chuckle.
Yumiko let go of her 'youger sister', and smiled warmly. "Remember plan A47?" The question was responded with a nod. "It's time to set it in action!" Yumiko said, punching the air in excitement, and was later joined by Hikaru.
Then, the three quickly started their plan. Hikaru going to tell Kensuke, her teammate, and Ino's team; while Yumiko and Narikawa ran off to inform Naruto's team, Neji's team, and Hinata's.
After a good 2 hours of getting everyone together and setting up at the park, Yumiko gave a deep, long, drawn-out sigh. "Guess that looks good."
"Yumiko-san~. Now it's your turn." Sakura chirped, making the first sentence sound teasing. The pink-haired girl recieved a giggle and a nod. Soon, Yumiko left the group in a great poof of smoke.
Naruto had been walking down the streets of Konoha, greeting people here and there, but now he had grown tired of it. How come he hadn't seen any of his friends? This began to bother the young Uzumaki, and he continued his way in the streets, hands shoved in pockets.
In the shadows hid our kunouichi, spying on Naruto closely. Soon, she made several handseals, and directed her genjutsu towards Naruto.
The blonde's eyes hazed over slightly as he was captured in the jutsu, his head slumping over.

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