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I am currently doing 'business' in Columbia...
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You're not a cop are you? Just call me Grandma Smurf
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To not die laughing from Mike, Jenny, Joey, T.J., Alannah, and Chris B.
drawing, making pervertive jokes...
drawing, impressions, writing stories, my knowledge of pop culture, and my ability to memorize song lyrics and instrumental jams after hearing it a couple times
| kagomeinuyashasit
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, July 15, 2005
THAT IS AN AWESOME MOVIE!!!! I love that movie now when I hear some cars go by I think the tripods are outside! And the guy Robbie looks like Billie Joe Armstrong, he really does! So yeah it's really great. I am going to get my cartilage pierced tomorrow and yeah that about sums up my week.
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Monday, July 11, 2005
I am... happy?
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
But first I must bring up that on my cell phone I got strange text messages from this person. I don't know who they are and they won't tell me. They say that they go to my school, they're a guy but they won't tell me how they got my number. Yeah so that was weird. Then I watched Rose Red a very good movie I might add. Yeah so now I have baby pictures of Green Day for you.
Baby Mike

Baby Mike and his sister

Baby Billie Joe

Baby Billie Joe and his dad

Baby Billie Joe and his sister

Baby Tre

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Thursday, June 30, 2005
I went to the pool again and there was this Taiwanese lady named Kristine with her two little boys Jaylin and Jiovani. They were cute little boys one was almost 4 and the other was almost 2. We played with them for awhile and stuff and found out that they live on the floor above us. So yeah when Jaylin left he gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek my sister wouldn't let him kiss her that was pretty funny. Then Josh's sister came with her kids Athena, C.J., and Alex. Alex and C.J. are twins and they're so cute with their life jackets and floaties they looked like little Michilan Men. Then I went home and that's about it... MORE PICTURES!

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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Texas Trip
I am going to Texas after all. So now I won't have nothing to do all summer. For two weeks I will be in Texas and I won't have to be with my parents all the time. I told my cousin Steve that he should come up here and spend a weekend with us or something, that'd be cool. Well that's about all I have to say for now... really nothing else. If something comes up that's semi-interesting I'll let you guys know. Ha! That's a whole 2 minutes of your life you'll never get back!

Some really crappy pictures from one of my favorite music videos- What's My Age Again by Blink 182
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Monday, June 27, 2005
I went to Amanda's Party last night first it was just listening to music and stuff dancing, popping baloons, squirting each other with silly string... then Hillary and Trevor came. Trevor was Amanda's ex-boyfriend but it was cool they were friends. I was in the kitchen hangin' with Larissa and C.J. and all the sudden out of nowhere Larissa says "You know what, you may not have big boobs but you know your ass makes up for it." and I stared at her like WTF. Then C.J. goes "yeah I give it a 10." I then walked out. Well after awhile me and Ashley got bored and we went outside. I saw C.J. walk into the parkinglot and then I saw T.J. walk between two apartments. So me and Ashley though we'd sneak up on one of them. Well then we couldn't find them, but Matt (Ashley's boyfriend) came with us. We went behind the apartments and talked awhile (we found T.J.) then T.J. said he saw a guy who looked like a gangster was smoking on the side of the building we were behind. So we were all quiet no to attract attention. Then we saw someone coming we were all like Oh shit it's the gangster guy but then we saw that it was C.J. and he made his voice all deep and he was like "What're you white kids doin' back here" and I was all "What're you kids doin' back here" yeah. Well we were going to go back to the party and then we saw this really creepy Mexican guy was watching us, and T.J. said that was the guy he saw. So we went inside and told everyone that he was watching us and saw that we came here and Matt was still out there. No one wanted to go out there and get him. So me and Ashley went out there and we couldn't find him where we last saw him so Ashley called him and said to get his ass back at the party, then I thought, why didn't we just call from inside instead of risk going out? Anyways we all got back and the we were kinda wondering what to do. They started playing spin the bottle, so I went in the kitchen because I don't want to kiss anyone. So I was in there and then they were all like "who wants to make it more interesting" so the ones who wanted to went and played make-out spin the bottle. I said and I quote "I'm going to get shot by the gangster who wants to come?" and T.J. and Matt came with me, Ashley was dancing. So we were out there and we didn't see the guy so we sat in this open area and stared at the stars. Then my cousin Steve called me. I went back inside and looked to see what was happening and I see Hillary on the ground and Joe on top of her. I went back outside. Then Steve hung up and about 10 minutes later he called back. I went back in and they were playing make-out spin the bottle and I see Hillary and Amanda making out. Yeah then I told Steve and he was all "Awesome girl on girl action!" Then at about 11:30 my dad came and picked me up on the Harley. Then when we got home my dad goes "where's your cds?" and I was all like "dammit I left them there" so we went back and got them but my Fall Out Boy cd wasn't in there. Well Amanda said she'd look for it and then Larissa called me this morning and said that it was with her cause someone put it in with her stuff instead of mine. Yeah and that's about it. So by the time I got home the second time it was midnight and then me, my dad, and my sister watched most of Shaun of the Dead and then we went to sleep. It was 3 in the morning and my sister wouldn't go to sleep finally around 3:30 I got her to sleep and then I could sleep and I woke up about 1:00 pm yeah... that's about it.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
No not the band, no not Jenny's lover... who said that! No my brother's best friend in Texas, he called out of the blue. He talked to me cause I answered the phone then I gave it to my brother and he talked to him for about 2 minutes. Then I talked to him again for about 15 minutes, he is the most difficult person to talk to on the phone! I asked him stuff and he would answer "I don't know" and yes I call him child I can until November cause that's when he turns 13 though I'll probably still call him that since I'm older than him! Yeah he's cool. Then I saw Jake today he was at Tom's house (Tom lives in my apartments) they were walking by when I was at the pool. Jake's cool but Tom bugs me too much Jake says, in these words, "He wants you" (he being Tom) but he also told me that his brother (also named Tom) wanted me too and that just grossed me out because I don't like either of them and Jake is a butt. But I would hang out with Jake over the Toms any day Jake's way cooler, plus he does stupid stunts that are funny. Like this one time him and his friends put golf tees in their mouths and golfed off of them and they broke on the guys noses! I told him that next time they need to videotape it. Pictures... yes I know it's very huge. This proves that we can train ducks... I think I'm gonna get one from the lake across the street and teach it to hoola hoop!

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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Young Lesbians
I actually went out and made an effort to get a tan now my belly has a little color! But when we were leaving these two girls who were about my age were in there and they were clinging on to each other and giggling, I thought that they were either really close friends or young lesbians... oh well it was pretty funny when my dad looked at my and asked if me and my friends did that.
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
School is finally over!
Well the assembly thing was as boring as hell! But that's ok. Then it was the last day of school, we watched Napoleon Dynamite in English/History which I think is an overated stupid movie, it really isn't that funny. Then I actually went to a dance because it was free they played old stuff and they played new stuff it was all good. I jumped up and down a lot I can't dance, I don't think I can at least I never really tried. This little short guy named Daniel kept freak dancing with Amanda that was pretty funny, Micheal tried to do the worm that was hilarious! His head and legs stayed on the ground all that moved up was his butt and he wondered what happened. I almost fell over from laughing so much. I didn't do the slow dances so I sat by a wall with Ashley (she didn't dance because her boyfriend wasn't there) so we talked. On the last slow dance Micheal was dancing with this girl he didn't want to dance with, and he was like a head taller than her and I could see his face he was mouthing "help me!" and my friend Mika actually got asked to dance she was shocked I told her he was warm for her form but I don't think she knew what I meant. Oh well so my mission was succesful to stay out of slow dances! Yes then people were crying because they wouldn't see them over the summer. Yeah I just walked out and said bye. I'm not really sad I'll see them again. Well here's some pictures of Ryan Reynolds in some of his best films.
These are some from Blade Trinity

These are some from Van Wilder

Here's some from The Amityville Horror

Now some from Buying the Cow PG-13 WARNING!

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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Hot Tamales
Tamales is what I call Larissa because that's what her last name rhymes with and she's Mexican so it all works out. I walked home with Larissa after school today, it was pretty far I think like 2 miles... I'm not sure. I just know that those shoes Jennifer sold me were not broken in so that just added to it. Then we were really hungry when we got there, so we made sandwiches and we were almost out of mayonaise, now there is no more mayonaise. But I made a good sandwich I wanted another one but like I said, there was no more mayonaise. We noticed that on the fridge it said "Larissa, do the dishes before I get home or no mall!" but we put that off until the last minute cause we had 3 hours. So then Johnny came over, I swear they don't know it but those two are gonna get married. Larissa secretly loves him even though she doesn't want to (we were reading her journal) and he well we're not sure. Anyways he did this hilarious thing on her camera phone thingy it was like "For all you ladies out there that're watching this, *brushes fingers through hair* you can't handle this yet. *points camera down towards that 'area'* yeah that was funny, he has this awesome pimp bike! It's a lowrider and purple stripedy, it's his sisters but he rides it anyways. Then we did the dishes and I swear we barely finished when her mom got home. Then we went to the mall. We looked for Larissa's clothes for that assembly thing. Then we went to Hot Topic, I got red and black striped tights that go up to my thigh, a new Green Day shirt with the Jesus of Suburbia on it, some skull earrings, and a magazine. Yeah so then we went to Jack in the Box and got some food. Her mom ordered in Spanish because the lady was having a hard time understanding english. That was cool me and Larissa kept referring to George Lopez (you'd understand if you've seen it) yeah then they took me home. And I actually remembered the cross streets and everything! I'm so proud of myself. Then I came home and watched a HILARIOUS episode of Two Guys and a Girl. It was the Haloween special, it was awesome. Then my dad came home with $300 and that's a long story so now my dad is happy and so is my mom (except that there was just an earthquake and we had no idea) but my dad wanted fast food so ironically they are at Jack in the Box right now. Well that's all for now, Snugens.
This is from a later Haloween episode.

And this is the awesome Ryan Reynolds who plays the wonderful character that is Berg.
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